June 27, 2013

The Conspiracy - Official Trailer (2013)

Saw this trailer & just had to share it! Seems tailor-made for those of us with a conspiratorial bent...They're rubbing our noses in it yet again!

In THE CONSPIRACY, a pair of documentary filmmakers (Aaron Poole and James Gilbert) begin making a film about conspiracy theories. When the subject of their film (Alan C. Peterson) suddenly (and mysteriously) disappears, they find themselves digging deeper and deeper, the evidence leading them to an elite society with very powerful members.

Spingola Speaks 2013.06.27

Guest: Victoria Thorn, of Project Rachel, and the National Office of Post-Abortion Reconciliation; the trauma of abortion; The Biology of the Theology of the Body; Interview; Biochemistry of Sex

Deanna's site

News Page

Official chat room

Spingola Speaks Email


Invasion of crazy ants that dine on your Mobile Phone

Likes eating Apples...or anything else electrical.
America is, scientists say, under an invasion of a new ant species -- Nylanderia fulva -- that has a true taste for gadgets of all kinds. Article at cnet.com.

The 9 Largest Private Armies In The World. What Are They Fighting For?

A clue: It rhymes with "Eccles".
Ever wonder what the largest private armies in the world are? Even though nowadays many countries are struggling to protect peace, there are several official "war" conflict zones on Earth. In many cases, major countries can interfere with their own troops. However, in order to prevent the risk of losing soldiers from a national army, or in case a country doesn’t have enough of a military force, a government can hire mercenaries.

The dollar collapse and WW3

'US economy set to crash very hard'

Press TV has conducted an interview with Mike Harris, the financial editor of Veterans Today, from Oregon.

The Imperial Agenda in Syria - Michel Chossudovsky on GRTV

The aggressor nations in the war on Syria are now talking about "humanitarian aid" to support the Al Qaeda rebels they themselves sent into the country. But, as Michel Chossudovsky argues, the imperial powers need to be held accountable for their part in fomenting the conflict in the country, and should be made to pay reparations. Find out more in this week's GRTV Feature Interview.

Thugs with Keyboards to Spread Propaganda Using Up to 10 Online Personas Each

Rumors have long floated around about government shills spreading disinformation on websites that are at odds with the governmental party line. Now it’s official: the US government has awarded a contract to a company in California to create software to manage “online personalities”. The software will allow one person to manage up to 10 personas, and will be used to counter “extremist ideology and propaganda”.

                    ***Read article at Activist Post*** 

Shaving After The Apocalypse: How To Prepare For Your $900 Shave And Haircut

You too can "Prep" & look like him!
What happens when the apocalypse doesn’t end in fire and brimstone?  What if the apocalypse looks more like a hyperinflation scenario where a shave and a haircut costs decidedly more than the proverbial “two bits”?  Or maybe “your two silver bits” are too valuable to waste on a $500 3-pack of disposable razors. (sobertgummer.com-Survival Prepping For Hard Times)

Blacklisted Radio w/ Guest James Corbett

"Blacklisted News Radio is hosted by Doug Owen. 2nd broadcast this week!
In this episode Doug Owen interviews James Corbett about Spy-gate and the broader implications of the shadow states power over our elected government through big data. Technology, Social media, Trans-Humanism, and the role these new technologies play in our lives."

Humanities Ultimate Fail Safe: Pull the Plug on Big Brother

Does *this* make you feel safe? If so, you're an Imbecile.
What is the solution to the globalized, military police state? Well the first order of business when discussing the problem of a global tyranny is to admit to ourselves we no longer live in a free country, or world for that matter. This is a fact, and if you don’t know it yet get your head out of the sand and start paying attention. OP Ed by Jason Charles at intellihub.com.

The Lone Star Watchdog:The Bill of Rights and the Constitution is Still the Law of the Land! Any Questions?

Of Interest to our American Cousins. Learn your rights.
The establishment is circling the wagons on all fronts because they are trying to make excuses why they are violating our rights. I would watch NCIS on CBS. A suspect would be taken in. Instead of talking to Special Agent Gibbs. The accused  would say ” I want my lawyer” The Navy cop would say” I am invoking the Patriot Act putting you on a plane to Gitmo if you do not talk”It is all a written script made for TV for propaganda purposes trying to make the Patriots Act and the NDAA sound reasonable and legitimate in fighting the phony war on terrorism.

June 26, 2013

The Secret Behind Communism

The Ethnic Origins of the Communist Revolution and The Greatest Holocaust in the History of Mankind.
Dr. David Duke shares in an illustrated video the Introduction for his new academic resource book on the ethnic motivations behind the Bolshevik Revolution and the mass genocides committed by the Soviets.
Dr. Duke in The Secret Behind Communism, uses the research of Raphael Lemkin to expose the Bolshevik purposeful genocide against the Ukrainian people that took place in what is today called the Holodomor. He also exposes the Bolshevik war against the Russian intelligentsia and nobility was also an attempt at destroying the natural leadership of the Russian people, so as to render them weaker against their new rulers an ethnic minority harboring deep racial animosity toward the Russian people for historic anti-Semitism.

The Realist Report with John Friend 2013.06.26

On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined by the one and only Les Visible. Les writes and maintains a number of very popular blogs, and is also an excellent poet, musician, and philosopher.

John Friend.net
The Realist Report (TalkShoe)


Sexy NSA Commercial With Sasha Grey

Enemy of freedom Lindsey Graham says he would support censoring mail for ‘national security’ purposes

If there is any remaining doubt in your mind about the fact that the federal government today has been completely overrun by sociopathic, freedom-hating enemies of the U.S. Constitution, some recent absurd statements made by South Carolina Senator (and full-fledged American traitor) Lindsey Graham, a Republican, should put all such doubt to rest.

***Read article at RINF*** 

Potential Manchurian Candidate Tells All

You better believe it!!
Note: There are a few audio technical difficulties that took place 5 minutes into the show. Bare with it as they last only a few minutes.
On this most interesting episode of “Intellihub” radio show hosted by Shepard Ambellas, an Anonymous guest explains his experiences of being electronically stalked, harassed  and potentially set up for a future event.


Rockefeller Email from 2002 Outlines Armageddon Agenda and Transition to New World

Seems every year we hear the same thing. Is this the real deal though?
In what appears to be a genuine email sent from Rockefeller Global Communications, the globalist elite agenda supporting a destructive planetary shift is outlined with stunning clarity. The message is authentic, powerful, and prophetic and is something that should be sincerely considered by every person. It serves as a great reminder to consider your life and its meaning deeply, for we are living in extraordinary times indeed. Email hosted at collective-evolution.com.

Scott Horton 2013.06.25

Nathan Fuller of the Bradley Manning Support Network discusses the latest developments in Manning’s trial; the prosecution’s so-far unconvincing attempt to show that Manning worked on behalf of WikiLeaks; and the Civil War-based precedent of the government’s “aiding the enemy” charge. (Duration: 28:30 — 6.5MB)

No Agenda Global Radio
Scott Horton.org

32k Download

David Duke Show 2013.06.26

Today: Dr. David Duke and Patrick Slattery do a show on why opposing the Jewish Zionists and Jewish supremacists is absolutely vital to true human rights. Today's show not only goes in to the history of Jewish led Bolshevism and the worst genocides of history, but also into the history of Jewish/Gentile relations during the past centuries. Why those who opposed Jewish power were actually the defenders of humanity.

David's site

56k CF Download