Showing posts with label Jew_Ron_im-o. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jew_Ron_im-o. Show all posts

August 08, 2020

Notice about Chris from Australia aka Jew_Ron_im-o

I just received this message from a good friend of Chris':

 Hi Gertjan, 
I'm Christopher Wright's son in law. I'm sorry we haven't been able to contact you sooner. 
Unfortunately Chris passed away on Wednesday 29th July 2020.

We are having his funeral tomorrow at 11am Sydney Australia time.

Chris was a guy of the highest integrity and the numerous stories he had about his life and his experiences were always fascinating and informative - his sense of humor was legendary. He will be greatly missed.

RIP - he is in a better place now

Zap - could you please sticky this so it doesn't go down the memory hole tomorrow.