Dr. David Duke again delves into the whole Ferguson issue and he gives the reality of cross-race crime in America and shows how it is the opposite of what the Zio media claims. He shows how there is no evidence of disproportionate shootings of Black males in America by police and actually the evidence is overwhelming that the smaller number of Police shootings that are white exist because Whites commit only a fraction of the rate of crime as do Blacks in our major cities, and in proportion of criminality (which are most police shootings) Whites are far more likely to be shot by police than are Blacks! He also shows how that crime rates and Black crime rates have gone up exponentially in correlation to changeover in the Jewish domination of media in America advancing both racism in minorities against European Americans and values in Hollywood such as gangster rap and the violent, criminal, drug using, sexually abusing value system adopted by so many young blacks and by a number, but smaller percentage of Whites as well. He shows how the anti-White racism has been and is simply a weapon to use against European Americans in their racist efforts to control American academia, media, finance and politics. To be the masters of America, they had to displace and demonize the American non-Jewish European majority and destroy any sense of ethnic loyalty among it so the Jewish ultra-racists could take over. Additional commentary is by Dr. Patrick Slattery.
Listen, enjoy, learn and share!
Senior Research Fellow Patrick McLaughlin demonstrates the growth of
federal regulation in the United States since 1950 by stacking books
from the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).
The red and black
colors do not signify anything relevant to this demonstration. The
federal government releases partial updates to the CFR on a quarterly
basis and changes the color from one year to the next.
stacks for 1950, 1970, and 1990 are represented using the average size
volume in 2013, which is roughly 750 pages long. Stack size is
calculated by dividing the page count in those years by 750 pages.
EUROLand; Fappening; Caliphate!; Internet Of Things; F-Russia; Packet Equality; Israel / Gaza; NWO; Furgeson; Agenda 21; NA-Tech; Shut Up Slave!; Hams; K-Word / Superfood; IRS, and all your usual listening whilst perusing the naked pics of celebs over at 4Chan Favourites.
Tonight, join an Observer as we discuss the extortion known as the
kosher tax, avoiding kosher products, and why the jew’s forcing of their
inane laws upon we mere “goyim” is an act of domination over us…as is