October 21, 2012

Scorpio's Grand Conspiracy Hour Episode 25 - 2012.10.21

Scorpio discusses the upcoming election with it's worthless establishment candidates and what we may expect after the election is over. He also discusses other important topics.
Scorpio's Talkshoe


The Brizer Show 2012.10.20

Join Brizer as he welcomes various guests in the alternative media to discuss the important and wide ranging issues that affect us today.

Guest: Tom Ryan His four page PDF called Take Back Your Power

Awake Radio

32k  Download

Live Free Or Die Radio 2012.10.18

Lee covers news during the first half of the show including analysis of the alleged terror plot against the Federal Reserve.

51 mins in Alex Jones, Dr. Ben Fuchs and Paul Joseph Watson make appearances in the 2nd half of the show.

Sledge was drunk off his ass and going nuts with the all impressions. That whole bit about taking his kid to the circus was something else. After a while even Rogers sounded drunk trying to keep up with Sledge.


October 20, 2012

Star Theory Radio with Kyle Hunt 2012.10.20

David from Texas joins the show to discuss Conspiracy Culture, the Truth Movement (TM), Jewish Infiltration, Satanism, Astrology, Christianity, The Third Reich, Nationalism, America as the New Atlantis.

Kyle's Site


The Victory Hour with Max French Oct 20, 2012

Max French is back with more discussion of the Zionist Jew blood-lust for Syria and Iran.



Spingola Special 2012.10.20

Veronica Clark talks about an interesting Daily Mail article change; CBS Holocaust Part 1, The Rosenstrasse Protest

      Deanna' site    Spingola Specials

Scott Horton 2012.10.19

First interview Charles Goyette

Charles Goyette, author of The Dollar Meltdown, discusses President Obama and Mitt Romney’s scapegoating of China for the US’s economic problems; why we should be worried that the Federal Reserve is the biggest holder of Treasury bonds; the hypocritical pundits who complain about China’s currency manipulation; and how trade tariffs allow the government to pick winners and losers in business – while increasing costs for consumers. (Duration: 27:52 — 6.4MB)


Second interview Omar Shakir

Stanford University law student Omar Shakir discusses the NYU/Stanford “Living Under Drones” report; the Obama administration’s deceitful accounting of Pakistani civilians killed by drone strikes; how drones subvert international law and make it easier to start wars; and the dangers of proliferation. (Duration: 30:11 — 6.9MB)


Third interview Jacob Hornberger

Jacob Hornberger, founder and president of the Future of Freedom Foundation, briefly discusses the FFF’s Civil Liberties College Tour – featuring guest speakers Glenn Greenwald and Bruce Fein – that concludes today (October 19th) at the University of Colorado-Boulder. (Duration: 6:06 — 1.4MB)


Fourth interview Alex Sandberg

Student and filmmaker Alex Sandberg discusses The Military Mind, his documentary-in-progress about PTSD; the macho military culture that encourages injured soldiers to “suck it up and drive on;” the onerous burden of proof required to get VA benefits; and how you can help get Alex’s documentary funded and completed. (Duration: 19:54 — 4.6MB)


No Agenda Global Radio
Scott Horton.org

Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye 2012.10.20


Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in Amman, Jordan.  He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom.  The Fetch also has a second site called"Inside The Eye Live.com"
Intelligent media for the politically aware.

16K CF from OBN - Synopsis pending.


Oracle Archive
Websites: http://illuminatusobservor.blogspot.com/   http://insidetheeyelive.com/
Email: thefetch@yahoo.com

               Fetch The Troll Slayer 

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2012.10.19

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Noe Torres & Ruben Uriarte - More New UFO Crash Data with Stanton Friedman Dennis Balthaser Ismael Cuellar

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Noe Torres & Ruben Uriarte - More New UFO Crash Data with Stanton Friedman Dennis Balthaser Ismael Cuellar

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Peter Davenport - Romney At Stanford, Politics And UFOs

56k CF
Rense' site

The Morning Show with Patrick Timpone 2009.07.14

The U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing gives 50% of it's profits to the American Holohoax Museum!

Eustace Mullins was born in 1923 an American political writer, author, biographer.

One of Americas true patriots who has really gone out of his way to uncover the real owners of the Federal Reserve and just who is behind the medical and banking institutions.

I always wondered how Israel got their cut of the loot stolen by the banksters.

Eustace Mullins - Secrets of the Federal Reserve pdf


October 19, 2012

AIB Radio with Rod Class 2012.10.05

 All Public Offices in America are Vacant!

Rod Class, from North Carolina has been fighting the infrastructure for many years, delivers a discussion on the Administration (better known as the infrastructure or government) and how WE can deal with them.

Even though we think that local and Federal government are public officials, etc., they REALLY AREN’T !

He breaks it down in simple terms based on his discoveries in his dealings with these mysterious entities that WE think We have an obligation to obey. One of our regular callers and contributors joined in and Rod uses him to make the examples a bit clearer. Many more insights into this “shadow world” are available at the master link labeled below…

Rod Class with one of his Private Recordings on using the Administrative Avenue in settling your disputes with the town or state or the Banks, etc. It also includes strategies on Traffic Tickets, etc. A clear explanation of what we are up against when the
infrastructure (government, etc.) comes knocking on our
door or pulls us over for a tail light being out, etc., but what
we can do to try to neutralize their actions.

Rods Talkshoe

Rod’s Document Archive


C2C 2012.10.17

Simulations, Science, & Reality

Guests:  Jim Elvidge 

Electrical engineer, and scientific truth seeker Jim Elvidge, discussed theories of a programmed reality, in which we may be living in a giant simulation, as well as developments in science and the mind. All the evidence seems to point to the idea that our world is made of bits and data that in some ways seems to follow patterns that we see in computational systems, he noted. Philosopher Nick Bostrom has posited that at some point in the future, we'll be able to create simulations of a fantasy reality computationally in a "post-human" phase, and if that is true, we could already be in such a simulation, Elvidge pointed out. When we die, we could in a sense wake up from the experience of living in our physical matter reality, which may seem as unreal to us as a dream, Elvidge intriguingly suggested.

Further, he theorized that our consciousness comes from somewhere outside the human body, is driven by intent and free will, and uses our brain to experience physical matter reality. He also spoke about different concepts of parallel realities. One is espoused by the metaphysical writer Tom Campbell, who delineates an astral plane or thought space that encompasses our physical reality and other ones similar to ours, and he believes that we can travel between these parallel worlds.

In NDEs and other out-of-body states, people are sometimes able to experience timelessness (time being a factor of physical reality), or see timelines existing simultaneously, thus experiencing a kind of time travel, Elvidge explained. In the fields of science and technology, he listed autonomous cars, hover bikes (bikes that hover above the ground), and bionic eyes as particularly remarkable recent developments.


9/11 , Afghanistan , IRAQ , Libya , Syria and IRAN all one big scam ( Documentary )

Insight into the events that led up to NATO intervention in Libya, On 17 May 2011 the International Criminal Court issued a request for an arrest warrant against Gaddafi for crimes against humanity. Some believe it is about protecting civilians, others say it is about oil, but some are convinced intervention in Libya is all about Gaddafi's plan to introduce the gold dinar, a single African currency made from gold, a true sharing of the wealth.

Delcroix interviews The Fetch 2012.10.19

Delcroix on a Friday, he may have a guest, he may play a pod, he may have a rant, or just read a bit... Whatever he does, he should not be missed. Tune into the dude on a friday @ Awake Radio

Hermetic Qaballla as explained by the Fetch.

32k Download

The Samson Option: How Israel Threatens World With Nukes


Israel has approximately 400 - 500 active illegal nuclear warheads pointed AT EVERY CAPITAL in Europe & the Middle East.


Israel's Secret Nuclear Weapons

John Stadtmiller - Peter Niese 2012.07.18 Rebroadcast

Guest: Rod Class and Peter Niese talk about the law, property. and the federal bankruptcy.    Great show.



Spingola Speaks 2012.10.19

Guest: Rodney Martin, discussion of The True Origins of World War II, not the Polish Conflict; Remarkable film: Adolf Hitlers Struggle for Peace - Widescreen

Deanna's site

News Page

Official chat room

Join Spingola Speaks Email List


The Jack Blood Show 2012.10.19

" Manganese will make you kill your mama "

Guest: Michael J. Murphy and Dane Wigington

No Agenda Global Radio
Deadline Live

64k CF Download

David Duke Show 2012.10.19

Today: Dr. Duke and Kay Wahlen discuss diet and health and zero in on the latest science on wheat and sugar. Yes, you should use those two words together, but wheat is probably worse for a lot of the toxic and other negative substances in wheat!

David's site

56k CF Download

The Word from the Trenches with Henry Shivley 2012.10.19

Henry was born in Daytona Beach, Florida in 1961, raised in Chiloquin, Oregon, a small logging town in southern Oregon, where he currently lives. Henry and his wife operate the patriot news site, From the Trenches World Report.

Topic: Rampant child abuse for the new child army    

Henry's site
