September 24, 2024

Scorpio The Final Show - Episode DCLXVI: Invasion of The Orcs 🧌


  Topics include:

           1)  Lab Grown Orcs

           2) NPC's/Minions
           3A Stranger in Your Own Country 

           4) Lift and Ravage


Feel free to contact me at

Originally posted by Scorpio on 9/23/2024 at 12:49:00 AM


cjag said...

Good day !

Scorpio, in past shows you have played this great song , perhaps you and the others, would enjoy this version ?

In times of uncertainty , levity is still needed, to remain sane !

from Ontario

cjag said...

Another version. lol

Panzerfaust said...

Exactly right, da joos that back Trump are not da joos that are behind the Democrats, the "both sides are the same" and "it's all a show" narratives parroted by flat erf self-described white supremacist idiots is simplistic garbage clearly designed to target emotions for the benefit of the Democrats. These fucking assholes are a cancer and that goes for bitch tits. I can only listen to Scorpio's solo shows

Panzerfaust said...

doubleplusgood said...

The synagogue Jews want Harris for president, so she can surrender the US after WW3.

Jumbo Patterson said...

Well what a surprise! Who could have seen that coming?

Gotta stop that child pornography and terrorism, dontcha know.

Panzerfaust said...

Tim said...

thegatewaypundit lol , change ya name to civcuckfaust?

Panzerfaust said...

Elon Musk too bent the knee, to Judge Lucifer of Brazil, pledging to ban politicians and anyone else that bald prick demands to be silenced.
This is the beginning of the end of the internet as we have come to know it.

Panzerfaust said...

Why don't you do me a favor and choke to death on a donkey dick.

Unknown said...

Why doesn't Panzerkike finally take the 6 Million "vaccine" boosters against his imaginary "virus"?


In the end, bottom line, it does not matter who is POTUS or any political puppet. The game is rigged and it cannot be fixed, but, you can chose to not play their game and simply live your life without this jew riffraff circus.

Unknown said...

Trying to balance with this link the utter 4D focus with Fetzer, Ritter etc, all hired propagandists to spin it in a certain direction for clueless americans, who neither comprehend their own system nor that of any other country.
The ignorance is so great.

Panzerfaust said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Panzerfaust said...

Ukrainian-Canadian same as Brown Green in Fetch's chat.

Unknown said...

You got it all so not figured out, Bagel in Texas, lol.
You god damn mor0on still refuse to get Krwmlin and NATO are in bed together, Putin is an asset put in place by Jews after drunk Yeltsmann.

I have a dream, you follow through with your dumb postings and take your booster poison.

Panzerfaust said...

My question at this point is was Mami's dumbed down by design or was it a natural process?

Unknown said...

Panzerbagel, you actively contributed with the dumb "virus" BS you spewed.
You are also so involved in the left/right chabad clown show, be it R/D or Kremlin/Washington. You are a lost cause, you are an ignorant pompous twat, and reason why the scum can do as they please. You are an NPC.

Jumbo Patterson said...

"I dream I'm in the park, I'm standing in the nudey I'm getting what I wanted, tutti frutti, tutti frutti."

Degenerate Brit-Funk - Moloko - Fun For Me