Dr. David Griscom is a highly-rated physicist - and a leading challenger to the official story of 9/11, which he says violates the laws of physics. During this interview, he discusses the Harrit et. al. nanothermite paper, 9/11 truth movement controversies, the 9/11 planes, and the possibility that Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 was hijacked by remote control, just like the passenger planes on 9/11.
Dr. Griscom, together with the Association for 9/11 Truth Awareness (ANETA.org) and Truth Jihad Radio, issued a debate challenge February 20th via the most active anti-9/11-truth website, the James Randi forum. Any qualified physicist who actually believes the official story of 9/11 is invited to step forward and defend those beliefs - and try to win a $1000 prize!
The debate was originally scheduled for March 15th, 2014 at noon Eastern time. We have been looking for a physicist with a Hirsch Index rating over 50 (i.e. a highly qualified physicist in the same league as Dr. Griscom). Unfortunately, there does not seem to be even one highly-qualified physicist in the world who can argue that the official story of 9/11 is permitted by the laws of physics!
The proposed debate question is:
1) The laws of physics were broken by the official story and we need a new investigation
2) The laws were not broken, and everything was explainable. The 9/11 Commission Report is fine as is.
The debate will be 2 hours with three 10 minute breaks every half hour for a total time of 1.5 hours.
The winner will
be determined by audience vote and will receive $1000 towards the
non-profit charity of his or her choice.
Kevin's blog
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