January 26, 2012
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2012.01.25
Listen Download Hour 1 - From England - Tim Rifat - Geopolitical/Military Analysis
Listen Download Hour 2 - Charlotte Iserbyt - Americans Now Dumber Than Dirt
Listen Download Hour 3 - Joseph Farrell - A Conversation
The Real World of Money – Andrew Gause 2012.01.25
-Apple has 96 Billion in cash; how balance sheets provide power
-Former Treasury Secretary Paulson with inside talks with Goldman Sachs on Fannie and Freddie.
-What happened to the MF Global story ?
-Black ops, the media and money
-Andy is researching the trial of Raymond Burr, what is treason?
-The India, China Iran oil for gold stories are abundant today
-Housing numbers are in. We asked Andy what the Straight of Hormuz story is all about
-Understanding the discount window at the Fed
-Long predicted loan modification program to save the banks is getting closer. Can you particiapate?
-The USG is responsible for 40% of GDP. Have we painted ourselves into an unsustainable corner where we need poor health care and wars just to maintain status quo?
-Maiden Lane II and AIG bedtime story. It stars the Fed of NY
-EU update
-Andy’s Gold/Silver predictions for 2012
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-Apple has 96 Billion in cash; how balance sheets provide power
-Former Treasury Secretary Paulson with inside talks with Goldman Sachs on Fannie and Freddie.
-What happened to the MF Global story ?
-Black ops, the media and money
-Andy is researching the trial of Raymond Burr, what is treason?
-The India, China Iran oil for gold stories are abundant today
-Housing numbers are in. We asked Andy what the Straight of Hormuz story is all about
-Understanding the discount window at the Fed
-Long predicted loan modification program to save the banks is getting closer. Can you particiapate?
-The USG is responsible for 40% of GDP. Have we painted ourselves into an unsustainable corner where we need poor health care and wars just to maintain status quo?
-Maiden Lane II and AIG bedtime story. It stars the Fed of NY
-EU update
-Andy’s Gold/Silver predictions for 2012
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January 25, 2012
David Duke Show 2012.01.25
Today: Interview with Denmark attorney Knud Eriksen who is translating David's book: Jewish Supremacism.
David's site
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2012.01.24
Listen Download Hour 1 - Jeffrey Smith - GMO Wars
Listen Download Hour 2 - Dr. Bill Deagle MD - Update
Listen Download Hour 3 - Frosty Wooldridge - Immigration About Numbers Not Race
January 24, 2012
The National Intel Report with John Stadtmiller 2012.01.23
Bob Chapman ( TheInternationalForecaster.com ) joins John, for the first hour, as they discuss the bankers, debt and derivatives, currency creation, Ron Paul and voting scandals, militarizing police (training exercise in L.A.), underwater mortgages, and more.
As Jeffrey Bennett ( www.FederalObserver.com ) joins John, they continue to discuss the upcoming State of the Union address (underwater mortgages announcement to come from Obama), and a report from Arthur in Georgia about a potential tour of inner workings for the upcoming primary in his county. A caller brings up taking the fight to the cops, so John explains why that is a bogus option. Later, there is more conversation about Ron Paul, elections, and government control.
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As Jeffrey Bennett ( www.FederalObserver.com ) joins John, they continue to discuss the upcoming State of the Union address (underwater mortgages announcement to come from Obama), and a report from Arthur in Georgia about a potential tour of inner workings for the upcoming primary in his county. A caller brings up taking the fight to the cops, so John explains why that is a bogus option. Later, there is more conversation about Ron Paul, elections, and government control.
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Short End of the Stick with Mike Harris 2012.01.24
David Duke Show 2012.01.24
Today: David talks with a guest which he calls Ali about what may be the Zionist agenda towards Syria, Lebanon and Iran.
David's site
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2012.01.23
Listen Download Hour 1 - Dr. Hesham Tillawi - Mideast Report
Listen Download Hour 2 - Montgomery Blair Sibley - Patriot Attorney
Listen Download Hour 3 - Michael Collins - Fukushima Radiation In The US
January 23, 2012
Mike In East Texas 2012.01.23
Charley chats with a man who in his own words calls a "Forensic Economist ". We only know him by the name "Mike in East Texas", who once a week on Sunday into Monday night talks with Charley about all things economic from heath care reform to Obama's stimulus plan etc. This dude may sound like a hick (Which is why I picked the picture to the right) but trust me my friend he talks with a lot more reason then any of the clowns on FOX ABC, MSNBC etc. Listen Download
The National Intel Report with John Stadtmiller 2012.01.23
Deanna Spingola and Ron MacDonald, guest hosting for John Stadtmiller, welcome Bernard von NotHaus for an update before his sentencing, and Walter Burien who talked about the CAFR and the hidden resources of all governments, which are actually corporations.
Walter's website is: CAFR1.com
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Walter's website is: CAFR1.com
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David Duke Show 2012.01.23
Today: David talks about the Jewish article that called for Obama's assassination https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/284979-ajt.html Mossad false flags etc, Kennedy Wahlen joins David to discuss humanity's parasite.
David's site
January 22, 2012
January 21, 2012
Truth Quest With Melodee Hallett
Truth Quest with Melodee explores political, educational, historical, health, new technologies, often controversial, and even some pushing the envelope topics along with my many well informed and dedicated guests and co-hosts.
64K - Guest Dennis Fetcho Download
Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye 2012.01.21
Show: Inside the Eye Live!
Websites: http://illuminatusobservor.blogspot.com/
Email: thefetch@yahoo.com
Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in Amman, Jordan. He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom. The Fetch is also the voice of "Inside The Eye", the podcast companion to the Illuminatus Observor.
64K - Guest Celtic Rebel Listen Download
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