The Money Elite March on, Grabbing Assets as Quickly as They Create the Money
We start the show off with an update on the Cyprus banking fiasco with more insights from Andy with every show.
-Andy talks about how this world wide policy of the money elite acquiring assets of Sovereign Countries is unprecedented and exactly what the “New World Order” folks are clamoring about
-The bankers are taking Gordon Gekko’s “Greed is good…” to a whole other level.
-The hazards of being a shareholder in Dollar Inc.
-Backwardation in the metals is demand for physical
-What is Bitcoin and why is it above $100 each?
-Profit separated from capital is the pure definition of income
-Alexander Hamilton started the first private bank
-The shoes that will drop because of Obamacare
-What are the most free states in the Country?
-A history lesson starting with the panic of 1907 and why the Roaring Twenties were roaring
-The FOMC of the NY Fed is where the power lies – hint:
This is not a government entity
-We learn about how the power to create money in Treasury
was ostensibly taken away in 1993
-The debt ceiling debate is suspended indefinitely
-What to do with a big inheritance
-Does it make sense to borrow 25K and buy gold coins
-Who do we the people owe the debt to?
The Real World of Money Archive
Andrew's Site
April 03, 2013
Spingola Speaks 2013.04.03
Guest: Jenifer Dixon, author of The Holy Land Unveiled; Jen Mouths Off; Her site is safe despite the message you might get - virus, malware, etc.
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David Duke Show 2013.04.03
Today: Dr. David Duke in an interesting show shares some of his experiences over the years in the battle for our heritage and freedom, then he brings on Robert Lloyd, an extremely talented musician who has worked very hard for the principles of human freedom and independence. One of the important things discussed is ethnocentric principles and expressions that inherent within people and how we can understand them and still have a community and world of greater peace and harmony. One of the interesting things discussed is how mass immigration from Third World nations greatly harms those societies
David's site
David's site
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.04.02
Listen Download Hour 1 - George Filer - Filer's Files Special Guest Ken Pfeifer
Listen Download Hour 2 - Joan Mellen - New Books...'Our Man In Haiti' &'The Great Game In Cuba'
Listen Download Hour 3 - Preston James - The BRICS & The Banksters
56k CF
Rense' site
April 02, 2013
Robbie's Revolutionary Power Hour 2013.04.02
Robbie tackles the more serious problems facing humanity and offers practical ways on how to resolve them.
Siegfried's Blog
Truth Militia Radio
Renegade Special Report with Mike and Kyle 2013.04.02
Mike and Kyle get on air to discuss recent developments, the smear
campaign against the Golden Dawn in Greece, and what listeners can look
forward to in upcoming days.
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Renegade Archive
BlogTalk Archive
Renegade Broadcasting
National Protectionism
New York City asks: What happened to the 1,116 missing 9/11 victims?
More than 11 years after the
catastrophic destruction of the World Trade Center, New York City’s
government is finally asking: What in the world could have happened to
the missing 1,116 victims?
***Read article at PressTV*** 9/11:Israel did it
***Read article at PressTV*** 9/11:Israel did it
The Realist Report with John Friend 2013.04.02

You can subscribe to the American Nationalist Network via iTunes here. Thanks for listening everyone!
John's Blog
The Realist Report with John Friend 2013.04.01

You can subscribe to the American Nationalist Network via iTunes here. Thanks for listening everyone!
John's Blog
Pleb Revolt with Keith Johnson April 2 , 2013
Keith interviews Val Shadowhawk as they deconstruct the lunacy of “Christian” Zionist pastor David Barton’s recent radio show, where he defends the U.S. genocide of indigenous peoples and the violence of the Old Testament waged by America and Israel in the Middle East as a “just war.”
Keith Johnson exposes the holohoax
Holohoax Exposed
American Free Press
Spingola Speaks 2013.04.02
Guest: Alfred Adask talks about the FDA/animals/humans; Pure Food and Drug Act (1906) (see section 6); Man or Other Animals; ObamaCare; Health Care Bill - HR 3200;
Deanna's site
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Deanna's site
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David Duke Show 2013.04.02
Today: Dr. Duke and Dr. Slattery today. First Dr. Duke goes into the basic issues confronting America and the world and has very interesting talk on the factors in nature that have created the distinctions and character of man. He also goes into the great video he linked on about the work of biologist Dr. Allan Savory who shows how the increasing desertification of the planet is called not by automobiles but primarily by destruction of plant life caused by poor animal management. He shows how grazing livestock can reverse the spread of deserts and absorb great amounts of additional CO2. Then Dr. Slattery does a very interesting expose on the article by Ben Stein called "Do Jews run Hollywood? You Bet they do and what of it?" and an interesting section talks about the Jewish mentality that crept into the Leave it to Beaver Program in which lying was not strongly condemned, only actions.
David's site
David's site
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.04.01
Listen Download Hour 1 - Michel Chossudovsky - Global Research
Listen Download Hour 2 - Tim Rifat - N Korea's Ultimate Defense?
Listen Download Hour 3 - Michael Collins - Fukushima Radiation Over US - From Hong Kong - Yoichi Shimatsu Fukushima Report
56k CF
Rense' site
April 01, 2013
Mike Sledge reports 2013.04.01
The April Fools
Rebuttal from Mike to Nemo's " exposé "
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National Protectionism
The Blitzkrieg Broadcast with Kyle Hunt 2013.04.01
Dr. Kevin MacDonald is Kyle's guest this evening for a discussion of Jewish identity politics, political correctness, psychological manipulation of gentiles, ideas for organization, and more.
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National Protectionism
David Duke Show 2013.04.01
Today: Dr. Duke and Dr. MacDonald go into the strange religion of Judaism, of which about 50 percent of synagogue members don't believe in God, and are open atheists. Yet, they lead prayers, Jewish Torah Studies, etc. The atheists are welcome in the synagogues, even to be leaders in them! Dr. Duke and Dr. MacDonald show that Jewish religious writings say that in fact, Jews are God, that they have the DNA of God, unlike that of the rest of humanity. Major Jewish websites such as "My Jewish Learning" that in Judaism, belief in God is secondary to following Jewish law (such as racism against Gentiles). Dr. relates a lecture by a famous Jewish rabbi in which he in effect says loyalty to Jews is more important than loyalty to God! All this may sound fantastic, but this program documents these Jewish realities..
David's site
David's site
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