F-16′s, Marines and Tyranny Run Amuck
“Accumulate, don’t speculate” says Andrew in this edition of the Real World of Money. And the World of Money is getting stranger by the day.
Today’s topics included:
-According to the Volkner Rule, bad on JP Morgan. Nothing here,move along.
-Andrew paints a picture of why the silver bulls who have argued that big daily moves up are possible, why it could happen
-The fall tsunami is coming. Déjà vu all over again. Listen to some of our spring 2008 shows in the archive section.
-It is necessary to understand “Words of Art” in understanding what is really going on in the EU and the Euro
-The CBO argues, in code, how taking away the money punch bowl will be disaster for the economy
-All government employees make up big percentage of U.S. GDP
-All Central Banks are buying their own debt with newly created money
-Are the reports of bank runs in Greece and Spain credible?
-“10% never lent, never spent each month”, says Andrew Gause
-What was the currency act of 1696?
-Why doesn’t the ECB just print the Euros and buy Greek debt? The answer may shock you, or not
-The dollar’s reserve currency status is the deal. What backs the U.S. Dollar? F-16’s and Marines
-The money supply doesn’t even matter anymore
-How much is the FDIC on the hook for during a banking collapse? Is your CD safe?
-Buying Sovereign debt bonds is tricky business these days
-Analyzing the 650 Billion spent in Afghanistan since 2001? Do you want your money back?
-Words of art and The Euro Bond
-The story of Facebook Friday
-Andy suggests, “Tragedy and Hope” as good summer reading
-Housing update
-Ireland considering telling the boys to pound sand
-The ins and outs of the drivers license and birth certificate
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