February 01, 2013

Ancient Knowledge

This is a pretty interesting video, lots of cool science

Lugh's Den 12 - 2013.02.01

The triumphant return of Lugh’s Den! Lugh discusses what happened, why he feels the way he does, where his show is going, and takes calls from listeners.

Lugh's Den

32k Download

Remembering Dr. William L. Pierce on Truth Militia Radio 2013.02.01

Our 2nd edition of Remembering Dr. Pierce will once again feature (4) consecutive ADV broadcasts from Dr. William L. Pierce. The following ADV’s include: Multicultural Justice; MTV and Hate; The Culture of Lies; and Those Who Care.

Truth Militia Site


Delcroix and Brizer 2013.02.01

Delcroix plays " David Irving - Smear Campaigns to Stifle Truth in History " and then has his friend Brizer on to talk about ways to "beat the system" and how they use it in their lives. The Holocaust, Jews etc.

Brizer's links:  Lawyer Who Was Jailed for Presenting Evidence in the Zundel Trial (full) YT video, European Friends of Israel,Man who owes millions must pay back price of a pint a week,Tidbits From The Talmud,European Jewish Parliament condemns innocent Jews murder,Message To The Free Nations Of The World, 1919

Brizer's exact wording: I do not recognise you, I do not understand your intent, I have no international treaty with you, no assured value, no liability, RETURN TO SENDER

Official Offer: Offer to (bank) by you (name) to operate on account 1234 50 euro (or whatever amount) effected monthly (or weekly) as satisfaction on all account demands/obligations. Signed By: (your name and date)

Reply to any letters back: I am happy with the offer dated (date)" on their own letterhead paper and send back

Awake Radio   Podcats

40k Download

The International Jew Study Hour Jan. 31, 2013

Jewish Copper Kings Reap Rich War-Profits – Episode 32

 “The International Jew” Study Hour presents:  Hadding Scott and Carolyn Yeager read and comment on Chapter 27:  “Jewish Copper Kings Reap Rich War-Profits.” This chapter uses the example of the copper cartel during “Wilson’s War” to show us in some detail how Jews manage to take over whole areas of government-industry.  TIJ asks as a final question: How can such power be explained? …  to which Carolyn and Hadding offer an answer and  other issues.

Pictured: Jew Daniel Guggenheim, one of seven sons of Meyer who immigrated to the U.S. from Switzerland in 1847. The family won a lead-silver price war with ASARCO in 1900 and took over the company. When war broke out in 1914, Daniel was ready to ramp up copper production worldwide to aid the Allied war effort—and the Guggenheim profits. He was a member of the National Security League, founded by Solomon ‘Stanwood’  Menken and Gen. Leonard Wood, a driving force for moving the then-neutral USA into the war.


For all episodes of The International Jew Study Hour

Link to The International Jew by Henry Ford 


Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2013.02.01

Conclusion of the Christian Science discussion. Second Hour: The Jonestown Massacre.

Show Notes

64k CF Download

David Duke Show 2013.02.01


David's site

56k CF Download

Discovery Channel’s Militia Rising

Words of Wisdom from Oracle 2013.01.31

Now these guys have it all figured out. ROFL

Mile high as a kite...


Nights At The Roundtable 2013.01.26

The lost episode where it all started.

Official description: The guys get together and discuss what’s happened, what’s happening, and what we’d like to see happen. Also, the return of Lugh?

A special thank you to Peppertech96 for the file.

Renegade Broadcasting

32k Download

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.01.31

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Roger Whitman - The Amazing BCX Rife Research Instrument

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Peter Josling - Allicin C Protects From The Flu and Stuff

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Peter Davenport - NUFORC Eyewitness Reports

56k CF
Rense' site

January 31, 2013

Down and Out Radio With Mike Sledge 2013.01.31

More Jolly Jumper bashing part 4.

Renegade Broadcasting

32k Download

Truth Militia Radio with Greg Whitaker 2013.01.31

Self Employment: The Death of Corporations

Have you ever wanted to tell the boss/corporation where to go and how far to stick it? Corporations are soon to be dead dinosaurs. Why stick around for the funeral? I’ll be discussing why you should be thinking about self employment. How to ease into it without going bust.
Greg' Site
Truth Militia Radio


JR's Rare Books and Commentary



*Mami, zapoper, WHOOLI, can you post this under Books please? I do not have access. Thanks!

Australia Calling episode 4 with Derrick MacThomas 2013.01.31

Thousands of Afghans Seek Asylum
As the Western allies prepare to withdraw from Afghanistan and hand over security to the Afghan army, the Afghan middle class are voting with their feet and preparing to flee before their country turns into an Islamic fundamentalist hell hole again. Unfortunately for Australia, the educated middle class (in the Afghan context that means anyone who can write their own name) see Australia as the land of their dreams. There are already three million Afghans in refugee camps in Pakistan and Iran. Guess where they want to go.
Truth Militia Site


9/11 Military Trial Judge Frustrated by Government Shenanigans

In 2008, the former chief prosecutor for Guantánamo’s military commissions disclosed that the trials have been rigged to prevent the possibility of acquittal. Specifically, the head of the Guantanamo tribunal — who is actually in charge of both prosecuting and defending the suspects....

They Don't Buy The Official Story

Key Role in Cover-Up

Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2013.01.31

The Christian Science cult.

Show Notes

64k CF Download

Spingola Speaks 2013.01.31

Guest: William Blair and Arthur George talk about Indigenous Identity Theft & fraud

Deanna's site

News Page

Official chat room

Join Spingola Speaks Email List


David Duke Show 2013.01.31

Today: Dr. Duke begins by relating the news that the UN Rights Council has said that unless Israel removes all settlers from the West Bank, that it will face criminal prosecution in the International Criminal Court. Then Dr. Duke joins Dr. Patrick Slattery for a lively discussion on how the Zionist apparatus works to control the political process through media, money and influence.

David's site

56k CF Download

Max french's The Victory Hour Special Broadcast Jan 30

Once again Europe and the entire world are bludgeoned with International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
From the treatment of Blacks in Israel, daily abuse and killings of Palestinians, to threats against Europe, European Bureau Chief Egeria exposes the whining utter hypocrisy of Supremacist Jewry.

Also featured is an Italian news article from 1921 titled Poland and the Jewish Question, illustrating the unchanging and time worn tactics of the tribe.

