October 11, 2013
Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2013.10.11
Conclusion of Machiavelli and Sun Tzu and then the The Lewis and Clark Expedition.
32k CF Download
OBAMACARE - More Than a Glitch
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.10.10
Listen Download Hour 1 - Gerald Celente - Trends Research
Listen Download Hour 2 - Jay Weidner - A Conversation
Listen Download Hour 3 - Dr. Bill Deagle MD - Current Events
56k CF
Rense' site
October 10, 2013
Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2013.10.10
David Duke Show 2013.10.10
Today: Dr. James Thring joins Dr. David Duke to discuss the latest Zionist goings on and to break down the history of the Mideast and why Zio-American policies have been dreadfully harmful to the people of the Mideast as well as the people of America and the rest of the world. Dr. Thring is one of the most articulate and knowledgeable voices for peace and justice in the world.
David's site
64k CF Download
David's site
64k CF Download
Spingola Special 2013.10.09
Andrew S. McGregor talks about his current investigation; his article on Jim Stone, the rebuttle; Stones article on Joe Vialls
Deanna' site Spingola Specials
Deanna's News Page
Spingola Speaks 2013.10.10
Guest: Art from Philly talks about
Common CORE and other subjects
News Page
Deanna's site
Official chat room
Spingola Speaks .Info
News Page
Deanna's site
Official chat room
Spingola Speaks .Info
Industrial Hemp Cultivation Begins in Colorado – Free at Last!
In a major victory for US farmers, activists, and those who advocate the many uses of industrial hemp, the first commercial crop of hemp to be cultivated in the United States in almost 6 decades was recently harvested in Colorado. Although different from the psychoactive plant cannabis, due to federal marihuana prohibition during the early 1900′s, the nation’s last commercial crop of hemp was planted in 1957 in Wisconsin, after over half a million acres were grown during WWII to assist the nation’s war effort.
In November of 2012, Colorado passed Amendment 64 which revised the state’s drug-policy laws for cannabis, declaring that industrial hemp be regulated separately from cannabis. In June of 2014, the governor of Colorado signed legislation prescribing a limit to the amount of THC content in hemp, and establishing a committee within the State Department of Agriculture tasked with developing regulations for commercial hemp farming by 2014. (activistpost)
In November of 2012, Colorado passed Amendment 64 which revised the state’s drug-policy laws for cannabis, declaring that industrial hemp be regulated separately from cannabis. In June of 2014, the governor of Colorado signed legislation prescribing a limit to the amount of THC content in hemp, and establishing a committee within the State Department of Agriculture tasked with developing regulations for commercial hemp farming by 2014. (activistpost)
Israel-Saudi Arabia: An Unholy Alliance
Jew and Jew reunited in Evil. |
They partner with Washington’s imperial wars. They’re an odd couple. They’re strange bedfellows. Perhaps they’re joining forces. Formal relations aren’t maintained. Back channel secret ones substitute.
On October 2, Israel’s Channel 2 TV news said senior Israeli security officials met with a high-level Gulf state counterpart. They did so in Jerusalem.The Arab official’s name wasn’t mentioned. It’s believed to be Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan. Representing his government, he’s very much involved in Washington’s war on Syria. So is Israel.
Bandar’s visit broke a decades long taboo. It marks the first known time a Saudi official visited Israel. It’s believed no others did so earlier. Bandar did it covertly, not openly. He came to discuss interests both countries share. They include toppling Assad and confronting Iran.
Doing so involves forming a dark alliance. Including America, it’s hard imagining a darker one. It’s an axis of evil writ large. (globalresearch.ca)
America’s first slave owner was a black man
Prior to 1655 there were no legal slaves in the colonies, only indentured servants. All masters were required to free their servants after their time was up. Seven years was the limit that an indentured servant could be held. Upon their release they were granted 50 acres of land. This included any Negro purchased from slave traders. Negros were also granted 50 acres upon their releaseThanks DEMOCRAZY83
The Linux Backdoor Attempt of 2003
But on Nov. 5, 2003, Larry McVoy noticed
that there was a code change in the CVS copy that did not have a
pointer to a record of approval. Investigation showed that the change
had never been approved and, stranger yet, that this change did not
appear in the primary BitKeeper repository at all. Further
investigation determined that someone had apparently broken in
(electronically) to the CVS server and inserted this change. What did the change do? This is where it gets really interesting.
The change modified the code of a Linux function called wait4, which a
program could use to wait for something to happen.
***Read article at FREEDOM TO TINKER***
***Read article at FREEDOM TO TINKER***
How The NSA Deploys Malware: An In-Depth Look at the New Revelations
We've long suspected that the NSA, the world's premiere spy agency, was
pretty good at breaking into computers. But now, thanks to an article
by security expert Bruce Schneier—who is working with the Guardian to
go through the Snowden documents—we have a much more detailed view of
how the NSA uses exploits in order to infect the computers of targeted
users. The template for attacking people with malware used by the NSA is
in widespread use by criminals and fraudsters, as well as foreign
intelligence agencies, so it's important to understand and defend
against this threat to avoid being a victim to the plethora of attackers
out there.
***Read article at EFF***
***Read article at EFF***
Why are Americans totally oblivious to the fact that “their” Federal Reserve Bank is Jewish?
Quite remarkable when you know only around 2.2% of the American population is Jewish.
So what makes Jews especially able to run the most important financial institution in the USA & the world? Is it because they do such a great job in controlling the economy, an economy which to all accounts is about to fall off a precipice? Or could it simply be that Jews tend to hire and /or promote other jews to important positions for the purpose of control.
*Read article at Uprootedpalestinians's Blog
So what makes Jews especially able to run the most important financial institution in the USA & the world? Is it because they do such a great job in controlling the economy, an economy which to all accounts is about to fall off a precipice? Or could it simply be that Jews tend to hire and /or promote other jews to important positions for the purpose of control.
*Read article at Uprootedpalestinians's Blog
Top Ten Reasons to Oppose U.S. aid to Israel
Until the US stops lending its weight to Israel through biased and unfair support, a truly just peace will remain elusive.
***Read article at VETERANS NEWS NOW***
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.10.09
October 09, 2013
The Jim Traficant Show 10/9/2013
The Real World of Money with Andrew Gause 2013.10.09
If the USG Gets Religion and Spends Less Than They Steal Then Andy is Finished. What are the Odds?
-President Obama will leave office with U.S. 20 Trillion in debt
-The debt limit- Obama Care tango unfolds. Hear Andy’s full in depth analysis right here
-Puerto Rican Bonds are widely invested in because of tax loophole, and they are in bad, bad shape.
-The fine details of how the 85 Billion Dollar QE works
-We’re shocked ! Shell Oil starting to drill in Iraq
-Libya was as much about water as oil and banking
-Hear the story on the new Fed Chairperson, Janet Yellen
-Why did gold, silver and oil go down Wednesday if Yellen is an inflationist?
-The Battle of Waterloo and how the Rothchild’s made billions
-Proof. When the USG says they want to put people to work, they are fibbing.
-The internet is wild with a story that World Bank whistleblower says Hawaii has 170,000 tons of gold stashed. True?
-What are gross profit margins for spaghetti sauce an Prozac
-The U.S. has exit tax
-Silk Road head is in jail and the FBI can’t get at his 80 million dollars of Bit coins
-Sue learns how the commercial banks also create money to loan to us
-Lehman five years later
The Real World of Money Archive
Andy's site
-President Obama will leave office with U.S. 20 Trillion in debt
-The debt limit- Obama Care tango unfolds. Hear Andy’s full in depth analysis right here
-Puerto Rican Bonds are widely invested in because of tax loophole, and they are in bad, bad shape.
-The fine details of how the 85 Billion Dollar QE works
-We’re shocked ! Shell Oil starting to drill in Iraq
-Libya was as much about water as oil and banking
-Hear the story on the new Fed Chairperson, Janet Yellen
-Why did gold, silver and oil go down Wednesday if Yellen is an inflationist?
-The Battle of Waterloo and how the Rothchild’s made billions
-Proof. When the USG says they want to put people to work, they are fibbing.
-The internet is wild with a story that World Bank whistleblower says Hawaii has 170,000 tons of gold stashed. True?
-What are gross profit margins for spaghetti sauce an Prozac
-The U.S. has exit tax
-Silk Road head is in jail and the FBI can’t get at his 80 million dollars of Bit coins
-Sue learns how the commercial banks also create money to loan to us
-Lehman five years later
The Real World of Money Archive
Andy's site
Michael Rivero on Coast To Coast
(Couldn't resist posting this bit of late night brainwashing for the American Insomniacs.)
First hour guest, webmaster, activist, and talk show host Michael Rivero spoke about the state of the US economy, its monetary system, and the Federal Reserve. Regarding whether the debt ceiling should be raised, there’s a fundamental question behind that– “if the Constitution gives to the US government the authority to make and issue public currency without interest, why for the last 100 years has the US government borrowed all the public currency at interest from a privately owned central bank?” he asked. The historical irony is that America fought a revolution to be free from this kind of predatory banking, Rivero added. He believes that a major crash of the US banking system is an inevitability, and people should be prepared.
First hour guest, webmaster, activist, and talk show host Michael Rivero spoke about the state of the US economy, its monetary system, and the Federal Reserve. Regarding whether the debt ceiling should be raised, there’s a fundamental question behind that– “if the Constitution gives to the US government the authority to make and issue public currency without interest, why for the last 100 years has the US government borrowed all the public currency at interest from a privately owned central bank?” he asked. The historical irony is that America fought a revolution to be free from this kind of predatory banking, Rivero added. He believes that a major crash of the US banking system is an inevitability, and people should be prepared.
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