Guest: Karl Radl talks about communism and the Jews
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May 31, 2013
David Duke Show 2013.05.31
Today: Dr. David Duke has a show where he gives a fascinating hour of his commentary on different fascinating issues. He talks about the insanity of Christian Zionism and also goes into fascinating concepts about religion, spirituality, evolution, the scientific method, human rights, and why sometimes religious fanatics massively violate human rights. He also talks about how European Americans must not become as the Zio media portrays them, hateful, intolerant, bitter, but men and women who stand up for their own people and heritage but also believe that every other people has the same rights of self-determination and independence as we want for our won.
David's site
David's site
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.05.30
Listen Download Hour 1 - Devvy Kidd - America At The Brink
Listen Download Hour 2 - Mike King - The Truth About World War 2
Listen Download Hour 3 - Mike King - The Truth About World War 2
56k CF
Rense' site
May 30, 2013
Erin Green Hicks aka Erin Rothschild tells her story from the perspective of time travel and her experience growing up as a Rothschild being tortured and put through illuminati mind control and satanic rituals...
Shot and Produced by Kerry Lynn Cassidy
Project Camelot
David Duke Show 2013.05.30
Today: Dr. David Duke First exposes the incredible racism of Israel and how the Zionists have created the racial, religious and ethnic conflict brewing in European and other nations. He shows why the beheading in Britain would not have occurred except for the Zio control of that society and most of the European world. Then he and Kay Wahlen discuss the need for a change in the mentality of European activists. Why we must cleanse ourselves of the nefarious crude influences and angers of the media, and find our motivation in true justice for our own people but respectful of the same aspirations of all people. In the last part of the show he gives some powerful and inspiring tips for life including the idea that a happy, healthy and productive life depends as much on eliminating aspects of life that harm us or dis-empower us, as it does from bringing into our life positive things. He gives the analogy that we are like a sculptor who takes a piece of rough stone and turns it into a magnificent culture by chiseling away the unimportant and unneeded and bringing out the part of the stone that is our essence of greatness.
David's site
David's site
Shining for Dummies
On the idiot box is a show called MOONSHINERS. I hate that damn show! It gives the impression that anyone can make a living on shine and introduces a ton of fictional drama. Maybe so, but realize that in the police state environment we live in what some old boy sees as a way to feed his family is viewed by TPTB as illegal. I have NEVER sold any and do not intend starting unless TSHTF in which case I’ll have something to barter. And considering what shine sells for now, in a collapse of society it will be worth its weight in SILVER!
Read the rest here
Read the rest here
AFP Radio Network 5/29/2013
AFP reporter Keith Johnson talks with Charles E. Carlson of "We Hold These Truths" about U.S. taxpayer dollars being invested in Israeli junk bonds and the overall effect of Christian Zionism on American foreign policy.
Charles E. Carlson
Charles E. Carlson
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.05.29
Listen Download Hour 1 - Noel Tyl - Astrology LegendYour Questions About Astrology
Listen Download Hour 2 - Noel Tyl - Astrology LegendYour Questions About Astrology
Listen Download Hour 3 - Ross Pelton - The Natural Pharmacist...The Pill Problem
Birth Control Pills And Depression
Sexual Side Effects Of Birth Control Pills
56k CF
Rense' site
Red Ice Radio 2013.05.26

"Top Priority: The Terror Within" is a documentary film by Fleur De Lis Film Studios. It features an incredible true story of Julia Davis, a national security whistle blower who was falsely declared a "Domestic Terrorist" and subjected to retaliation of unprecedented proportions by the Department of Homeland Security. She joins us to discuss what happened when she discovered and reported a breach of national security at the largest and busiest land border crossing in the U.S. on 4th of July, 2004. The DHS failed to act on her reports but instead of correcting the shortcomings exposed by Julia’s report, they opened investigations against her. Her husband BJ, a film producer who documented these events with a camera, also joins in to talk about the detailed events of this major story, never reported on by mainstream media, although Julia took her case to court and won. They’ll detail unprecedented retaliation and abuses of the Patriot Act in Julia’s case and talk about how the DHS spent American taxpayer’s money on warrant-less surveillance, including aerial surveillance with a Blackhawk helicopter and a fixed-wing airplane, wiretaps, sneak and peek burglaries, Internet monitoring and On-Star tracking of the Davis family. They’ll explain why this story was never reported on by mainstream media and who was involved. In the second hour, we hear about several deaths connected to this story including Julia’s father, her neighbor who filmed the footage of the Blackhawk and the actress Brittany Murphy as well as her husband. Julia and BJ talk about the diminishing of our American rights amongst "terror theater 101." Don’t miss this astonishing story of the real terror, within the US government.
Red Ice Radio
May 29, 2013
Spingola Special 2013.05.29
Clint Richardson and Freeman Burt talk about the law and the militarized government
Deanna' site Spingola Specials
Deanna's News Page
Scott Horton 2013.05.27
Adam Kokesh
Adam Kokesh, activist, podcaster, Iraq War veteran and former Republican Congressional candidate, discusses his recent arrest at a marijuana rally in Philadelphia; changes to the 2nd Amendment open-carry march to Washington on July 4th; the new nationwide revolution focusing on state capitals and dissolving the federal government; and the relative contentment of prisoners vs. guards in prison. (Duration: 38:21 — 8.8MB)
Adam Kokesh, activist, podcaster, Iraq War veteran and former Republican Congressional candidate, discusses his recent arrest at a marijuana rally in Philadelphia; changes to the 2nd Amendment open-carry march to Washington on July 4th; the new nationwide revolution focusing on state capitals and dissolving the federal government; and the relative contentment of prisoners vs. guards in prison. (Duration: 38:21 — 8.8MB)
The Real World of Money with Andrew Gause 2013.05.29
The Boys May Seize Your Money If They Can Sees Your Money
-Living in and around NYC has it’s big ups and downs in The Big Apple
-Speaking of Apple. Why did Andy sell his Apple stock end of last year?
-Oil importation down, exporting up and environmental hazards of fracking that are under the radar
-Andys new equity play. Tesla Motors
-Bloomberg News, main stream media darling for finance
-Attorney General Holder and where is Woodward and Bernstein when we need them?
-That pesky ole Constitution keeps popping up doesn’t it?
-Eustace Mullins, Ezra Pound and the beginnings of The Fed
-How falling gold prices hurts Iran
-The monetization of debt…a primer
-China and Goldman Sachs team up to buy classic American pork producer, Smithfield Hams
-Dollar Inc., Andy does not recommend taking them on any time soon
-”Fed Tapering”, a classic head fake
-How the Primary Dealers, “The Boys”, buy Treasuries, a company they own monetizes the paper and everyone makes money doing no work
-PSLV and a IRA
-MF Globaled, Perigrined and Cyprused all new words to consider
-When our wealth is someone else’s liability we are on thin ice
-Backwardation – how it works
-Looking at the Big Picture and seeing the House of Cards
-Money Never Sleeps
-Why didn’t The Boys collapse the system on 911 if this is their big plan?
-Housing, foreclosures and housing prices
-When will the ECB pull out the magic checkbook and monetize debt?
The Real World of Money Archive
Andrew's Site
Note: If you can't see the player, it's because it uses java script and your browser may be blocking it. Here's the download link
-Living in and around NYC has it’s big ups and downs in The Big Apple
-Speaking of Apple. Why did Andy sell his Apple stock end of last year?
-Oil importation down, exporting up and environmental hazards of fracking that are under the radar
-Andys new equity play. Tesla Motors
-Bloomberg News, main stream media darling for finance
-Attorney General Holder and where is Woodward and Bernstein when we need them?
-That pesky ole Constitution keeps popping up doesn’t it?
-Eustace Mullins, Ezra Pound and the beginnings of The Fed
-How falling gold prices hurts Iran
-The monetization of debt…a primer
-China and Goldman Sachs team up to buy classic American pork producer, Smithfield Hams
-Dollar Inc., Andy does not recommend taking them on any time soon
-”Fed Tapering”, a classic head fake
-How the Primary Dealers, “The Boys”, buy Treasuries, a company they own monetizes the paper and everyone makes money doing no work
-PSLV and a IRA
-MF Globaled, Perigrined and Cyprused all new words to consider
-When our wealth is someone else’s liability we are on thin ice
-Backwardation – how it works
-Looking at the Big Picture and seeing the House of Cards
-Money Never Sleeps
-Why didn’t The Boys collapse the system on 911 if this is their big plan?
-Housing, foreclosures and housing prices
-When will the ECB pull out the magic checkbook and monetize debt?
The Real World of Money Archive
Andrew's Site
Note: If you can't see the player, it's because it uses java script and your browser may be blocking it. Here's the download link
Spingola Speaks 2013.05.29
Guest: Dr. Jennifer Daniels, the the author of Do You Have the Guts to Be Beautiful? List of the 71 senatorial scoundrels who sided with Monsanto against the people
This is a great show for men
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Note: If you can't see the player, it's because it uses java script and your browser may be blocking it. Here's the download link
This is a great show for men
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Note: If you can't see the player, it's because it uses java script and your browser may be blocking it. Here's the download link
David Duke Show 2013.05.29
Today: Dr. David Duke and Dr. Kevin MacDonald go to the movies. Today they discuss how Jewish Hollywood Movie and TV programming are brainwashing the American public and hundreds of millions of people all over the world. They begin by discussing Vice President Joe Biden's speech to a Jewish organization saying that Jews are responsible in the change of American values and how fictional TV portrays have changed our attitudes on many societal issues. Then they go into detail about many Hollywood movies and they create hatred against those the Jewish supremacists see as their main competitors, European Americans, and create positive images of Jews for the audience so as to advance their agenda.
David's site
56k CF Download
David's site
56k CF Download
AFP Radio Network 5/28/2013
Dave Gahary interviews Steven Hernandez, whose daughter, Andrea, was
booted out of a San Antonio school for challenging the school’s RFID
micro-chipping project for student IDs. Texas politics prevented giving
parents the choice on whether or not they have a say in the chipping.
RIFD micro-chip
RIFD micro-chip
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.05.28
Listen Download Hour 1 - Stan Deyo - 5 Minutes To Midnight
Listen Download Hour 2 - Gordon Duff - Editor-in-Chief, Veterans Today
Listen Download Hour 3 - Frosty Wooldridge - Immigration Bill To Bring In At Least 33 Billion In One Decade
56k CF
Rense' site
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