July 05, 2015

The Emperors New Virus: Science Of A Lie

"The Emperor's New Virus: An Analysis of the Evidence for the Existence of HIV" - is a supplementary follow-up to the award winning documentary, House of Numbers. It takes an in-depth look at the scientific evidence surrounding the existence of HIV.

Rent A Jew!

A Munich-based group has launched a program offering “to rent a Jew” for socializing and “breaking down any prejudices.” The group said that few Germans know Jews personally and the program aims “to engage young people on the grassroots level.”

The program, with the rather provocative name ‘Rent a Jew’, has been launched by the Munich-based European Janusz Korczak Academy.

“There are 100,000 Jews in Germany, but very few people in this country know a Jew personally. We want to change that …and break down prejudices” about Jews, the group said on its website.

Read more here

Greece referendum: Monty Python sketch perfectly explains the Greek debt crisis

Many top English-speaking economists are either alarmed or aghast over Europe's handling of the crisis in Greece. Several Nobel Prize winners say it has been exacerbated, time and again, by an unnecessarily rigid approach by Germany, Europe's economic powerhouse and decision-maker. Greece simply cannot repay its debts, economists argue, no matter how much the country slashes public services or raises taxes. So by insisting it keep on trying, the thinking goes, Germany seems to be intent on punishing Greece. The Germans see it differently, saying what they are doing may be painful, but necessary, to get the country on a sustainable footing for the long term. To understand the massive gap in opinion, it might help to watch a Monty Python sketch from 1974 about a soccer match between Germany and Greece.

Carving Out Kurdistan - The US/NATO Plan To Break Up Syria and Iraq

Kurdish fighters have indeed fought bravely against ISIS, dealing blow after blow to the Western-backed terrorist group on a number of occasions.
The resolve that Kurdish fighters showed in their fight against ISIS at Ayn al-Arab (aka Kobane) was extraordinary as was their understanding of the necessity for coordination and cooperation with the Syrian government with regards to issues containing mutual strategic self-interest for both parties.

The West, however, particularly NATO spear-headed by the United States has long had a much different interest in the Kurdish fighters and their relationship to the region and the conflict currently raging there. Indeed, the Kurds have long acted as a force which the US has been able to harness to stir up destabilization in the Iraqi, Syrian, Turkish, and Iranian sphere. Such is the case now, as the US and NATO powers seek to use the Kurdish desire for an independent country – Kurdistan – as a destabilizing force against Syria, Iraq, and Iran and a galvanizing force for the Turks. Whether or not the Kurds will ever obtain such an independent state, however, remains to be seen.
***Read full article here***

Hot Off The Press: How The Israeli Government Subverted The Solidarity Movement

You call them Left Wing Jewish Liberals. I call Them *Mossad*.
Gilad Atzmon reports:
Two days ago, some invaluable information surfaced relating to the treacherous role of Jewish liberals in derailing the BDS campaign. A Ynet article disclosing the Israeli strategy relating to the pro Palestinian campaign disclosed the close links between the Israeli Government and the Jewish ‘pro’ Palestinian organizations. It revealed the manner in which both have been acting in concert to subvert this humanitarian discourse.

Weather Geoengineering, Chemtrails, Aluminum and Alzheimer’s: The Four Horsemen of the Weather Apocalypse

That it happened, I observed firsthand, as did many people who look at the sky with concern. Why? Perhaps an unholy alliance between scientists without moral values, who are arrogant enough to think they can control nature, but who are ignorant of why they cannot, and those with vested interests, who have the same absence of moral (humanitarian) values.
***Read full article here***

Texe Marrs Podcast 6/26/2015 - Dictatorship of the Neocon Jews

Just as Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin in 1917 established a dictatorship of the Bolshevik Jews in Russia, the Neocon Jews have done so in America. Their grip is not yet complete but they are increasing its strength day by day. Texe Marrs examines the Neocons, showing how they came to power with a coup that ousted President Richard Nixon. Later, they forced President Carter out after only one term, attempted to assassinate President Reagan, and impeached President Bill Clinton. With Bush and Obama the Neocons made giant strides. They now control and dictate to Congress and the Courts. Similarly, the Neocons took over foreign and trade affairs, seized control of the Pentagon, and revolutionized the Culture. What will the Dictatorship do next in their blazing destruction of America’s constitutional and Christian heritage?        TexeMarrs.com

*The New Babylon: Those Who Reign Supreme - PDF
*The Holocaust Mega-post
*Adolf Hitler Mega-post
*9/11 Mega-post
 *The Role of 9/11 in Justifying Torture and War
*The biggest mistake the American people made

Western backed "ISIL selling looted Syrian, Iraqi artifacts in London to fund its fight"


Jenji Kohan and the Jewish Hyper-Sexualization of Western Culture

Jewish Yentel knows best How to morally corrupt society and enslave the Goyim via their baser Instincts.
...The hyper-sexualization of Western culture (the most conspicuous result of the Jewish takeover and virtual monopolization of the Western media and entertainment industries) can, therefore, be viewed as the practical ethno-political application of psychoanalytic theory to a traditional Western culture regarded as inherently authoritarian, fascistic and anti-Semitic due to its “repressive” sexual morality.

*Translation: Jews Have deliberately infiltrated and run Western Media to Corrupt, Disrupt, Malign and Control the Minds of every captive audience they ensnare within their Brainwashing systems. All this Jewess is doing is confirming to the rest of us that Jews are deliberately attempting Societal Change using the Media to every other Human's detriment.*

July 04, 2015

Pope declares that hell is a myth and stands at odds with the concept of a loving God

The Yamulka-wearing Jesuit Pontiff opens yet another Wriggly Can of Worms.
POPE Francis has started another fierce debate within the Catholic Church by stating that the concept of a burning hell where people burn eternally cannot be Christian as it goes against the concept of a loving and passionate God.

Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - 6/29/2015

Brandon discusses the world economy situation and the many developments in the middle east.

Show-page                     BrandonTurbeville.com



The Debate - Slamming Israeli Crimes (7.4.2015)


Adolf Hitler - Sieg Heil 10 Hours

Make sure not to miss a minute of this classic speech.

Brandon Turbeville On Before The First Cup with Jules - July 3, 2015

Brandon and Jules discuss the Divide and Conquer strategy, the Greek economic crisis, and the US economic crisis.




Spectacular Speeches: Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler Mega-post
The Holocaust Mega-post
The New Babylon - PDF
Who Controls America?

Marine Corps/Weatherman: " Military Dropping 'Chaf'"


Spingola Speaks 2015.07.04

Only one of these people has a mustache problem...

    News Page                         Deanna's site
Official chat room             Spingola Speaks.net

32k CF Download

The Covert Report with Susan Lindauer 2015.07.04

Author Patrick Wood delivers a tour de force on the interplay of economic forces behind GREXIT. All fingers are pointed at the brutality of IMF austerity, Patrick Wood argues that bloated socialist bureaucracy has become unsustainable in Europe. Wood strongly advocates against banksters and debt slavery. But without the will to implement massive economic restructuring, Europe is looking for an easy re-set that has no chance of solving the underlying problems. Technocracy is on the march, in a push to abandon capitalism in favor of absolute government controls, the likes of which Aldous Huxley described in “Brave New World.” How the world order will emerge from this chaos is brilliantly elucidated by Wood, the author of TECHNOCRACY RISING: THE TROJAN HORSE OF GLOBAL TRANSFORMATION. In the second hour, Mark Novitsky, national security whistleblower, translates that big picture into the future for citizenry, with the loss of personal dominion based on meta-data government controls. It’s a future of technocratic global rule.
website: www.technocracyrising.com

Truth Frequency Radio Archive

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***See cartoons at SNIPPITS AND SNAPPITS***

Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye Live 2015.07.04

No guest - News and Analysis

32k CF Download

Websites: illuminatusobservor.blogspot   inside the eye live
Email: thefetch@yahoo.com
Revolution Radio @ Freedom Slips.com
ITEL @ Archive.org