August 27, 2013

The Blitzkrieg Broadcast with Kyle Hunt 2013.08.26

The Hammers Of Resistance

Mike, the Sledgehammer, joins the show for an electrifying and hard-hitting conversation concerning the world of today and our resistance against it.

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Spingola Speaks 2013.08.27

Guest: Dr. Colin Ross, the founder and President of the Colin A. Ross Institute for Psychological Trauma; The Great Psychiatry Scam

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David Duke Show 2013.08.27

Today: Dr. David Duke is on with Michael Collins Piper and they go into depth on the Zionist efforts to orchestrate a war of mass destruction on Syria and brave citizens of that country who are under a brutal attack from the enemies of humanity.

David's site

56k CF Download

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.08.26

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Hesham Tillawi - US, UK To Attack Syria?

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Dr. David Duke - Zionists Create Grief Everywhere

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Michael Collins - Three 100 Ton Fukushima Cores Missing - Yoichi Shimatsu - Fukushima Destroying Much Life On Earth

56k CF
Rense' site

Reiki for Cats

...& Lift! ...& Down.  & Lift!...

(From the Dep't of "It's Not all Doom & Gloom!")

When our cats are ill our world changes and we would do anything in our power to help them. There is a natural way to approach your pet's health and it is through their own body, their own energy system, using Reiki Energy Healing. Reiki is a beautiful way to take care of the pets you love.

World-first pilot plant to turn carbon dioxide into rock

A research pilot plant in Newcastle will trial world-first technology that turns carbon emissions into bricks and pavers for the construction industry.
Read the article here.

US civil war is coming

US Government "getting ready for civil war"; the experimental vaccines in your dinner; and that virus on your computer - the army now linked to systematic black ops against ordinary citizens

Big Lies launch wars

Big Lies launch wars. Public opinion’s manipulated. It’s done to enlist support. Truth is suppressed. Fear and misinformation substitute.
Waging war requires manufacturing consent.
Public opinion’s manipulated to do so.
Big Lies substitute for full and accurate reporting. 
Truth is systematically avoided. Americans get a steady diet of managed news misinformation. 
***Read article at VETERAN'S NEWS NOW*** 

Pentagon Prepping for ‘Large Scale Economic Breakdown’

High level government documents reveal that the Pentagon is preparing in full force for ‘large scale economic meltdown’ and massive revolt via the US public — exactly what we are criticized for doing.

***Read article at Storyleak***

The Heretics' Hour 2013.08.26

Tanstaafl and Hadding Scott  join Carolyn to discuss “Is being White enough to organize around?  Can we successfully identify as an All-European White Folk or only as more diverse  ethnic nationalist Folk? Of course, both are viable for different purposes, but can we actually have the first without the second? This is debated along with other topics:
  • Gov. Bobby Jindal’s essay on “The End of Race” arguing for a total melting pot;
  • Pro-pagan article at Alt-Right professing all Whites to be a single Folk;
  • Tom Sunic-Andrew Fraser radio discussion on rejuvenating a more orthodox Anglo-Saxon Protestantism vs. pagan all-Europeanism;
  • The cult of Martin Luther King on the 50th anniversary of his “I have a dream” speech;
  • On the 100th anniversary of the lynching of Leo Frank – was it wrong or righ
Image:  Four European types out of many others reveal the differences among European ethnicities. Opinions vary as to how good for our race as a whole it can be to have too much ethnic mixing.

The White Network
Original Post
Carolyn' site

32k Download

August 26, 2013

Scott Horton 2013.08.26

Eric Margolis

Eric Margolis, journalist and author of American Raj, discusses the imminent US entry into Syria’s civil war; the questionable evidence that Syria’s government used chemical weapons on civilians; parallels to the Bush administration’s propaganda campaign before the 2003 Iraq War; the possibility of Russia entering the conflict; and escalating violence in Lebanon including car bombs outside Sunni mosques. (Duration: 46:01 — 10.5MB)

32k Download

No Agenda Global Radio

The Realist Report with John Friend 2013.08.26

On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined by Zan Overall, also known as The Wise Old Man. Zan will be giving us some updates on his recent activism.

The Realist Report (TalkShoe)


The Debate: Set-up planned to justify war on Syria: Dankof

Mark Dankof, a former US Senate candidate from San Antonio, has joined Press TV’s Debate program to shed more light on the issue of the use of chemical weapons by the militants in Syria.
***See VIDEO and TRANSCIPT at Press TV*** 

Leaked Documents: U.S. Framed Syria in Chemical Weapons Attack
On August 21st, 2013 chemical weapons were used the Syrian conflict yet again. Western powers, the U.S. and France in particular enthusiastically didn't hesitate for even a moment to take advantage of the tragedy, decrying it as a crime against humanity and using it as a springboard to announce their preparations for military strikes against the Syrian government.
Make no mistake this was a crime against humanity... but the gas was NOT used by the Syrian government, it was used by the NATO backed rebels. In this video we're going to show you definitive evidence to support this claim and we're going explain the U.S. and NATO's motive for committing such an atrocity. The leaked documents that we are going to be presenting are available for you to download yourself. You'll find a in a link in the description to that download and you'll also find links to the mainstream articles we used in our research.
Video from attack apparently shows the rockets were small and primitive:
Iran says they have proof rebels used chemical weapons:
Turkey finds sarin gas in homes of suspected Syrian Islamists
FSA says they are going to use chemical weapons from now on:
Leaked Britam Defence Syrian documents for download:
Chemical weapons confirmed in Syrian conflict:
U.S. helped Saddam as he was using chemical weapons on Iran:
CIA and Mossad both say the Iran hasn't even made the decision to seek a nuclear weapon:
Iran and Syria confront US with defense pact:
Iran already sending troops to Syria:
Iran and Syria confront US with defense pact:
Iran already sending troops to Syria:
The proxy war in Syria:
The U.S. funneling weapons to rebels through Qatar:
Russia opposes arming militants in Syria:
Russia warns Syria/Iran Crisis may go nuclear:
UK Quatar plot to frame Syria for Chemical weapons:
The March 19th, 2013 Sarin Attack:
Israel and the U.S. blame Assad:
Obama's red line:
U.N. launches their own probe:
According to the U.N. investigation the March 19th chemical weapons attack turned out to be committed by the rebels:
Russia agrees:
The August 21st, 2013 Chemical Attack:
Syrian soldiers enter rebel tunnels, find chemical agents
Video from attack apparently shows the rockets were small and primitive:
Iran says they have proof rebels used chemical weapons:
Turkey finds sarin gas in homes of suspected Syrian Islamists
FSA says they are going to use chemical weapons from now on:

The Piper Report 2013.08.26

The sloppy ‘research’ done by so many in the ‘truth movement’ and how it is utilized by our enemies against us.


Mike' PodBean

32k CF Download

FlopHouse Radio Pod-Cast 05

The World's Going Crazy! Maybe I am Too?

Slightly different format this go around. I decided to just talk off the top of my head about whatever popped into it, & this is the unprofessional result!
Today, I'm talking about Egypt; Uncle Adolf; Naughty Chatroom Toddlers; New Mami's Podcasters;Syria, & spining some tunes in between.
Best Heard with Alcohol.


David Duke Show 2013.08.26

Today: Guest Matthew Heimbach of the White Student Union.

David's site

56k CF Download

Spingola Speaks 2013.08.26

Guest: Karl Radl talks about the Jews and the assassination/murder of Nicholas II

News Page
Deanna's site
Official chat room
Spingola Speaks .Info


Grizz & Dels Latest Conspiracy

 Tune in next week and find out what happens!

Does the world care?

The Syrian conflict has produced a massive refugee problem, and it reached a new level of horror this week with news that the UN High Commission on Refugees estimates that there are a million children refugees alone. UN resources for dealing with this problem are fast dwindling and donor pledges are falling short