September 05, 2014

Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2014.09.05

Charles' fourth day on the 9/11 event morphs into Aleister Crowley's occultism. (1 caller)

Listen Live from 8-10am Eastern on weekdays.
Call in number: 508-422-7010 Massachusetts USA

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David Duke Show 2014.09.05

Dr. David Duke again delves into the whole Ferguson issue and he gives the reality of cross-race crime in America and shows how it is the opposite of what the Zio media claims. He shows how there is no evidence of disproportionate shootings of Black males in America by police and actually the evidence is overwhelming that the smaller number of Police shootings that are white exist because Whites commit only a fraction of the rate of crime as do Blacks in our major cities, and in proportion of criminality (which are most police shootings) Whites are far more likely to be shot by police than are Blacks! He also shows how that crime rates and Black crime rates have gone up exponentially in correlation to changeover in the Jewish domination of media in America advancing both racism in minorities against European Americans and values in Hollywood such as gangster rap and the violent, criminal, drug using, sexually abusing value system adopted by so many young blacks and by a number, but smaller percentage of Whites as well. He shows how the anti-White racism has been and is simply a weapon to use against European Americans in their racist efforts to control American academia, media, finance and politics. To be the masters of America, they had to displace and demonize the American non-Jewish European majority and destroy any sense of ethnic loyalty among it so the Jewish ultra-racists could take over. Additional commentary is by Dr. Patrick Slattery. Listen, enjoy, learn and share!

David's site
Rense Archive 

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Visualizing the growth of federal regulation since 1950
Senior Research Fellow Patrick McLaughlin demonstrates the growth of federal regulation in the United States since 1950 by stacking books from the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).

The red and black colors do not signify anything relevant to this demonstration. The federal government releases partial updates to the CFR on a quarterly basis and changes the color from one year to the next.

Book stacks for 1950, 1970, and 1990 are represented using the average size volume in 2013, which is roughly 750 pages long. Stack size is calculated by dividing the page count in those years by 750 pages. 

No Agenda Episode 649 - "Scottish Do Over" - 2014.09.04

EUROLand; Fappening; Caliphate!; Internet Of Things; F-Russia; Packet Equality; Israel / Gaza; NWO; Furgeson; Agenda 21; NA-Tech; Shut Up Slave!; Hams; K-Word / Superfood; IRS, and all your usual listening whilst perusing the naked pics of celebs over at 4Chan Favourites.

The "Should be banned" Thursday Show!


Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.09.04

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Andy Gause - The Economy

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Dr. Bill Deagle MD - Multiple Updates

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Patricia Doyle, PhD - Emerging Diseases And Your Health

56k CF
Rense' site

Insights from an Observer 2014.09.04

Tonight, join an Observer as we discuss the extortion known as the kosher tax, avoiding kosher products, and why the jew’s forcing of their inane laws upon we mere “goyim” is an act of domination over us…as is circumcision.

Renegade Archive
BlogTalk Archive
Renegade Broadcasting


Soy la bandito desde cuba LOL

Put that in one of your SPLC folders Madame Veronica. LOL

September 04, 2014

Military lawyer resigns in protest of ‘show trial’ of accused 9-11 mastermind

"The 'original sin' being the fact that the CIA tortured these men and that they've gone to extraordinary lengths to try to keep that completely hidden from public view," Wright said. "So the statute that Congress passed has a number of protections to ensure that no information about the U.S. torture program will ever come out."
Wright said other restrictions on his defense team led to the resignation.
"So not only do you have statutory design, but you actually have, in practice, a very large effort to try to ensure that no ensure that no information about torture is ever made known in public," he said.
The defense in the 9/11 case has alleged clandestine government interference with legal proceedings. Past hearings at Guantanamo have shown that listening devices were planted in rooms where lawyers and prisoners met, and that someone outside the court had a kill switch that cut the closed-circuit broadcast feed of the trial when secret CIA prisons were mentioned. In addition, the defense has alleged spying in the case, claiming the FBI propositioned a defense team security officer to be a confidential informant.
Wright cited the US government’s meddling as the biggest challenge to a fair trial for the defendants.
"The U.S. government is trying to call this a fair trial, while stacking the deck so much against the defense and the accused that it can hardly be called a fair trial in any system in the world," he said, accusing the government of staging a "show trial."
***Read full article here*** 
*9/11 Suspects Can’t Mention being Tortured during Trial because it's Classified 
*There is no evidence that Muslims committed the crime of 9/11 
*Terrorism a tool at the hands of imperialism 
*Al-Qaeda a tool for West's political/military adventures 
*Fake Al Qaeda Actors EXPOSED!  

World's oldest person: 127yr old Mexican swears by chocolate, sleeping & the single life

Scott Horton 2014.09.03

Ramzy Baroud

Ramzy Baroud, author of My Father Was a Freedom Fighter: Gaza’s Untold Story, discusses why Gazans are celebrating a “victory” over Israel despite sustaining heavy losses in life and property from Operation Protective Edge.

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Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2014.09.04

Charles starts the show by playing clips of The Mike Malloy show in which he attacks Israel's behavior. Mike Malloy's Email. Charles then goes in his third day of his views on the 9/11 event. (2 callers)

Listen Live from 8-10am Eastern on weekdays.
Call in number: 508-422-7010 Massachusetts USA

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Outside Radio Archive       Skype Call
A View From The Bog

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David Duke Show 2014.09.04

Everything you need to understand about Ferguson Mo and the Jewish source of ethnic conflict in America. Dr. David Duke does a complete run down of the Jewish strategy in their divide and conquer policy in the United States and Europe trying to ethnically divide and conflict society, accuse Europeans of racism, incite African Americans against Europeans in pursuit of the Jewish supremacist agenda. He also shows how Jewish supremacist organizations such as the ADL promote ethnic conflict in Ferguson while at the same time support the most racist nation on Earth, the state of Israel, that kills and maims non-Jews, including thousands of children. Dr. Slattery also offers some amazing commentary.... Great show! Listen and Share!

David's site
Rense Archive 

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Road rage - Putin's Russia-Style!

Only in Russia - where Dash-Cam's are mandatory - could you see the following scene unfolding before your very eyes. Road rage Russian Style is very different to what usually occurs here in the west...

Wheelchairs for DUMMIES: March of the Crisis Actors!
*Four in Ten Bostonians Skeptical of Official Marathon Bombing Account
*False flag theater: Boston bombing involves clearly staged carnage 5/8/2013
*The Boston Marathon Bombing’s Constructed Reality
*Boston Bomber's Magic NOTE IN THE BOAT!
*Dear Pink Lady
*This story is true; the facts have been fabricated to keep the false flag flying

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.09.03

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Webster Griffin Tarpley - The Latest From Webster

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Tim Rifat - Geopolitical Military Analysis

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Dr. Joseph Chiappalone MD - Terminal Madness Of The End Times

56k CF
Rense' site

September 03, 2014

The Return of Tyr with Drew 2014.09.02

Off the cuff show featuring three callers. Topics were discussed such as: Ridiculous college courses, divide and conquer, the ‘news’, racial and ethnic identity, Southern history, environmentalism, gardening and much more.

Renegade Archive
BlogTalk Archive
Renegade Broadcasting


The Real World of Money with Andrew Gause 2014.09.03

More Hope Than Change; A Move Toward Communism; the Fed’s Management of Commodity Prices

-The latest update on battery technology
-Russian sanctions not hurting Russia
-Why is the dollar so strong now?
-Plenty of Hope, but no Change: Andrew talks the work of the Obama administration
-What are stock splits?
-Inflation is imminent
-Have you noticed people paying for their morning coffee with their phones?; moving toward a cashless society
-How small businessmen are being crushed out of business; moving toward communism
-Why doesn’t the government want you to understand that there is a big difference between a paper dollar and a silver dollar?
-Does Andrew consider US Silver Eagle coins as bullion?
-Insider trading and driving up stock prices
-How is ISIS making 2 million dollars a day with their endeavors.
-The new plan by The Boys – just give the people money
-The Brenton Woods meeting going on today – the details
-Why gold and silver got hammered yesterday
-The wife of George Gordon called in LIVE during the show to let us know he has passed away. She will continue the teachings of George Gordon’s School of Common Law
-The SWIFT System explained

The Real World of Money Archive 
Andy's site


Voice of Albion with Paul Hickman 2014.09.03

Paul interviews Simon Sheppard who is a British Nationalist and Publisher of The Heretical Press.

A native of Kingston Upon Hull, Simon was jailed in 2000 for the "crime" of "Publishing or Distributing racially inflammatory material." Simon and a fellow free speech advocate were convicted of "publishing hate speech against Jews and other groups" in 2008. They were refused Political Asylum in the USA and deported back to Britain.
The Heretical Press Publications list

Paul Hickman's Blog
Renegade Broadcasting


Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.09.02

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - George Filer - Filer's Files UFO Report 

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Richard Ostrow - Amazing Carnivora Reports 

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Rense was not able to reach Jim Berkland so he improvised. (This is my own recording since Rense chose not to post it)

56k CF
Rense' site

Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2014.09.03

Charles continues to share his views on the 9/11 event. (2 callers)

Listen Live from 8-10am Eastern on weekdays.
Call in number: 508-422-7010 Massachusetts USA

Truth Hertz 2 Chat         HTML5 Version
Outside Radio Archive       Skype Call
A View From The Bog

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