Evolution is the linchpin of modern biology. Young people who don’t understand it are missing out on an entire range of educational and career opportunities. Certain professional fields can be closed off to them. Despite this, some public schools in America do all they can to avoid teaching evolution. Thanks to constant pressure from the Religious Right, many public schools are battlegrounds in a culture war that does great damage to our nation’s scientific credibility as creationists work overtime to slip their ideas into the curriculum. (alternet.org)
President Obama announced at a White House press conference today that Paul Revere would be exhumed and posthumously hanged for spying, domestic terrorism, and treason on July 4th outside his home that still stands in Boston.President Obama: Mr. Revere spied on his own government and revealed national security secrets to domestic terrorists that killed 73 and wounded 174 government troops. These brave soldiers had lawful orders to enforce gun control. If it’s one thing we learned from American history, it’s that public acceptance of gun control prevents terrorist attacks on American soil. (File Under Satire - www.examiner.com).
Every year as the 4th of July approaches, I am reminded of the accomplishments of one of my ancestors more than 200 hundred years ago. He was the only one of this nation’s Founding Fathers involved in the drafting of every one of the key founding documents of America, the Albany Plan of the Union, the Declaration of Independence, the treaty of alliance with France, the peace treaty with England, and the Constitution itself. (ammoland.com).
On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined by Dave Gahary, the online editor of American Free Press. Dave and I will be discussing the history and importance of American Free Press, America's last real newspaper, and current events.
Today: Special July 4th show with Dr. Duke and Dr. Slattery about winning our freedom and Inedendance from the Jewish globalists who have America and Europe in their grip. Also July 4th is the deadline for the new book contributions to indicate our print number. Thanks to all those who have contributed!
The Showdown Between Physical and Paper Gold is Coming this Fall
-We look back to 1776, what was used for money, who controlled the money; land banks and the Currency Act of 1767.
-The big reason the colonists revolted is not taught in our schools
-British subject vs. American Sovereign
-Are they going for the Central Bank of Egypt?
-Doing algorithms at Los Alamos for invading our privacy
-J Edgar Hoover, then and now
-Former Goldman Sachs men head the central banks of the world
-The history of Goldman Sachs is fun to learn about
-Deflation vs. Inflation
-Portugal is imploding
-The Fed does not want to create jobs or spur the economy. Their goal continues to be preventing a collapse
-MZM, money with a zero maturity is up to 12 Trillion Dollars
-Congress is charged with telling us exactly what a dollar is
-Who owns the Federal Reserve?
-QE, interest rates and bonds – keep an eye on these bounding balls
-Last time gold was at 1,285 the IMF sold 400 tons to China, India and Russia
-Living in a fishbowl and not becoming fish food
Süddeutsche Zeitung publishes caricature of Israel as horned monster in
attempt to question Germany's military aid to Israel; ADL: Image
reminiscent of Nazi propaganda
Serving and former priests hired rentboys for sex in churches from pimp who sold consecrated hosts to satanists, says defrocked clergyman. (ibtimes.co.uk)
Unquestionably, one of the most famous men associated with S4 (Sector – 4) is physicist Bob Lazar. Robert Scott Lazar was born in Coral Gables, Florida, in 1959 and is a name numerous people associate with alien spaceship reverse engineering . This is due to the fact that he claims to have been employed at a complex recognised as “S-4″ deep within the now dry Papoose lake bed from 1988 until 1989 as a physicist at an area called S-4 (Sector Four), located near Groom Lake, Nevada, next to Area 51. According to Lazar, S-4 served as a hidden military location for the study of and possibly reverse engineering extraterrestrial flying saucers. Lazar says he saw nine different discs there and provides details on their mode of propulsion.
It began as a seemingly offhand remark by the president of Bolivia, who suggested during a visit to Moscow that he might be happy to host Edward J. Snowden, the fugitive former security contractor who is desperate to find asylum. It escalated into a major diplomatic scramble in which the Bolivian president's plane was rerouted Tuesday because of suspicions that Snowden was aboard.
How often have you come across a news article where some obnoxious or
even downright despicable activity has come to light and is shown to
have been an activity for some period of time. How could such a travesty
have gone on so long... surely someone should have been aware? In the
back of our minds we are incredulous someone should have known and
somehow put a stop to it.
The chances are the foul, dangerous or illegal practice was known to
some degree by a passive observer who chose for some reason to turn a
blind eye to the situation. Some would say that person was culpable
through remaining silent, others may have empathy for that position,
usually from bitter experience.
The track record for those who come forward and seek to right obvious
wrongs is not good. The well intentioned are often subjected to harsh
consequence and personal attack, careers are often ended. We need to ask
and understand why, for surely intervening in a wrong situation should
be lauded, not penalized. ***Read article at BEYOND PROPHECY***
Two more infants have been infected
with a deadly herpes virus in the last three months after undergoing a
controversial religious oral circumcision in New York City. The
latest cases bring the count to 13 infants since 2000, two of which
suffered brain damage and two died from the virus which can rapidly
spread throughout its body. The
ultra-Orthodox Jewish practice of metzitzah b'peh requires a
practitioner to orally suck the baby's penis to 'cleanse' the open wound
following its circumcision, making them susceptible to the virus. ***Read article at DAILY MAIL***
Guest: NSA Whistle-blowers William Binney and Thomas Andrews Drake talk about the US government being a surveillance state and pretend not to be gatekeepers.
Philip Weiss, founder and co-editor of Mondoweiss,
discusses Secretary of State John Kerry’s persistent yet futile push
for peace talks in Israel; the never-ending colonization of the West
Bank; why most Americans have never heard of the Nakba; and mainstream
recognition that a Jewish state isn’t really necessary. (Duration: 31:33 — 7.2MB)
PS News journalist Adam Morrow discusses the huge protests against
Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi; the Egyptian military’s demand that a
political settlement be reached within 48 hours, or else; and why the
secular Egyptian opposition looks ready to vote for another military
dictatorship only two years after deposing Hosni Mubarak. (Duration: 25:45 — 5.9MB)