This week’s deployment of Blackhawk helicopters in Chicago is only the latest in a series of “urban warfare training” exercises that have become a familiar feature of American life.
As elsewhere, this exercise was sprung unannounced on a startled civilian population. Conducted in secrecy, apparently with the collusion of local police agencies and elected officials, Democrats and Republicans alike, the ostensible purpose of these exercises is to give US troops experience in what Pentagon doctrine refers to as “Military Operations on Urban Terrain.”
The United Nations is assessing private military and security companies and their commitment to international norms, an envoy said from New York.
The United Nations announced a panel discussion on the use of mercenaries and private security companies is scheduled next week at the U.N. headquarters.
Max Blumenthal, author of the upcoming book Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel, discusses the cozy relationship between anti-Semitic Christian rapturists and AIPAC staffers; retired US Central Commander General James Mattis’s frank talk of Israeli apartheid;
how Dennis Ross and Martin Indyk made sure America was a dishonest
broker in Israeli-Palestine peace talks; and the up-and-coming right
wing Israeli politicians who want open apartheid instead of the
incremental can-kicking strategy of Bibi Netanyahu. (Duration: 30:03 — 6.9MB)
Nima Shirazi, an
independent researcher and political analyst, discusses the decades of
Israeli-American scaremongering about Iran’s nearly-here nuclear
weapons; why the neocons and Zionists love Samantha Power;
the never-apologize attitude of American exceptionalists; and the
requirement of US Ambassador to the UN nominees to lie to the Senate and
prostrate before Israel. (Duration: 30:44 — 7.0MB)
Chris Woods, writer for The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, discusses the leaked Pakistani report that confirms a high civilian death toll
in CIA drones strikes; the CIA’s own low-ball estimates; the
significant decrease in reported civilian deaths since 2010; and why the
CIA chose to pick another fight with the Pakistani Taliban. (Duration: 31:36 — 7.2MB)
British journalist Yvonne Ridley: Does power make people crazy? Undoubtedly the best-known Muslim
journalist working in English, Yvonne Ridley has written for several of
the biggest British publications, as well as al-Jazeera and Press TV.
She is also an accomplished documentary filmmaker and one of Europe’s
best known Muslim human-rights activists. Her books include In the Hands of the Taliban, Ticket to Paradise, and God Made Me!: Who Made You?
Yvonne rocketed to fame when she was captured by the Taliban on the
eve of the US invasion of Afghanistan, then apparently targeted for a
false-flag operation by US forces, who wanted to kill her and blame it
on the Taliban.
After surviving the false-flag plot, Yvonne kept a promise to her
captors to read the Qur’an – and she was amazed at what she found. She
came to Islam in 2003, and has been a leading Muslim human rights
activist and engagée journalist ever since.
In this interview, we touch on many current hot issues – Egypt,
Syria, Snowden and the surveillance state, and much more. In the second
half of the interview, Yvonne wonders – and I do too – whether power
makes people crazy.
A message from our sponsors: Truth Jihad Radio on AFR will
be taking a summer vacation until Friday, August 9th. During this
vacation, I will continue doing occasional radio shows – about one per
week. Members of
will have preferential access to those shows. To have immediate access
to my summer shows, please go to and sign up as a member! Check out Kevin’s new book: Questioning the War on Terror: A Primer for Obama Voters.
Today: The Jewish extremists are going all out to suppress word of my new book, The Secret Behind Communism, reaching the people. They have suppressed a video with the powerful interview about the book with Dr. Duke and Jeff Rense on the Rense Show. It looks like the first step in an effort to black out Dr. Duke's videos entirely. Such actions should show us the power and possibilities of this book to wake up the world! The video will be posted on Dare to think free Video site shortly, be sure to link it, copy it, and post it on every video site on the Net! Promote it in every forum. Make this weekend a great step forward in reaching the world with these vital facts!
By Nathan Fuller, Bradley Manning Support Network. July 25, 2013.
The government’s closing argument took up today’s entire Bradley Manning trial session, reviewing its evidence, inferences, and conclusions for each set of documents released, based on several weeks of witnesses. The prosecution alleged that Manning released to WikiLeaks because he felt an “utter disregard for this country…. no allegiance to any country,” which it called similar to the viewpoints of an anarchist.