what is going on in the White Nationalist and/or Christian Identity
Movements? This is where to find out. Uncensored and frank analysis.
Explicit language. Hosted by: DickReltney
Rampant hospital infections, which suddenly kill unsuspecting patients, even those who were expected to live, are the nation’s fourth leading preventable cause of death,
ahead of heart disease, cancer and stroke. The inescapable irony is
that people go to hospitals to treat the first three causes and too
often die from the fourth.
reached the point where it’s time for the people to decide—once and for
all—whether the dominant allopathic medical system should be allowed to
keep its own monopoly on health. This is a crucial question, given that
the allopathic method
simply treats symptoms and not the root causes of illness, marginalizes
or ignores natural treatments and keeps often-dangerous prescription
drugs flowing.***Read full article here***
Journalist M.J. Rosenberg
discusses the AIPAC convention attendees converging on Capitol Hill to
vigorously lobby Congress; Obama’s surprising, repeated defiance of the
Israel lobby; and how John McCain’s longevity and temperament might be
the death of us all. (Duration: 24:34 — 11.2MB) Note: @ Lindsey. No need to point out the obvious in the comments. LOL
Pat Buchanan, a syndicated
columnist and former presidential candidate, discusses the national
interests of Russia and the US in Ukraine; some deep background on
Ukraine, the Soviet Union, and Cold War realpolitik; the competing
bailout packages from Russia and the EU for Ukraine’s basket-case
economy; the lesser-known great crimes of WWII; and how “natural
borders” are breaking down global institutions and nation states. (Duration: 38:42 — 17.7MB)
The Red Cross. Planned obsolescence. 50 of the most powerful Jewish swine balls: Benjamin Netanyahu, Ben Bernanke, Rahm Emanuel, Sergey Brin and Larry Page (Google Founders), Shai Agassi, Christine lagarde, Shimon Peres etc.
Today: Dr. David Duke today discusses the ADL's accusation of anti-Semitic "Canard". He examines a series of the so-called canards and shows that when looked at closely, there are much more accurate than the Jewish criticism's of them.
A great show with Dr. Slattery, also discussed is the canard of Jewish world domination, the canard of Jewish dominance of the slave trade, of Jewish dominance of pornography, of Jewish domination of International banking and the Federal Reserve, of the Jewish domination of foreign policy leading to wars. This is a great show on the most fundamental issues facing America and the world. Listen and share!
One area in which Tolstoy excelled was the ability and willingness to
change his mind based on new experiences. It was a skill he began
nurturing in the 1850s when he was an army officer. Tolstoy fought in
the bloody siege of Sebastopol during the Crimean War, a horrific
experience that turned him from a regular soldier into a pacifist. A
decisive event took place in 1857, when he witnessed a public execution
by guillotine in Paris. He never forgot the severed head thumping into
the box below. It convinced him of the belief that the state and its
laws were not only brutal, but served to protect the interests of the
rich and powerful. He wrote to a friend, "The truth is that the State is
a conspiracy designed not only to exploit, but above all to corrupt its
citizens...Henceforth, I shall never serve any government anywhere."
Tolstoy was on his way to becoming an anarchist. His criticisms of the
tsarist regime in Russia became so vociferous that only his literary
fame saved him from imprisonment. Tolstoy would be the first to
encourage us to question the fundamental beliefs and dogmas we have been
brought up with.