January 10, 2013

The Caucasian Persuasion 3 - 2013.01.10

Death of White America: Newtown Hoax, SAVE YOUR RACE!
John and Joe will discuss
  • The Law of Attraction-- The power of getting what you want and how to make it happen.
  • Why the government is taking all of our guns suddenly and why such a garbage deal was struck as it pertains to the country's finances.
  • Django and Oikaphobia. What is Oikaphobia and how does it effect you?
  • Is this Newtown massacre all a giant HOAX?

Truth Militia Site

Jonathan Azaziah's Mask of Zion Report Jan 10, 2012

Jonathan Azaziah discusses the unlikely interrelation between Jewish maneuvering for and against Defense Secretary-nominee Chuck Hagel along with the onslaught of psychological warfare leveled at President Hugo Chávez and Bolivarian Venezuela by the Zionist media and US-Israeli-backed opposition.




Spingola Speaks 2013.01.010

Guest: Dr. David Healy, author of Pharmageddon (2012) and 19 other books; RxISK is the drug safety website to research and report side effects

Deanna's site

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What's Ailing America with Dr Rebecca Carley 2013.01.06

"Increase government pressure for bio weapons assault by vaccines globally." Dr Carey takes calls on many topics: Vaccines, the Jewish agenda, the medical mafia.


Dr. Carley' Site


Alternative Download

David Duke Show 2013.01.10

Today: Dr. MacDonald And Dr. Duke delve into the gun control movement documenting the Jewish role in leading the effort to take away guns from law abiding American citizens and at the same time empowering the government to have more police and military control over the people. They illustrate how the same leading Jewish organizations that support gun control for Americans, at the same time support Israel which is dedicated to every Jewish citizen having the right to carry a submachine gun if they wish! Then Dr. MacDonald analyses the Hagel nomination for Secretary of Defense and the opportunity that this nomination poses for exposure of the Jewish power that dominated American politics!

David's site

56k CF Download

Alternative Download

Calling Out FAKE Liberals


Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2013.01.10

Exposing Benny Hinn part two and Mother Teresa.

Show Notes

64k CF Download

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.01.09

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Tim Rifat - Dystopia...The Zionist Bankster Slave State

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Joel Skousen - World Affairs Brief

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Jim Marrs - The View From Marrs

56k CF
Rense' site

Mark Dankof’s America Jan 9, 2013

Mark Dankof discusses the advancement of the American domestic police state, the Israeli War Party’s plans for war with Iran in 2013, and the current scene in ANC-run South Africa, with Dr. Adrian Krieg of www.a2zpublications.com.

Paul Craig Roberts Article 




Saturday Afternoon with Carolyn Yeager July 7, 2012

  Interview with Henrik Holappa

 Holappa is a Finnish nationalist now living in Sweden with his wife and baby daughter. He began the Finnish Resistance Movement, which is in league with the Swedish and Norwegian Resistance movements. These are peaceful political movements, not armed movements.


Auschwitz: The Underground Guided Tour


Axis of Light with Dana Antiochus 2013.01.09

Interview with Dr. Kevin MacDonald; discussing the state of the movement, working within the system for white civil rights versus racial separatism, pan-secessionism, science versus religion, and much more!

Truth Militia


January 09, 2013

Ain't Nobody Got Time Fo Dat with Greg NJ 2013.01.09

Gregnj explores why Ignorance is bliss ... Until it isn't!!!!!


Renegade Broadcasting

32k Download

Scorpio's Grand Conspiracy Hour Episode 26 - 2013.01.09

Scorpio discusses stuff. LOL. Sorry. He just posted the link at cybersage with no description but Please buy a PTard 2000 pronto and support the network!!

Scorpio's Talkshoe


The Real World of Money with Andrew Gause 2013.01.09

People Just Want to Be Free….And Use REAL Money

-Black’s Law Dictionary:
Flat money is paper money which is not backed by gold or silver but issued by order of the government.
-You’ve no doubt heard of The Trillion Dollar Coin idea. Andy and Patrick go through the finer points of this latest big internet story.
-Andy suggests finding and reading Samuel Clemens story on the million dollar bank note idea
-The Federal Reserve and seigniorage and why the main stream media has it all wrong.
-Woodrow Wilson issued one hundred thousand dollar bills at the Treasury and paid some bills.
-In 1993 Congress voted to disallow the treasury from printing U.S. Notes that the original U.S. Code Permits.
-The debt ceiling debate and the fourteenth amendment
-Mess with the dollar brand and many attorney’s will most likely pay you a visit
-The money supply and debt magically go hand in hand
-The possible upsides and hazards of Silver Eagles in an IRA
-The Dollar has increased it’s market share since the Euro’s inception. Go Figure.
-Fannie Mae’s bad loans were about 11 Billion Dollars and the mortgage crisis is still being offered as blame for this great recession.
-All this new money, circa 4 Trillion Dollars is producing a 2% GDP
-Andy discusses the differences in 1929 and 2013
-People want to be free and the world wide resistance
-We hear from the newest Senator in Texas, a former Marine and Andrew Gause on “Gun Control”
-Hear details of our contest on predicting the year end price for gold and silver

The Real World of Money Archive 

Andrew's Site


Spingola Speaks 2013.01.09

Guest: Michael T. Snyder, a contributor to The (kosher) Activist Post, talked about how the Large Cities all over America are Degenerating into Gang-Infested War Zones.

Behold a Pale Horse: pp. 224-225
For many years the Secret Government has been importing drugs and selling them to the people, mainly the poor and minorities. Social welfare programs were put into place to create a dependent, nonworking element in our society. The government then began to remove these programs to force people into a criminal class that did not exist in the '50s and '60s. The government encouraged the manufacture and importation of military firearms for the criminals to use. This is intended to foster a feeling of insecurity, which would lead the American people to voluntarily disarm themselves by passing laws against firearms. Using drugs and hypnosis on mental patients in a process called Orion, the CIA inculcated the desire in these people to open fire on schoolyards and thus inflame the antigun lobby. This plan is well under way, and so far is working perfectly. The middle class is begging the government to do away with the 2nd amendment.

Deanna's site

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Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.01.08

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Devvy Kidd - America At The Brink

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Gordon Duff - Editor-in-Chief, Veterans Today VT World View

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - John Hogue - Predictions For 2013

56k CF
Rense' site

Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2013.01.09

Interview with Mike Anthony, covering more of the CT shooting, gun control laws, and more.

Show Notes

64k CF Download

Simon Shekel sings Download

David Duke Show 2013.01.09

Today: Today Dr. Duke first deals with two amazing articles from the Jewish Media in Israel and America that reveal the intense anti-Gentile hatred and racism that exists in Israel and Jewish communities the world over. First he exposes the Jewish use of the horrific slur, "Shiksa" to describe Gentile women and girls. Shiksa actually means female abomination or whore, and yet the word is used constantly by Jews to describe non-Jewish women and the mainstream Jewish-controlled media cover it up! Secondly Dr. Duke shows an article from Jewish Week quoting a rabbi who says that Gentiles must serve the Jews or be cursed. Amazingly he suggests the economic meltdown in America is because America dared to ask the Jewish state to stop the theft of Palestinian land in Jerusalem and in the West Bank. Dr. Duke shows the real blessings of Jewish supremacy over America -- a must listen. Then..Dr. Duke discusses the Leo Frank case in Georgia in which a Jewish factory owner raped and killed a young lady and then tried to frame an African American janitor. The facts of the case that founded the ADL.

David's site

56k CF Download

Keith Johnson's Revolt of the Plebs Broadcast Jan 8



Traces of Reality Radio 2013.01.05

Guillermo Jimenez is the owner and editor of Traces of Reality - a truth-seeking alternative news and information website and host of its weekly show, Traces of Reality Radio. As both a student and teacher of American History, much of what Guillermo discusses is based on a historical perspective, with emphasis on the struggle between liberty and tyranny, our deteriorating Constitution and civil rights.

His background in Psychology and Sociology allow him the keen insight to filter through the propaganda and deliver the "traces of reality" that are left behind.

Traces of Reality | Traces of Reality Radio goes LIVE for the first time on this inaugural episode on Republic Broadcasting Network. Guest: Danny Benavides Topics: NDAA 2013, drones, Obama’s Kill List, 2nd Amendment, and much more. This first show on RBN also serves as introduction to Traces of Reality for those many listeners who tuned in to TOR Radio for the very first time.  Just what is Traces of Reality? Who is Guillermo Jimenez?



The National Intel Report with John $tadtmiller 2013.01.04

 Guest: Guillermo Jimenez John introduces a new host to RBN, Mr. Guillermo Jimenez, who actually ends up being quite the broadcast partner with John as they delve into the dissolution of local, state and governmental policies. Guillermo will be broadcasting here on RBN every Saturday from here out at 5pm central until 7pm CST.


"Looks like $tadtmiller has a new shining star, I bet he never mentions the Jews"