Destroying the Industrialized Economy and Wiping Out the Middle Class: The Camels Nose Is Under The TentWe start the show off with an off the cuff history lesson from Professor Gause. This is fun. It all starts when the idea of auditing the Fed vs. taking over the Fed and what The Boys have “expensed” in the last 100 years. And after expenses have a four trillion dollar balance sheet.
Todays Topics:
-The ECB is Europe’s version of The Fed
-The ECB is creating Euros, buying the debt of Spain and Greece, and sterilizing the inflation effects at the same time.
-What does all this EU and Fed “Action” mean us?
-Big difference between liquidity and solvency
-A listener asks, “Many are talking of a collapse of the financial system in 2013, what does Andy say?”
-95% of all dollars are electronic blips on a computer, the perfect setup to control money and control inflation…for now
-We go over recent employment numbers and it is the quality of the jobs not the quantity of jobs that’s meaningful
-Audio of GM CEO in China, you may find interesting
-The American Plan vs. Communism, guess which one belongs to U.S. and China
-Controlling public opinion through the media is as old as paper and ink
-Privacy slips away, one camel’s nose at a time
-Fractional Reserve Banking is being taken out for a spin to see what it will do what will The Boys do to get people spending again
-Walking the inflation – deflation tightrope
-There’s three times the amount of debt vs. money
-How our money has been “borrowed” from all the trust funds
-Andy answers questions on 401K’s
-The double booking boogie
-VAT Tax or National sales tax –what’s in our future?
-Is Morgan Stanley in trouble?
-Your money is not safe in Money Market Funds
-Richman vs. Poor man, election 2012
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