April 26, 2012
David Duke Show 2012.04.26
Today: Dr. David Duke and Dr. James Thring go into the follies of massive American money sent to Israel, including funding gas masks that are coming back to America as cheap "Bong Masks" for drugs. Plus a thorough analysis of how Jewish extremists control political fundraising. Dr. Duke debunks the corporate control of globalism and shows how it is not corporations in general that are leading us to disaster but specific corporations such as the Zoinst-dominated International Financial organizations such as Goldman Sachs that have the lion share of influence. It is not "Big Oil" that runs the world but "Big Zionism!".
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David's site
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2012.04.25
Listen Download Hour 1 - From England - Tim Rifat - Israel Desperate For War?
Listen Download Hour 2 - Jordan Maxwell - The Control Matrix
Listen Download Hour 3 - Dr. Joseph Farrell - The WWII German Nuclear Bomb Program
April 25, 2012
The National Intel Report with John Stadtmiller 2012.04.25
The Real World of Money – Andrew Gause 2012.04.25
In the Money World, Nothing is Ever As it Seems
Andrew Gause covers massive territory in this edition of The Real World of Money. He learned long ago that protecting our wealth and understanding what money is – of paramount importance for us all and The United States remains the best place to be.
-Let’s review Franklin D. Roosevelt gathering the gold, having a bank holiday, revaluing the gold, (ouch!) and along comes Richard M. Nixon and changes the game again in 1971
-Do the math….A three trillion dollar budget, 300 million people in U.S. equals $10,000 per person to do what the USG does. What do they do?
-Oil, confidence and the dollar coupling to set the stage for today
-France about to elect a real Socialist
-Treasury Secretary Geithner’s big Social Security announcement…the rest of the story.
-Means testing coming to a social security check near you
-IMF, World Bank in D.C. over the weekend for a fundraiser
-What is a day in paradise without the Hegelian Dialectic?
-Zero interest rates through the end of 2014. What’s that about?
-Student loans: Is it the 1 Trillion Dollar time bomb or not?
-Listener asks, “Do we all participate in the expansion of the money supply as we play the game?”
-What is a dollar?
-If dollars were powder one could snort them
-Will there come a day when the USG will default on their bonds?
-Campaign 2012 is Eat the rich
-Anyone want to move to Utah?
-UCC 1-305
-How is barter looked upon by the IRS, and by the Supreme Court?
-The London Fix is in
-Let’s compare the commodities boom in the 70’s to now
-So Ron Paul wants to go on the gold standard. How will that be for you?
-Bivens action, Title 42- sections 1983. Listen carefully, this is good.
-What’s so great about the United nations? Well, the parking is and Andy tells us other wonderful things.
-Goldman Sachs plays both ends against the middle.
Patrick Timpones One Radio Network archive: http://www.oneradionetwork.com/the-real-world-of-money/
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Andrew Gause covers massive territory in this edition of The Real World of Money. He learned long ago that protecting our wealth and understanding what money is – of paramount importance for us all and The United States remains the best place to be.
-Let’s review Franklin D. Roosevelt gathering the gold, having a bank holiday, revaluing the gold, (ouch!) and along comes Richard M. Nixon and changes the game again in 1971
-Do the math….A three trillion dollar budget, 300 million people in U.S. equals $10,000 per person to do what the USG does. What do they do?
-Oil, confidence and the dollar coupling to set the stage for today
-France about to elect a real Socialist
-Treasury Secretary Geithner’s big Social Security announcement…the rest of the story.
-Means testing coming to a social security check near you
-IMF, World Bank in D.C. over the weekend for a fundraiser
-What is a day in paradise without the Hegelian Dialectic?
-Zero interest rates through the end of 2014. What’s that about?
-Student loans: Is it the 1 Trillion Dollar time bomb or not?
-Listener asks, “Do we all participate in the expansion of the money supply as we play the game?”
-What is a dollar?
-If dollars were powder one could snort them
-Will there come a day when the USG will default on their bonds?
-Campaign 2012 is Eat the rich
-Anyone want to move to Utah?
-UCC 1-305
-How is barter looked upon by the IRS, and by the Supreme Court?
-The London Fix is in
-Let’s compare the commodities boom in the 70’s to now
-So Ron Paul wants to go on the gold standard. How will that be for you?
-Bivens action, Title 42- sections 1983. Listen carefully, this is good.
-What’s so great about the United nations? Well, the parking is and Andy tells us other wonderful things.
-Goldman Sachs plays both ends against the middle.
Patrick Timpones One Radio Network archive: http://www.oneradionetwork.com/the-real-world-of-money/
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Guns and Butter with Bonnie Faulkner 2012.04.25
"A Debate On How To Get Out of the Euro" with Marshall Auerback, Michael Hudson, William K. Black and Stephanie Kelton in Rimini, Italy.
What withdrawal from the Euro system would mean for households and businesses in Italy; how to manage savings; what would likely happen in a return to sovereign currency; how the government and National Bank of Italy could manage the change; monetary and fiscal policy; interest rates; bond markets; loss of national power due to the rules of the Stability and Growth Pact and the inability to set employment policy.
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What withdrawal from the Euro system would mean for households and businesses in Italy; how to manage savings; what would likely happen in a return to sovereign currency; how the government and National Bank of Italy could manage the change; monetary and fiscal policy; interest rates; bond markets; loss of national power due to the rules of the Stability and Growth Pact and the inability to set employment policy.
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The Jack Blood Show 2012.04.25
Wednesday - News, info, opinion, and phone calls. No guests.
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Edited by temp9 from concen
Spingola Speaks 2012.04.25
The Unsolicited Opinion with Maggie Roddin 2012.04.25
Guests: Maggie talks to Michael Shaw of http://www.freedomadvocates.org/ about Agenda 21.
Freedom Advocates represents a cross-section of people from all political parties and backgrounds who are united in the principles of individual liberty, equal justice and the constitutional administration of government. People are born with unalienable rights and government exists to protect those rights. Rather than bureaucrats mandating indoctrination programs, parents should direct the terms of their child’s education. Rather than bureaucrats taking the use of private property, the ideals of private property should be protected by government.
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Freedom Advocates represents a cross-section of people from all political parties and backgrounds who are united in the principles of individual liberty, equal justice and the constitutional administration of government. People are born with unalienable rights and government exists to protect those rights. Rather than bureaucrats mandating indoctrination programs, parents should direct the terms of their child’s education. Rather than bureaucrats taking the use of private property, the ideals of private property should be protected by government.
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Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2012.04.24
Listen Download Hour 1 - Richard Ostrow - Natural Abnormal Cell Killer From Venus Fly Trap - Ty Bollinger - CancerTruth.net - Nancy - Lyme & Lymphoma Victor
Listen Download Hour 2 - Chris Atkin - Secure Your Emergency Food NOW Before It Is Too Late
Hour 3 - (encore)
April 24, 2012
Vyzygoth Raw and Live 4-21-12
The National Intel Report with John Stadtmiller 2012.04.24
Song Clip: Victoria Jackson on SNL – ‘There’s a Communist in the White House’
Guest: Bob Chapman -- TheInternationalForecaster.com
The new financial bubble is in the bond market. Listeners spark comments on the EU and chemtrails; an airline pilot calls in from the Netherlands to offer his perceptions.
Preparations for NATO / G8 Summits in Chicago continue, as residents are warned to stay away from their homes, and anti-terrorism drills – likely related – are scheduled in Colorado and Chicago.
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Guest: Bob Chapman -- TheInternationalForecaster.com
The new financial bubble is in the bond market. Listeners spark comments on the EU and chemtrails; an airline pilot calls in from the Netherlands to offer his perceptions.
Preparations for NATO / G8 Summits in Chicago continue, as residents are warned to stay away from their homes, and anti-terrorism drills – likely related – are scheduled in Colorado and Chicago.
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The Jack Blood Show 2012.04.24
Tuesday - News, info, opinion, and a call from Dave. No guests. [Note: there was no new show yesterday. Dead air in the first hour & a replay of the 4-11 show in the second hour.
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Edited by temp9 from concen
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Edited by temp9 from concen
Zodiac Killings
Date: 04-22-12
Host: George Knapp
Guest: Tom Voigt
George Knapp welcomed Tom Voigt, an expert on the Zodiac killings, for a discussion on the case, the victims, and the suspects behind the infamous slayings. "It's ridiculous that so much evidence can exist and so many clues can exist and yet we still don't know this guy's name," he lamented. Despite it being over 40 years since the Zodiac killer struck, Voigt was confident that the case will eventually be definitively solved. To that end, he revealed that the Napa County sheriff's department have recently taken a fresh look at the case and are hoping to extract the killer's DNA from the physical evidence they have from his crimes. "After all these years," Voigt marveled, "there might be some actual evidence that will point to his identity."
In looking at what may have been the motivation behind the Zodiac killer, Voigt suggested that his habit of writing taunting letters to the press may be a critical clue, since the actual murders do not fit the classic mold of a serial killer. "He only had a handful of victims, but he had 20 letters," Voigt said, "it tells me that what was really important to him was what he put in his letters." As such, he observed that these letters served to mock the police, frighten the public, and, ultimately, create "a whole big mess." While this motivation may suggest that the Zodiac was merely an egomaniac driven by the desire to gain perverse notoriety for his crimes, Voigt was skeptical of this theory. Conversely, he surmised that the killer stood, somehow, to gain from both occupying police resources and attention as well as making law enforcement look inept.
Regarding who may have been behind the Zodiac killings, he pointed to former journalist and politician Richard Gaikowski as one of the strongest suspects. After detailing a number of elements which connect Gaikowski to the murders, Voigt shared one particularly eerie clue. He noted that the first cipher sent by the Zodiac contained the letters 'gyke,' which was Gaikowski's pen name when he was a counter culture journalist. Once the cipher was solved, Voigt said, the letters 'gyke' were revealed to be 'ause,' the second syllable of Gaikowski's name. "But you don't get that unless you know the cipher key," he explained, "so 'gyke' becomes 'ause' with the 'key' ... Gaikowski, it's brilliant." Calling Gaikowski an "amazing suspect," Voigt was so confident in the man's guilt that he declared "if I had any savings, I'd bet it on Richard Gaikowski being the Zodiac."
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Project HAARP & Mind Effects
Date: 04-18-12
Host: George Noory
Guest: Nick Begich
Lecturer and author Dr. Nick Begich discussed Project HAARP, and whether it's capable of affecting the climate or causing earthquakes, as well as updates on mind control and brain altering/enhancing technologies. "Mind effects are one of the most fertile grounds for military planners. It is one of the biggest areas of research in terms of trying to figure out, manipulate, mold, shape, and form the mind," he noted. While DARPA serves as the lead, almost every branch of the US military explores this kind of technology, he continued.
"Electronic telepathy is just a synthetic version of what is the natural radio of human beings, if you will...each of us is a transceiver and a transducer, we're picking up energy, we're transferring energy," and that's why telepathy, energy medicine, and higher human capacities are all associated with changes in energy states, Begich commented. But, a mental background of fear and anxiety will prevent people from experiencing higher states of consciousness, he pointed out.
HAARP is an array of antennas in Alaska, and by firing radio frequencies through them, a number of effects can be created such as altering the ionosphere. Begich reported that the secretive program is still active, contrary to rumors that it had closed down. It's possible HAARP technology could be used for manipulation of weather for control of a battlefield, creating what appears to be natural disasters, as well as earthquake generation using a small amount of energy to trigger a much larger reaction, he detailed. The earth-penetrating tomography function of HAARP uses a pulse rate that correlates to the rhythms of the human brain, which suggests that mind control/influence could be done over a large area through the atmosphere, he added.
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God, Hell, & Souls
Date: 04-17-12
Host: George Noory
Guests: G. Creighton Bradshaw, Bill Osmunson
Lifelong student of the paranormal, ancient mysteries and manuscripts, G. Creighton Bradshaw, talked about the origins for humankind, souls, and the spiritual nature of our existence, as well as his notions of the afterlife, including heaven and hell. Influenced by the spiritualist writings of James E. Padgett, Bradshaw also absorbed the work of Zecharia Sitchin, and concurred with his conclusion that a group of ETs called the Annunaki came to Earth and conducted genetic manipulation in order to create humans as workers for their operations.
Bradshaw views God as an all-encompassing concept that we can better understand from a spiritual vantage. There are both spiritual and celestial spheres-- "the celestial is for the angelic, the ones that get the holy spirit into them; they become divine and have the Christ principle in them," he said. The rest of us enter into spiritual spheres when we pass on, and eventually surface at the level that the soul is conditioned to go, he explained, adding that there are various levels of light and dark, or what could be considered heaven and hell.
In order to progress to the level of "true immortality," and enter the celestial sphere, you have to completely give yourself over, he said. Here on Earth, there are evil spirits that can negatively influence people, Bradshaw commented, though he does not believe in the existence of the Devil. A number of callers shared their encounters with evil, and debated whether Satan or the Devil does indeed exist.
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David Duke Show 2012.04.24
Today: Dr. Duke and Dr. MacDonald go deep into the fascinating subject of Jewish Genetics and how both genetics and culture hae influenced Jewish supremacism. Also discussed is how Israel and Jews around the world are involved in projects to preserve Jewish genetic character while they are smultaneously denying ethnic realities among the rest of humanity.
David's site
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