November 06, 2013

Obama's affordable boat Act.

The U.S. government has just passed a new law called: “The affordable boat act” declaring that every citizen MUST purchase a new boat, by April 2014  For entertainment purposes. Enjoy..
Read the story here.

Scott Horton 2013.11.05

Philip Weiss

Philip Weiss, founder of the Mondoweiss blog, discusses the laughable Israel-Palestinian peace process; Sheldon Adelson’s statement that Iran should be nuked, not negotiated with; and how Israel’s most ardent defenders are actually hastening the end of the Jewish state. (Duration: 31:05 — 14.2MB)

32k Download

No Agenda Global Radio

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.11.05

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - George Filer - MUFON UFO Report

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Harry McNevin - The Satanic Core Of Big Government

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Rev Ted Pike - ENDA Is Back! Vote Is This Week!

56k CF
Rense' site

Scan WOW

The Spingola Zone at AFP 11/5/2013

Soft-spoken yet extremely hard-hitting, Deanna Spingola is one of the most popular independent voices in the alternative media today. Her radio broadcasts have been “must” listening for truth seekers around the world, and her books in the “Ruling Elite” series have captivated readers with their amazing revelations of many heretofore untold “hidden” facts of history.
Deanna's guest is Dr. Linda Lagemann of The DSM-5 Controversy.
Show-page                   American Free Press


AFP Radio Network 11/4/2013

Mark Anderson interviews innovative attorney Carl Person of New York. While he’s the Reform Party’s nominee for New York City mayor, Person is looking beyond the city’s rigged mayoral election on Nov. 5. He’s developing various ballot proposals that take advantage of the state of New York’s home-rule status. These proposals can become law according to the legislative power of the people themselves, sidestepping town councils and the state assembly, something like the Swiss direct-democracy system. In such a system, elected legislatures don’t make all of the decisions on laws. Tune in to hear the variety of amazing ballot proposals that Person is working on enacting, including getting rid of usurious student-loan debt. Person is known for playing a major role in developing the paralegal field.                    Show-page 

32k CF Download

Mistress of disaster

It's not often that one person plays key roles in two -- count 'em, two -- trillion-dollar disasters. Welcome, my friends, to the world of well-connected Democrat Jamie Gorelick. But there are many many more. This is really revealing. 
If you don't know who she is, you better recognize.  Gorelick was born in New York City and grew up in Great Neck, New York, in a Jewish family! Surprise surpriiiise!

Read about the elite jewish pig here.

Rivero leaves RBN, reflects on independent media on “Kevin Barrett’s TRUTH JIHAD RADIO”

Mike Rivero of joins Truth Jihad Radio for a special “Fifth of November” show!

Mike just left RBN and put his radio show on hold. But he’ll be back somewhere soon, insha’allah. Meanwhile, we discuss today’s Million Mask March, the independent media revolution, the Federal Reserve bankster dictatorship, Zionist control of the USA, the use of NSA spying for blackmail and control, and more.                    Show-page

32k CF Download

Iran calls for global nuclear disarmament

Total elimination of nukes ‘is the only absolute guarantee against their threat or use,’ says Islamic Republic’s UN envoy.

Iran’s UN ambassador called nuclear weapons the greatest threat to present and future generations on Monday, just days before Tehran resumes talks with six world powers aimed at reining in its suspect nuclear program. 

***Read article at The Times of Israel*** 


The Piper Report Nov 4, 2013

Michael Collins Piper discusses the latest Geo-political Jew realities.


Show-page    FINAL JUDGEMENT lecture [Mossad connection to JFK]

                    The Barnes Review 

32k CF Download

November 05, 2013

The 9 Faces of Obamacare Architect Ezekiel Emanuel: Private Companies and Health Insurers Are to Blame for Failures

I'll save you from having to watch the profoundly disturbing Fox News Sunday panel discussion with Ezekiel "Dr. Death" Emanuel, one of the key architects of Obamacare.

In trying to defend his stillborn brainchild, Emanuel constantly interrupts the other panelist and host Chris Wallace, haranguing them for misunderstanding his genius.

Hell, instead of having to listen to him, just take a look at his facial expressions.


The Realist Report with John Friend 2013.11.05

On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock. Andrew and I will be discussing a number of subjects, including his book The Synagogue of Satan and In The Name of Yahweh.

The Realist Report (BlogTalk)
The Realist Report (TalkShoe)


Spingola Speaks 2013.11.05

Guest: Michael Walsh, author of Witness to History

News Page
Deanna's site
Official chat room
Spingola Speaks .Info


Queen of Hungary Formula

Queen of Hungary Formula by independz

How to make a Queen of Hungary formula using kitchen herbs which are accessible at any market.

 "I'm Just a Guy who knows Some stuff"

Tony's Youtube

Deanna's show with guest Tony Pantalleresco

9/11 Declared An Inside Job By The American Government WTF? USA USA !

Dreams Of A Gun Free Zone

Disarmed citizens are vulnerable to petty crooks, rapists, psychopaths and street gangs. Criminals and psychopaths ignore "Gun Free Zones", that's what makes them criminals. Everybody with common sense understands that "Gun Free Zones" are ineffective at deterring violent criminals. Unfortunately, common sense is not all that common

David Duke Show 2013.11.05

Today: Dr. David Duke has a beginning segment on how massive immigration is damaging to the receiving country as well as the source country. It introduces societal conflict, and crime on the one hand, and at the same time a brain drain of the natural leaders of the nations providing the mass of immigrants. Dr. Duke also talks about the rights of the working and productive people and why human rights must not and cannot be reserved only to the poor but must be accorded to those technically not classified as poor but who also suffer from certain losses of their human rights. Then he goes into Jack Straw's supposedly anti-Semitic comments in the House of Commons in Great Britain, and finally he and Dr. Slattery dissect the anatomy of Jewish power and the ideological basis of Jewish supremacism.

David's site

64k CF Download

Renegades in America - The Aryan Alternative (p2)

El Al Crash Exposes Israel's Chemical Weapons Arsenal

 Never forget....
  Oct. 4, 1992, an Israeli cargo jet carrying three of the four components of the nerve gas Sarin, as well as other hazardous materials, crashed into an apartment building in Holland. The known facts of the crash of El Al Flight 1862, the worst air disaster in Dutch history, reveal that Holland's government engaged in a "huge cover-up" and lied to its citizens to help conceal Israel's unlawful chemical weapons arsenal and the international network that supports it.
Read the story here.

Jew, Dianne Feinstein(born Dianne Emiel Goldman) Cries ‘Gun Control’ in Wake of LAX Shooting…What Else Is New?

Every time a highly publicized shooting incident happens in this country, you can bet that Democratic California Senator Dianne Feinstein will be right there to call for increased gun control more than you can safely bet on the day’s weather forecast.
Even though LAX airport was already considered a “gun-free zone” (aside from roving police patrols curiously removed from checkpoints for reasons unknown in the months leading up to the recent shooting), that didn’t stop Senator Feinstein from going on CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday to say she’d introduce another bill over it.
***Read article at THE DAILY SHEEPLE***


Who Controls America?