July 07, 2015
David Duke Show 2015.07.07
Today Dr. Duke responded to a critic who misrepresented his views on
race and eugenics. Dr. Duke explained the scientific and genetic basis
of race, and said that it makes sense for a society to consider the
eugenic or disgenic impacts of public policy.
He also repeated that all peoples have value and should be preserved, and that no people has the right to oppress others.
Davids' site
Rense Archive
56k CF Download
He also repeated that all peoples have value and should be preserved, and that no people has the right to oppress others.
Davids' site
Rense Archive
56k CF Download
Aluminum, Barium and Strontium: the New Manhattan Project chemtrail sprays
For about 20 years now, the people running the New Manhattan Project
have been saturating our atmosphere and forcing us to ingest the
witches' brew coming out of the back of their airplanes. It is not
normal jet engine exhaust. Contrary to what the ignorant and deceptive
propose, the most common chemtrail sprays have been found to consist of
aluminum, barium and strontium in that order. Probably hundreds of
times, lab tests from around the world have confirmed this. If you do
not know what the New Manhattan Project is, please see the author's
previous article "Chemtrails Exposed: A History of the New Manhattan Project."
Rainwater sample test results from Europe and America showing elevated levels of aluminum, barium and strontium have been compiled at GeoEngineeringWatch.org and ChemtrailsProjectUK.com. Many other test results can be found at GlobalSkywatch.com. All over the Internet, from all over the world, countless other verifiable test results have been posted. ***Read full article here***
Rainwater sample test results from Europe and America showing elevated levels of aluminum, barium and strontium have been compiled at GeoEngineeringWatch.org and ChemtrailsProjectUK.com. Many other test results can be found at GlobalSkywatch.com. All over the Internet, from all over the world, countless other verifiable test results have been posted. ***Read full article here***
Overthrow Radio Network: Paul Angel, and Dave Gahary discuss "Who Got to America First" 7/6/2015 - History Today radio talk show
On this edition of History
Today, your host, Paul Angel, managing editor of The Barnes Review history magazine, will be discussing "Who Got to America First," with a
focus on the Clovis culture and recent finds in the Chesapeake Bay area.
These finds are so inexplicably old, they throw the mainstream
historical establishment's "Mongoloid First via the Bering Strait"
theory into complete disarray.
Also with Paul will be Dave Gahary, host of Who's the Bad Guy. If time allows, we will also be discussing the many other finds in North America that prove that multiple Old World cultures made it to America long before Columbus.
Show-page AmericanFreePress.net
Also with Paul will be Dave Gahary, host of Who's the Bad Guy. If time allows, we will also be discussing the many other finds in North America that prove that multiple Old World cultures made it to America long before Columbus.
Show-page AmericanFreePress.net
Spingola and Friends 7/6/2015
Deanna gives more information in this Part 7 regarding Michael Collins Piper and his remarkable, revealing book about the JFK assassination, Final Judgment: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy, first published in January 1994, and the ongoing cover-up.
Show-page Spingola.com SpingolaSpeaks.net
Adolf Hitler Mega-post
The Holocaust Mega-post
The New Babylon - PDF
Who Controls America?
Adolf Hitler Mega-post
The Holocaust Mega-post
The New Babylon - PDF
Who Controls America?
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2015.07.06
Listen Download Hour 1 - Richard Sauder - The View From South America
Listen Download Hour 2 - Charlotte Iserbyt - No Way ESEA!
Listen Download Hour 3 - Mike McGill - Liberty Gold & Silver
56k CF
Renses' site
July 06, 2015
Caravan to Midnight ep. 317: Jamie Bartlett, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts & Rob Kirby
Hour 1: Jamie Bartlett talks about the 'dark web' and all of its implications.
Hour 2: Dr Craig Paul Roberts talks about Russia, Putin, Ukraine and the neo-con agenda. Highlight of this hour - John B. calls neo-cons 'rats' and asks how we can get rid of them.
Hour 3: Rob Kirby (financial analyst) talks about the Exchange Stabilization Fund, which was created in 1934 and seeded by money from American gold confiscated in 1933. The ESF works worldwide to manipulate the dollar value, operates without any regulation and is above the law. The NWO and the conspiracy against precious metals and financial markets are also discussed. Highlight of this hour - Mr. Kirby calls John Maynard Keynes a 'filthy piece of crap' (lol) and that his economic theories have proven disastrous for the world.
Download Hour 1
Download Hour 2
Download Hour 3
Blacklisted Radio - 2015-07.05
Blacklisted News Radio is hosted by Doug Owen.
In this episode of Blacklisted News Radio, Doug Owen talks about his observations from Independence Day celebrations as well as the Greeks voting for independence over more IMF / Troika control. Great callers make this economically focused show a little livelier than it would have been otherwise!
No Agenda Episode 736 - "Show 200.7 Redux" - 2015.07.05
TODAY: This is the No-Agenda self-deconstruction show Number 3 (200.7!) Adam and John take themselves to task over their previous output over the last 200 shows.
Hence this is essentially a "Clip Show not recorded live - guess they both wanted to celebrate a long Independence day Weekend for a change. Interesting Listen,and good stepping on point for those not yet exposed to their particular brand of "Edu-Tainment".
Hence this is essentially a "Clip Show not recorded live - guess they both wanted to celebrate a long Independence day Weekend for a change. Interesting Listen,and good stepping on point for those not yet exposed to their particular brand of "Edu-Tainment".
![]() |
The Sunday Non-Live Clip Show |
The Solar Storm with Kyle Hunt 2015.07.05
Dave Gahary and Victor Thorn
Dave Gahary is the web editor for American Free Press and Victor Thorn is an accomplished author who recently edited America’s Racial Powder Keg. Kyle speaks to Dave and Victor about the recent corporate and federal attack against the Southern people, the larger war on Whites, the promotion of sexual degeneracy (#LoveWins) and pedophilia, the epidemic of black on white violence, mass immigration into our lands, and much more.
NB: That picture ain't gay at all. LOL
Renegade Archive
BlogTalk Archive
Renegade Broadcasting
July 05, 2015
ISIS: U.S. Proxy Foot Soldiers
Washington recruits, arms, trains,
funds and directs ISIS terrorists the same way they used Mujahideen
fighters in the 1980s against Soviet Russia in Afghanistan as well as Al
Qaeda and likeminded takfiri groups today.
"We all know that America is providing ISIS with weapons and food, and that it is because of American backing that they have become so strong," an Iraqi free from Ramadi added.
Supporting powers include Washington, Turkey, other rogue NATO partners, Gulf states and Israel. They created and supported takfiri terrorist groups to destabilize Syria, establish a Salafist Principality, isolate the Assad government and topple it. ***Read full article here***
"We all know that America is providing ISIS with weapons and food, and that it is because of American backing that they have become so strong," an Iraqi free from Ramadi added.
Supporting powers include Washington, Turkey, other rogue NATO partners, Gulf states and Israel. They created and supported takfiri terrorist groups to destabilize Syria, establish a Salafist Principality, isolate the Assad government and topple it. ***Read full article here***
Mandatory vaccination: California is ordering genetic alteration
This is where vaccination has been going since its inception, and this
is where it’s going in the future: the restructuring of human DNA,
under conditions sufficiently random to rule out any reliable
predictions of the outcome.
And the State of California has just stamped its seal of approval to genetic alteration, by making vaccination mandatory. ***Read full article here***
And the State of California has just stamped its seal of approval to genetic alteration, by making vaccination mandatory. ***Read full article here***
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