When we do a search of Alex Jones’ ‘Infowars‘
website for the term ‘Golden Dawn,’ we get three results, all of which
are articles from 2012, which frame the party as “Neo-Nazis” who
“threaten democracy.”
How interesting it is that Mr. Jones, who speaks incessantly about
the importance of “freedom” and “patriotism” has chosen to remain
completely silent, not simply on the meteoric rise of the party, but
also on the Soviet-style shakedown of the Golden Dawn. Even as the
mainstream international media is keeping close tabs on the situation in
Greece, with dozens of articles being posted every day at major
English-language outlets, Jones has yet to utter the party’s name.
October 15, 2013
Here’s Who REALLY Runs Things In America
Nothing new here other than the same old jew-whore-shills are still repeating the same old bullshit.
Here’s Who REALLY
Runs Things In America
By Brother Nathanael Kapner Copyright 2013
October 13, 2013

HERE WE GO AGAIN… back to those formless culprits once again. Now we have “Trilaterists” running things in America. Added to Alex Jones’ “globalists;” Gerald Celente’s “presstitutes;” and all those slippery “Bilderbergers” hiding under every political rock, we now have Jon Rappoport telling us that it’s the “Trilaterists” that we must be wary of.
Not only is Rappoport dodging the ‘Jew word’ when revealing “who really runs things in America” but his list of “Trilaterists” is outdated. For Geithner, James Jones, Volker, and Blair, have long since vacated the Obama administration.

Runs Things In America
By Brother Nathanael Kapner Copyright 2013
October 13, 2013

HERE WE GO AGAIN… back to those formless culprits once again. Now we have “Trilaterists” running things in America. Added to Alex Jones’ “globalists;” Gerald Celente’s “presstitutes;” and all those slippery “Bilderbergers” hiding under every political rock, we now have Jon Rappoport telling us that it’s the “Trilaterists” that we must be wary of.
Not only is Rappoport dodging the ‘Jew word’ when revealing “who really runs things in America” but his list of “Trilaterists” is outdated. For Geithner, James Jones, Volker, and Blair, have long since vacated the Obama administration.
The Realist Report with John Friend 2013.10.15
Below are relevant links for this program:
- William Dudley Pelley - Metapedia
- No More Hunger by William Dudley Pelley
John Friend.net
The Realist Report (TalkShoe)
Scott Horton 2013.10.14
First interview Philip Giraldi
Philip Giraldi, executive director of the Council for the National Interest, discusses CNI’s fight against the Israel lobby’s undue influence on US foreign policy; why a Syrian solution is not as hard as it seems; and how improved US-Iran relations would greatly reduce Middle East tensions. (Duration: 31:10 — 14.3MB)
32k Download
Second interview Ray McGovern
Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern discusses his trip to Russia to present NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden the Sam Adams Award for Integrity in Intelligence. (Duration: 27:07 — 12.4MB)
32k Download
Third interview Rachel Levinson-Waldman
Rachel Levinson-Waldman, Counsel to the Brennan Center’s Liberty and National Security Program, discusses what the government does with Americans’ data; how the “fusion centers” established after 9/11 to fight terrorism quickly expanded their focus to all manner of criminal activity; whether public backlash can dial back the government’s power; and the NSA’s lies about oversight and the legality of their spying activities. (Duration: 32:14 — 14.8MB)
32k Download
No Agenda Global Radio
Scott Horton.org
Philip Giraldi, executive director of the Council for the National Interest, discusses CNI’s fight against the Israel lobby’s undue influence on US foreign policy; why a Syrian solution is not as hard as it seems; and how improved US-Iran relations would greatly reduce Middle East tensions. (Duration: 31:10 — 14.3MB)
32k Download
Second interview Ray McGovern
Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern discusses his trip to Russia to present NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden the Sam Adams Award for Integrity in Intelligence. (Duration: 27:07 — 12.4MB)
32k Download
Third interview Rachel Levinson-Waldman
Rachel Levinson-Waldman, Counsel to the Brennan Center’s Liberty and National Security Program, discusses what the government does with Americans’ data; how the “fusion centers” established after 9/11 to fight terrorism quickly expanded their focus to all manner of criminal activity; whether public backlash can dial back the government’s power; and the NSA’s lies about oversight and the legality of their spying activities. (Duration: 32:14 — 14.8MB)
32k Download
No Agenda Global Radio
Scott Horton.org
David Duke Show 2013.10.15
Today: Nietzche's Birthday! Dr. David Duke has a powerful start to the show by talking about the celebration in Jewish media of the unbroken, continued control of the FED by Jewish tribalists. He is joined by Dr. Slattery and they talk about how the impact of the Jewish controlled Federal Reserve on the economy and the economic conditions of the American people. Then Dr. Duke shares some quotes from Frederick Nietzsche on his birthday! Dr. Slattery and Dr. Duke analyze and discuss some of the meanings of these quotes!
David's site
64k CF Download
David's site
64k CF Download
The Death Knell for OPEC
This Massive Discovery Has Put The Saudi’s Into a Panic
It's the biggest find in 50 years and the media is completely ignoring it...
It is 6 times larger than the Bakken, 17 times the size of the Marcellus formation, and 80 times larger than the Eagle Ford shale.
All told what was recently discovered outside a sleepy Australian town contains more black gold more than in all of Iran, Iraq, Canada, or Venezuela.
With current estimates at 233 billion barrels its just 30 billion shy of the estimated reserves in all of Saudi Arabia.
According to one renowned international expert, this massive discovery could eventually dwarf the oil rich kingdom as the original estimates are revised.
An advisor to six of the top 10 oil producers and active consultant to 20 world governments, Dr. Kent Moors now believes the find, "may land at 300 or 400 billion barrels," making it one of "the greatest unconventional oil discoveries any of us will see in our lifetimes."
"It's represents a bona fide redrawing of the global energy map as we know it," Moors says, "and the mainstream media is completely ignoring it."
Read more here.
It's the biggest find in 50 years and the media is completely ignoring it...
It is 6 times larger than the Bakken, 17 times the size of the Marcellus formation, and 80 times larger than the Eagle Ford shale.
All told what was recently discovered outside a sleepy Australian town contains more black gold more than in all of Iran, Iraq, Canada, or Venezuela.
With current estimates at 233 billion barrels its just 30 billion shy of the estimated reserves in all of Saudi Arabia.
According to one renowned international expert, this massive discovery could eventually dwarf the oil rich kingdom as the original estimates are revised.
An advisor to six of the top 10 oil producers and active consultant to 20 world governments, Dr. Kent Moors now believes the find, "may land at 300 or 400 billion barrels," making it one of "the greatest unconventional oil discoveries any of us will see in our lifetimes."
"It's represents a bona fide redrawing of the global energy map as we know it," Moors says, "and the mainstream media is completely ignoring it."
Read more here.
Spingola Speaks 2013.10.15
Guest: Dr.
Nancy T. Banks,
the author of AIDS, Opium, Diamonds &
Empire, the Deadly Virus of International Greed
News Page
Deanna's site
Official chat room
Spingola Speaks .Info
News Page
Deanna's site
Official chat room
Spingola Speaks .Info
Why I Won’t Be Charitable When The SHTF
![]() |
Is there a fan big enough for this? |
Of course agreeing or disagreeing with someone is purely personal choice. I am not saying they are wrong, just that I disagree with them.
Take for instance the charity aspect of prepping.
Many of the big names in prepping advocate that we should show solid Christian values in times of crisis and lay aside some essential items to give away to those that pass through who are less fortunate that ourselves. NOT A CHANCE.
It has nothing to do with the fact that I have prepared, that I have scrimped and saved, and they possibly have not. It has nothing to do with greed on my part and to hell with all others. It has to do with the survival of my family. (thedailysheeple)
In a recent report, the National Cancer Institute (NCI), part of the Federal government’s National Institutes of Health (NIH), stated that marijuana “inhibited the survival of both estrogen receptor–positive and estrogen receptor–negative breast cancer cell lines.”
The Realist Report with John Friend 2013.10.14
John Friend.net
The Realist Report (TalkShoe)
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.10.14
Listen Download Hour 1 - Lindsey Williams - Obamacare Nightmare
Listen Download Hour 2 - Andrew Meyer - Don't Tase Me, Bro'
Listen Download Hour 3 - Michael Collins - Radiation Out Of Control, Pacific Is Gone - Yoichi Shimatsu - Fukushima Plant Deteriorating Fast
56k CF
Rense' site
The Heretics' Hour 2013.10.14
Killing the Holocaust Myth, Part 3
Carolyn takes selections from Carlo Mattogno’s chapter 5 in The “Extermination Camps” of “Aktion Reinhardt” that deal with Holocauster’s claims of “decimation by labor;” “local exterminations” which took place before the “final solution” was given by Hitler allegedly between Dec. 7 and 14, 1941 (Pearl Harbor!); Himmler’s order to shoot the Jews in Pinsk; Hitler’s comments to Hungary’s Horthy on “burning his bridges” and Jews likened to bacilli and pests. Some other important points:
- In the occupied territories, the Germans needed to direct the Jews from the countryside into the cities (ghettos) to lessen the danger of partisan activity;
- By far, most of the shootings in the Soviet Union and Poland consisted of reprisals for guerrilla terrorism against Wehrmacht troops and supplies;
- The “Lorpicrin gassing” shows the kind of fake stories that are accepted by orthodox holocaust historians;
- Eichmann’s testimony for “gassings” at Chelmo, Treblinka or Belzec, used by holocausters, is useless because contradictory;
- German ministers serving in the East had difficulty finding a way to deal with their dangerous Jews, as they could often not be sent somewhere else;
- Mattogno shows that Poles and Serbs were shot for partisan activity along with Jews – it was not a policy aimed at Jews alone;
- Hitler, in his meetings with Hungary’s Horthy in 1944, used the word “decay”, not “exterminate,” in referring to the fate of the Jews who would not work.
The White Network
Original Post
Carolyn' site
32k Download
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