The Magic Happens in Money Creation When We Look the Other Way Toward the Crisis Du Jour
We start off the show with “Fiscal Cliff” update from the Andrew Gause’ perspective.
-Cutting tax deductions is a tax. If it walks like a duck….
-Greece’s problems started when The Boys set them up in their System in 1948
-The underground economy is growing
-Living in a fish bowl without becoming fish food is going to take more and more creativity indeed.
-Changing the CPI and other fairy tales to a wider work of fiction
-In 1913 many were paid in real money, i.e. a 10 dollar gold piece for a weeks work
-Thinking of leaving the Country with your money? There’s an entry fee when you want to come back.
-New Social Security report gives us some interesting numbers that we talk about
-How has Germany kept its manufacturing all these years?
-Andy says the USG should pay people to work rather than sit home
-China has embraced the American Model
-Using gold and silver as leverage for a home loan or?
-USG will not confiscate 401K’s as many predict. Most will give them up willingly
-We the people owe the Social Security Trust Fund 3 Trillion Dollars. How’d that happen?
-The Stealth bailout revisited in the Fall of 2008
-The power of the NY Fed and their ability to print and spend is astounding
-Will there be a huge stock market sell off before years end?
-Banks soon will list gold as cash according to Basel III
-The Fed is creating 85 Billion Dollars a month ongoing, aka Q Eternity
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