November 30, 2014
Ferguson officer who shot Michael Brown resigns
Wilson spent months in hiding and made no public statements following
the shooting. Wilson, who recently got married, broke his silence after
the grand jury decision, telling ABC News that he couldn't have done
anything differently in the encounter with Brown.
Wilson said he had a clean conscience because "I know I did my job right." Brown's shooting was the first time he fired his gun on the job, he said. Asked whether the encounter would have unfolded the same way if Brown had been white, Wilson said yes.
***Read full article and see video here***
*Testimony of the Ferguson Eyewitness That Did Not Perjure Himself
Wilson said he had a clean conscience because "I know I did my job right." Brown's shooting was the first time he fired his gun on the job, he said. Asked whether the encounter would have unfolded the same way if Brown had been white, Wilson said yes.
***Read full article and see video here***
*Testimony of the Ferguson Eyewitness That Did Not Perjure Himself
November 29, 2014
Two’s company, three’s allowed 2014.11.27
On this edition of Two’s Company, Three’s Allowed, Shaun and Brizer from Ireland, get into talking about the IRA and where it began. Brizer speaks on how his grandfather was a member of the faction and did his part to protect his country. The two also speak about what breakdowns within Irish society have taken place of late and how these disintegration’s relate to the rest of Western Civilisation.Freedompalooza Podcast Network
In the meantime, Shaun contemplates moving his time slot for the show, to 10AM Australian Daylight Savings Time, 11PM UK Time & 6PM EST American time, due to the fact that it seems the show suits people in a more worldly fashion.
Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye Live 2014.11.29

Intelligent media for the politically aware.
Hour 1 - Current events, news, and analysis
Hour 2 - Guest - Brandon Martinez (AKA zioncrimefactory), The Martinez Perspective
Hour 3 - Lee Rogers, The Daily Slave and the Ferguson Fiasco
32k CF Download
Websites: illuminatusobservor.blogspot inside the eye live
Revolution Radio @ Freedom
It's the interview of
the century. The Fuehrer himself
visits the Queen of daytime talk, Oprah
Winfrey. What will Oprah ask him? How will Hitler respond? How
will the audience respond? Can he win
over the hostile crowd with his charm and intellect? Or will
he be mercilessly booed off the stage?
***See preview here***
***See preview here***
Jesse Owens and Adolf Hitler: The REAL Story!
The 1936 Olympics had already been awarded to Germany before Hitler became Chancellor in '33.
So, despite the protests and boycotts organized by Jewish groups, it was too late to take the games away from Germany.
***Read full article here***
November 28, 2014
John B Wells interviews Robert Morningstar - November 18th/2014 Epiisode #174
On this episode, John B interviews longtime Kennedy conspiracy researcher Robert Morningstar. After rambling about some of his spiritual experiences, Morningstar gives a painstakingly detailed analysis of the Zapruder film, it's missing frames, Officer Tippit's killing, the Warren Commission's fallacies and the murky underbelly of 1960's American politics/consensus reality.
Hour One
Hour Two
UN committee accuses US of torture
*9/11 Suspects Can’t Mention being Tortured during Trial Testimony because Their Torture is Classified
*Military lawyer resigns in protest of ‘show trial’ of accused 9-11 mastermind
*Perpetual war, indefinite detention, and torture: The U.S. and Israel’s shared values
*Obama Minimalizing Post 9/11 Torture: 'We tortured some folks'
*CIA waterboarding is torture: International Red Cross
*Canadian government uses information extracted through use of torture
David Duke Show 2014.11.28
Are police more likely to shoot blacks than whites? Dr. David Duke reveals the shocking facts that whites are actually many times more likely to be shot than are blacks! He also shows a chart of the NYPD Firearms Discharge Report, that shows that white criminal suspects are far more likely to be fired upon by police than Black suspects!
This is an amazing report that shows how the Zio Media completely reverses the facts in an attempt to brainwash masses of Americans into anti-European racist myths.
He also is joined by attorney Don Advo and Prof. Patrick Slattery who discuss this big lie and who also talk about Dr. Duke's publishing, with his preface, of the great Jack London book, The Mutiny of the Elsinore, and its importance in waking people up the Jewish takeover of Western nations and the racial realities of Jewish divide and conquer tactics!
David's site
Rense Archive
56k CF Download
David's site
Rense Archive
56k CF Download
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