November 29, 2013

NSA infected 50,000 computer networks with malicious software

The American intelligence service - NSA - infected more than 50,000 computer networks worldwide with malicious software designed to steal sensitive information. Documents provided by former NSA-employee Edward Snowden and seen by this newspaper, prove this.
A management presentation dating from 2012 explains how the NSA collects information worldwide. In addition, the presentation shows that the intelligence service uses ‘Computer Network Exploitation’ (CNE) in more than 50,000 locations. CNE is the secret infiltration of computer systems achieved by installing malware, malicious software.           ***Read article at NRC Handelsblad***
The inescapable implication is that all the makers of anti-virus products are in on this NSA operation,
allowing the NSA's malware access to your computer.

David Duke Show 2013.11.29

Today: Dr. Duke has a health and fitness Friday program, but first he discusses the New York Sun article by Zionist Libsey pointing out that more and more people, including some dissenting Jews are adopting the views of Dr. David Duke. Then he goes into the launch of his Christmas fundraising drive, the yearly fundraiser for the work of David Duke and Kay Whalen joins Dr. Duke and they discuss the basic elements of health and fitness, and why low carbohydrate diets lead to better health and why the prominent American diet is leading millions to heart disease, cancer and diabetes. In this program Dr. Duke recounts the scientific basics and offers a number of tips for healthier lives!

David's site

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Something Strange Happening In Cali

Something strange is surely happening in California, but it’s not the $64,000 question they call it in the story below… the name is Fukushima, and sea animals bum rushing the shoreline while millions of creatures perish within the same Pacific Ocean is not a good thing. 

It began with the anchovies, miles and miles of them, their silvery blue bodies thick in the waters of Monterey Bay. Then the sea lions came, by the thousands, from up and down the California coast, and the pelicans, arriving in one long V-formation after another.

Read the rest here

Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2013.11.29

Synopsis pending.

Oracle archive

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Sealed and guarded since the end of WWII at Arolsen, Germany, the Official IRC records reveal the actual Concentration Camp total death toll was 271,301
For years, people around the world – “the West” in particular – have been told that “six million Jews were systematically murdered by Germans in ‘Concentration Camps’ during World War 2.”
Thousands of honest people disputing this claim have been viciously smeared as a hateful anti-Semite. Several countries around the world have jailed and heavily fined people for disputing the claim that “6 Million” Jews were killed.
***Read article at True Democracy Party*** 
It is important to remember that the Germans allowed the International Red Cross to have offices located inside those labor camps. That is a courtesy the United States does not extend to the Red Cross relative to places like Abu Ghraib and Gunatanamo.  
It's a Trick 

Acquilla Clemons: The black witness the Warren Commission ignored
Acquilla Clemons testimony is legendary among conspiracy theorists because it was never formally taken.
She told investigators that she saw two men at the scene of the crime from her front porch. One had a pistol and was waving the other man away. The armed man was described by Clemons as “chunky,” “short” and “kind of heavy” and the other man was “tall” and “thin,” wearing a white shirt and khakis, neither of which matched Oswald’s appearance on that fateful day.
Three of the bullets fired into Tippit were manufactured by one company (Winchester) but the fourth was made by another (Remington), an unusual occurrence which may support Clemons testimony that there were multiple shooters.
Later, Clemons claimed she received an intimidating visit from Dallas authorities warning her not to repeat what she saw.

Jewish Wealth Promotes Gibbering Immigration Insanity in the UK and the US

So here’s a question: Do politicians who receive lavish funding from rich Jews adopt policies that displease rich Jews?
I think not. Blair’s lies and deceit about the Iraq war did him absolutely no harm with Britain’s vibrant Zionist community. Nor did his open-door policies on immigration. Indeed, he appointed a Jewish minister to oversee them: the peculiar-looking Barbara Roche, who insisted to native Whites that Britain was a “nation of immigrants” and who co-founded the lobbying group Migration Matters, which campaigns for “progressive migration policies”
Adelson backs sanity for Israel but “gibbering insanity” for America, which he wants to see flooded by non-Whites. The Republican hierarchy copies Adelson’s views as eagerly as it accepts his money.
This should go some way to enlightening Mr. Derbyshire on a critical force on behalf of immigration insanity in the UK and the US and immigration sanity in Israel. Quite simply, immigration policy cannot be understood without comprehending how Jewish wealth and power flexibly advance Jewish interests in the Diaspora while favouring completely different policies in Israel.
***Read article at Occidental Observer***

Woman Leaves Room Speechless: "I'm just a mom!" - One Of The Most Powerful Speeches Ever Made

World’s richest Jews earned enough in 2012 to end global poverty 4 times over

The world's 100 richest people earned a stunning total of $240 billion in 2012 – enough money to end extreme poverty worldwide four times over, Oxfam has revealed, adding that the global economic crisis is further enriching the super-rich.
“The richest 1 percent has increased its income by 60 percent in the last 20 years with the financial crisis accelerating rather than slowing the process,” while the income of the top 0.01 percent has seen even greater growth, a new Oxfam report said. The report highlights that even politics has become controlled by the super-wealthy, which leads to policies “benefitting the richest few and not the poor majority, even in democracies.”                    ***Read article at RT***

US, Israel to threaten Iran with war game

The US and Israel are planning to conduct a joint military drill in an effort to threaten Iran towards the end of the six-month period when an interim deal between Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany expires. The drill is aimed at sending a threatening message to Iran while US President Barack Obama says “we cannot commit ourselves to an endless cycle of conflict.”
Time magazine broke the story of the planned US-Israeli military exercise on Thursday, citing a top Israeli official who said, “The strategic decision is to continue to make noise.”
“In May there’s going to be a joint training exercise with the Americans,” said the official who spoke on condition of anonymity. “It’s going to be big.”
The planned war game comes after the interim nuclear deal between Iran and the P5+1 intensely angered Israelis.           ***Read article at PressTV***

November 28, 2013

Thule Thanksgiving with Troublemakers 2013.11.28

Part 2 of Wild Wednesday

As the stream enters into Thanksgiving Thursday, German Markus calls into the live stream. Zapoper, Gov, and MrsSledge soon drop from the call, with Sieg and Heks remaining. Markus talks with us about a wide variety of issues regarding the plight and the fight of the German people, as well as the white race as a whole.

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The Realist Report with John Friend 2013.11.27

On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined once again by JB Campbell. JB and I will be discussing the American Defense Party.

Below are relevant links for this program:

The Realist Report (BlogTalk)
The Realist Report (TalkShoe)


DC 9/11 Conference Statement by Craig Ranke & Citizen Investigation Team

This is all very much consistent with the RAND Corporation-inspired Delphi technique -- a known method of manipulating groups toward a "consensus" that is in actuality the organizers' predetermined conclusion, which is already being used against the "truth movement" by the so-called "Consensus Panel" -- and is further indicative of the duplicitous and "rigged" nature of this "conference."
The fact that BEFORE EVEN INVITING US the organizers of this event had already agreed what the "outcome" of the Pentagon "debate" "has to be" and had a hidden/obscure plan to issue a predetermined "consensus statement" on behalf of all participants, including us, is classic Dephi deception and further underscores the ulterior motives behind this controlled farce of a "conference." Furthermore, the specific "consensus statement" that the organizers of this conference have discussed "Delphing" onto the participants is completely illogical and the exact opposite of what CIT has not only preached since the beginning but repeatedly and decisively proven, which is that we CANNOT rely on  "evidence" that has been sequestered and controlled by the suspect, and that INDEPENDENT, VERIFIABLE evidence is the key to unlocking the truth about what actually happened at the Pentagon.
***Read more of the Statement here***
The Pentacon web-site
The CIT web-site
CIT videos

Wild Wednesday w/ Kyle, Zapoper, Mike, Gov, MrsSledge, Heks, & Sieg 2013.11.27

Somehow Kyle was tricked into a call with Zapoper, who also wanted to talk to Mike, so a stream was established and others began to join in. Some of this is drunken nonsense, but there were also some interesting or entertaining parts. One of the highlights is when Mike tells Zapoper he is going to fly up to Canada and kick his ass for insulting Mike’s lady.

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Is your TV spying on YOU?

Last week, there was a high-profile case in point. An IT consultant called Jason Huntley, who lives in a village near Hull, uncovered evidence that a flat-screen television, which had been sitting in his living room since the summer, was secretly invading his family’s privacy.

He began investigating the £400 LG device after noticing that its home screen appeared to be showing him ‘targeted’ adverts — for cars, and Knorr stock cubes — based on programmes he’d just been watching.

Huntley decided to monitor information that the so-called smart TV — which connects to the internet — was sending and receiving. He did this by using his laptop effectively as a bridge between his television and the internet receiver, so the laptop was able to show all the data being sucked out of his set.

Read the rest here

WTF! Thanksgivvukah

Looks like gods chosen people are now trying to Jew-up this American holiday, too!

Read:  The Bullshit Story of Thanksgivvukah

"I bet the pigs are laughing at the turkeys now"

Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2013.11.28

Charles finishes his notes mostly taken out of the book The secret society of Moses.

Oracle archive

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Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.11.27

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Tim Rifat - Geopolitical Analysis

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Joel Skousen World Affairs Brief

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Ty Bollinger - Monumental Myths Of Modern Medical Mafia And The MSM

56k CF
Rense' site

The Debate - Paris Partial Policy - Ken O'Keefe and Frederick Peterson

The New Axis of Evil: Saudi Arabia and Israel

To the rest of the world they are strange bedfellows, but Saudi Arabia and Israel have a shared agenda to shape the Middle East to their liking even if it means using violence and terrorism to bring the region to the brink of war.
The intense anger toward Iran reflects how both nations see the Middle East. They want it dominated by Arab dictators, who can control the Sunni faithful through petrol dollars and the Saudi royal’s role as “Servants of the House of God.” with their promotion and financing of Wahabism, an extreme form of Islam.  Abdullah and his royal hangers-on are prepared to eliminate their enemies by whatever means necessary, beginning with Syria.
Netanyahu, too, wants Iran bombed back to the Stone Age. He has backed the neocon principle that removing Assad will break a Shiite Muslim arc stretching from Iran, across Iraq into Syria and Lebanon. One of his dreams is to give the Israeli military another crack at Hezbollah. He and Abdullah have pressed Washington to abandon diplomatic talks with Iran and to provide the Syrian rebels with air cover and heavy weapons. Those rebels have a very large contingent
of terrorists in their ranks, many of them al-Qaeda members of Saudi origin.
***Read article at American Free Press***