National Security Whistleblower Mark Novitsky
delivers a highly detailed examination of the National Security State,
with all its inter-locking and incestuous parts. Formerly with the
Teletech Corporation, Mark earned his Whistleblower Wings by exposing
how corporations like Tele-tech are exploiting meta-data from customers
& selling private information for profits. It’s the seedy side of
invasive surveillance, and it’s already impacting 1 in 3 Americans, who
imagine they’re outside the scope of government surveillance programs,
because they’re law-abiding and respectful of government institutions.
If you know friends or family who think they’re safe in this world of
government dragnets, Mark Novitsky shows what a great mistake they’re
Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in Amman, Jordan. He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom. The Fetch also has a second site called"Inside The Eye" Intelligent media for the politically aware.
Hour 1 - News and Analysis Hour 2 - Guest - R. J. Von Bruening, author, The Forbidden Knowledge of Enoch Hour 3 - News and Analysis
On May 25, when a large explosion took place in Latakia,
Syria, a few mainstream media outlets covered the incident from the
angle of it being yet one more sign that the Syrian regime was losing
its grip on power. This explosion was followed by a huge yellow plume of
smoke that caused many informed observers to wonder whether or not the
explosion was that of a chemical weapon.
On the chemical weapons question, however, the mainstream Western press was silent. ***Read full article here***
Meanwhile, over in Amsterdam, the Zionists are going ballistic over this weekend's Open Mind Conference. They are waxing especially apoplectic about Christopher Bollyn, whose book Solving 9/11
pins the crime of the century squarely on the Zionist crime network and
its Israeli enablers. The bad guys actually managed to get the
conference booted out of its originally-scheduled venue, but the ensuing
publicity is going to give the event far more attention than it
otherwise would have received.
So in honor of all this Zionist slander and censorship, I'm going to
push right back even harder with two guests who do not mince words.
First hour: Paul Topete of the leading freedom rock group Poker Face is
a notoriously uninhibited truth-teller. Paul calls it exactly the way
he sees it - and what he sees isn't always pretty. While I may not agree
with everything he says, I will defend to the death his right to say
Second hour: Brandon Martinez, like Paul Topete, is one of the
most outspoken and eloquent anti-Zionists in North America. And like
Paul, Brandon thinks the evils of Zionism have their roots in problems
endemic to organized Jewry. (That's pretty much what Gilad Atzmon has
been saying for years.) Are these guys right? Partly right? Or does this
line of inquiry lead to dangerous bigotry? Tune in and decide for
Carolyn Yeager and Ray Goodwin join to mark the sudden and untimely death of the
greatly beloved Michael Collins Piper. We discuss what is known of his
problems in the last couple years, his health breakdown as well as the
firing he endured at the same time by his long time employer, Willis
Carto and American Free Press. Ray
shares his long friendship and memories, and Carolyn shares a few of her
own plus touching comments from an email friend and admirer of Mike. We
conclude that Mike's legacy is in his books and radio broadcasts -
especially his great book Final Judgement - so that he is always with us through his works. Show-page
Host Chris Petherick will be holding an open show where he will talk
about the most pressing issues of the week and will take calls from
Topics will include the controversy
over vaccinations, women activists crossing the DMZ into North Korea,
the end of the Patriot Act and the rise of the Freedom Act, and much
Uncensored, hard hitting commentary and historical perspective on the current events affecting the U.S. and Western civilization.
Today's guest Adrian Salbuchi joins
us to discuss Israel's false flags against Argentina - not just the
bombings of 1992 and 1994, but also the recent Nisman murder. Alberto
Nisman was the Zionist-supported public prosecutor charged with making a
false case against Iran in the 1990s bombings. But he couldn't make a
case - so they upped the ante last January by killing him and trying to
pin the blame on President Cristina Kirchner.
Adrian writes: "Not much is being published in the international press
regarding how the Nisman suicide/murder ties in with a much more
comprehensive generalized attack by Global Zionist Forces and Israel
against - not so much the government of Cristina Kirchner, but as an
on-going attack against the whole of Argentina with very serious
territorial overtones!"
Dr. Duke started the show with a lesser-known Rudyard Kipling poem
"The Burden of Jerusalem," which is remarkably critical of the history
of Jewish supremacism from ancient times right up to the 20th Century.
He then went on to the 1968 book "Zero Population" by Jewish extremist
Paul Erlich, which brainwashed the intellectuals who read the book to
repress their own reproduction while the less intellectual groups both
in the United States and overseas continued to have large families.
Jewish extremists took advantage of these low birthrates among whites in
America and Europe to push for non-white immigration to make up for an
artificially created labor shortage.
Coulter's book new book addresses this immigration crisis, but masks
the Jewish responsibility for it by incorrectly blaming it all on "the
left." He noted that calling out the Jews would restrict her access to
the Zio media, but persuasively argued that there is no solution to this
problem (and so many others) unless Jewish domination of society is
exposed and confronted. Coulter's book may be a good career move for her
and will attract some attention to the problem, but by incorrectly
assigning blame she is shielding the culprits and not contributing to
the solution. Dr. Slattery adds his insights.
TODAY; Police State; Agenda 21; SnowJob; Caliphate!; Vaccine$; F-Russia; War on Chicken!; Moral Self Licensing; Ministry of Truth; Trains Good, Planes Bad; EuroLand; BitCoin; No Agenda Book Club; PedoBear; NWO; Haiti; Out There, and all your usual listening while watching "Jade Helm" start in Michigan and wondering when they'll get round to you favourites.