Marijuana Policy Project, the nation’s largest marijuana policy organization, released a list of the “Top 50 Most Influential Marijuana Users” in the United States on Wednesday. At the top of the list is none other than our in chief Barack Obama, who has sent more pot smokers and other nonviolent drug offenders to prison in his five years as president than any before him. Just below Obama are media mogul Oprah Winfrey, former President Bill Clinton, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, and television show host Stephen Colbert. Others include the Daily Show's host Jon Stewart, entertainer and entrepreneur Jay-Z, Secretary of State John Kerry, business magnate George Soros, and comedian Bill Maher. So much for the notion that 'stoners' are lazy work-o-phobes.
"Doomers" still get a kick out of these guys ravings!
Charlie McGrath and Doug Owen look at the MSM response to the Navy Yard Shooter narrative and those that are trying capitalize. The turning economy and other hot button topics are discussed as well.
Former 17-year Ohio Congressman Jim Traficant tells it like it is, in
two hours of non-stop commentary and analysis on the issues that no one
else will dare to touch.
The Feds Attempt to Avoid a Crash By Printing Dollars, Dollars and More Dollars
-Ben Bernanke speaks today
-Federal Reserve Open Market Committee will keep printing money to avoid a crash. No surprise to Real World of Money listeners.
- Gold, Silver and Oil make big moves upward on more Fed money printing choice
-During this show Andy Gause gives in depth analysis of the Feds current predicament that is truly historical in its resulting impact on the world’s economy.
-Federal Reserve Bank’s actions the past one hundred years vs. the way the free market may have acted the demographic imbalances and economy’s symptoms of illness.
-Housing starts and permits weak at best. Deep recession kind of numbers
-The Lehman Moment five years later
-The economic reset or cleansing is the cure that will never be willingly taken
-How the Federal Reserve Note became the World’s reserve currency.
-Janet Yellen’s likely Fed chairmanship means more money printing
-American’s are not spending their dollars
-And The Treasury has spent all of their dollars
-New rules for some safety deposit boxes
-We are all in the militia in its purest sense
(Janet that Ed Koch with a wig? Oy vey!)
Posted onSeptember 18, 2013byhorse237
Larry Summers (Samuelson) had to withdraw his nomination to
succeed Ben Bernanke as Federal Reserve Chairman for the same reason
that Barack Obama could not blow Syria off the map using doctored
evidence as his justification. The people said No to war. Americans had
figured out that Al Qaeda was committing atrocities against Christian
and Muslim civilians in their name. We can find hundreds of videos of
the mercenaries beheading civilians and even firing chemical weapons but
the administration and the media cannot produce even one of the Syrian
Army doing the same.
Sweden's food watchdog has confirmed to horrified netizens that, yes, ooze from beavers' back-passages is used to add a vanilla flavour to cakes, ice creams and drinks - and has been for years.
A yellowish secretion called castoreum is extracted from the animals' scent-laying anal glands, and is sometimes mixed into perfumes and stuff we eat. It's an alternative to vanilla beans, vanillin, conifer tree extract and other sources of vanilla flavour, and is "generally recognised as safe" by the US authorities.
IPS News journalist Adam Morrow discusses Egypt’s counterrevolution; the Muslim Brotherhood officials in jail or in hiding; how Iran’s secular progressives have discredited themselves by backing the antidemocratic military coup; and Israel’s long-held desire to repossess the Sinai Peninsula. (Duration: 28:04 — 6.4MB)
A CIA employee who refused to sign a non-disclosure agreement barring
him from discussing the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi,
Libya, has been suspended as a result and forced to hire legal counsel,
according to a top House lawmaker.
Rep. Frank Wolf (R., Va.) revealed at an event on Monday that his
office was anonymously informed about the CIA employee, who is
purportedly facing an internal backlash after refusing to sign a legal
document barring him from publicly or privately discussing events
surrounding the Benghazi attack.
The revelation comes about a month after several media outlets reported
that CIA employees with knowledge of the terror attack had been forced
to sign non-disclosure agreements (NDA) and submit to regular polygraph
tests. ***Read article at The Washington Free Beacon***
The UN chemical weapons inspectors, who went to Syria
to investigate the use of chemical weapons, should have stopped on their
way at Occupied Palestine (Israel), where Israeli government has the
largest stockpile of chemical and other WMD in the entire Middle East.
They would have found a lot of evidence and witness accounts of Israeli
use of chemical, as well as biological and nuclear, weapons against the
Palestinians and their Arab neighbors. The attacks started in May 1948
and are still going on in one form or another.
The Zionist gangs under the directive and leadership of
David Ben-Gurion, who became the first Israeli Prime Minister, had
adopted a military policy of genocide, extermination and total
destruction of the indigenous Palestinian inhabitants and their towns in
order to evacuate the land for outsider Zionist Jewish occupiers. The
first WMD they used was biological weapons as documented by the
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).