When we do a search of Alex Jones’ ‘Infowars‘
website for the term ‘Golden Dawn,’ we get three results, all of which
are articles from 2012, which frame the party as “Neo-Nazis” who
“threaten democracy.”
How interesting it is that Mr. Jones, who speaks incessantly about
the importance of “freedom” and “patriotism” has chosen to remain
completely silent, not simply on the meteoric rise of the party, but
also on the Soviet-style shakedown of the Golden Dawn. Even as the
mainstream international media is keeping close tabs on the situation in
Greece, with dozens of articles being posted every day at major
English-language outlets, Jones has yet to utter the party’s name.
Happily, you don't have to be 100% aryan to be aware of jews.Everyone be aware, Andrew would throw all other groups in Fema camps if they would not voluntarily leave the US if he had is druthers-the jews thankyou for your principled stance, Andrew!
I'm with you about not having to be 100% Aryan. I am white and I can appreciate many of the sentiments of wn's but I hardly disagree with everything they say, but he is right about Fatboy Jones.
is that joe blow behind jone$?
adding a 100% aryan qualification to the jew fight just helps the jews- and encourages those not so blessed to side with the jews, plus, it's an impossible argument to defend in front of sheep and distracts from the jew fight- discredit the message by denigrating the "cult of whiteness message"!It's a win for the jews
You're over-simplifying Johnny. There is definitely a white struggle going on whether you choose to acknowledge it or not. To say it "helps the jews" and "it's a win for the jews" to recognize that whites are being targeted is an unfounded opinion and that's all. If you really understood the nature of the beast you would realize that there is no beating it with any kind of watered down, one-size fits all solution. The FACT of the matter is this has not worked so far and is exactly what's making matters worse. The Jew World Order is all about NOT having self-sufficient races/nations and mixing it all up - the result being a weakened liberal mass of plebs who will accept just about everything as better than having to actually get off their ass & do something about it.
No. This IS about race but not just about whites. You see the issues being white issues around you because they are being presented by whites. The umbrella issue is Nationalism vs Internationalism and TRUE cultural diversity within one's race/nation vs multiculturalism ie. the melting pot where we are all rendered down! That simply means that each nation gets to retain & nurture it's predominant culture (I'm not from the US so it's easier for me to see this in other countries). This is already the case in most countries EXCEPT those which have/used to have a predominantly white culture/population. Try going to any middle eastern country and try on what most immigrants/"minorities" do in yours. Try demanding that you get given handouts that favor you over the predominant national population. Try forming groups only for your race, naming it with the name of your race and then saying that because you are a minority you should always get special treatment that favors you over the predominant national population. See how long your head stays on your shoulders!!!
From where I stand after decades of looking into this, International nationalism appears to be the only way to beat the parasites back, eventually rid yourself of them and achieve any REAL freedom for your people, your family, your kin. Oh but it requires a bit of actual work & a bit of critical thought though. And it might mean that you have to give up jew money, jew media and other jew distractions. It might also mean that you have to start thinking about what's best for something bigger & more important than just yourself all the time and that right there is usually the hardest one for most people ;)
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