July 14, 2015

Scott Horton 2015.07.10

First interview Matthieu Aikins

Matthieu Aikins, an international freelance journalist, discusses his firsthand account of Saudi Arabia’s alleged war crimes in Yemen, including indiscriminate bombing attacks on civilian areas.

Second interview Philip Weiss

Philip Weiss, founder of MondoWeiss.net, discusses Michael Oren’s (former Israeli ambassador to the US) contempt for American Jews; billionaire Haim Saban’s generous support of Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party; and why more people need to speak out about the apartheid Israeli state.

Aikins 64k CF Download

Weiss 64k CF Download

Scott Horton.org

The Church In Same-Sex America

* Gay Marriage Or States Rights?
*Jewish groups praise US gay marriage ruling
*Homosexual Agenda - Destroying The Family Unit
*The Plot To Make America Gay
*jewish Gay Agenda for the Goyim
*Vice President Joe Biden Blames Jewish Leaders for Gay Agenda
*Freud’s Follies and other links
*jewish ADL forms bloc of organizations for gay marriage
*Jewish groups celebrate Supreme Court’s legalization of gay marriage nationwide

David Duke Show 2015.07.14

Today Dr. Duke discussed a number of issues, starting with new developments with Megyn Kelly and her Confederate flag article. He then went on to discuss the myth of white privilege, as there is actually only Jewish privilege with massive discrimination against European Americans.

Then he and Dr. Slattery went into a great deal of scientific research about the way certain behavioral traits can be inherited. Dr. Slattery introduced research on rat and chimp populations that show favoritism towards kin, with inherent recognition of even third and forth cousins. He also discussed the evolution in two separate populations of lactose tolerance, showing the interplay between culture and genes. Dr. Duke then showed how 3000 years of a highly ethnocentric culture could actually heighten the frequency of genetically inherited ethnocentrism among the Jewish population.

Davids' site
Rense Archive 

56k CF Download

Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2015.07.14

L Ron Hubbard exposed

All Nationalist Association
American Nationalist Network (BlogTalk)


Presstitute - The Presstitutes Song!


The Presstitute Media Explained


Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2015.07.13

Hour 1 - Encore

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Gordon Duff - Veterans Today

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Yoichi Shimatsu - Fukushima Report

56k CF
Renses' site

July 13, 2015

The Insanity of the West


Spingola and Friends 7/13/2015

Deanna talks again(Part 2) about Michael Collins Piper's False Flags: Template for Terror and The Judas Goats: The Enemy Within.

Show-page           Spingola.com         SpingolaSpeaks.net

Adolf Hitler Mega-post
The Holocaust Mega-post
The New Babylon - PDF
Who Controls America?


Overthrow Radio Network: Tarrah Beth discusses the latest attacks on confederate history 7/12/2015 - Harvesting Truth radio talk show

Tarrah will get into the latest attacks on confederate history and what supporting the rainbow flag really means.        Show-page          AmericanFreePress.net         BarnesReview.org


David Duke Show 2015.07.13

On today's show Dr. Duke discussed an articulate article written by none other than Fox News' Megyn Kelly entitled "The Confederate Flag Needs To Be Raised, Not Lowered." One certainly might think that Mrs. Kelly has been listening to Dr. Duke's radio show. Dr. Duke added additional information to make this show a foundational lesson in the issues around the Confederate controversy.
Unlike Megyn Kelly, however, Dr. Duke is not blaming Northerners for the anti-Confederate onslaught. Rather, he sees it as being orchestrated by a Zio media that wants to destroy and denigrate all forms of European heritage and identity, with Confederate imagery merely being the flavor of the month. He also sees it at another facet of the Jewish supremacist effort to divide and conquer, as this issue has been framed to pit North against South, black against white, liberal against conservative.

Davids' site
Rense Archive 

56k CF Download

1941 L'vov Lemberg massacre of Christians by Jewish BOLSHEVIK communists NKVD agents


TIME Admits ISIS Bringing Arms, Fighters in From NATO Territory

Reports of confirmed, extensive logistical networks passing through NATO and US-ally territory, into Syria, contradict the current prevailing narrative that ISIS is an “indigenous” terrorist organization, funded and self-sustaining within the territory it currently holds in both Syria and Iraq. The Western media has attempted to claim with little evidence that ISIS’ immense, global operations are somehow underwritten by “ransom payments” and “black market oil” it has seized in eastern Syria.
Clearly, not only are these reports as untenable as they are untrue, the Western media itself has reported precisely how ISIS has been sustaining its impressive fighting capacity – with billions of dollars of state-sponsored aid flowing through NATO territory, directly to their front lines.
To defeat ISIS, its supply lines must be cut – a simple matter to perform that requires only Turkish and other NATO troops to move in and disrupt overt ISIS logistical networks running within their own territory. Instead, the US State Department and US-operated NGOs have even gone as far as condemning what little attempts have been made to control Turkey’s border with Syria.
***Read full article here*** 

Overthrow Radio Network: Chris Petherick interviews Off the Grid Activist, Robin Speronis 7/10/2015 - The Farm radio talk show

On this week’s The Farm radio talk show on the Overthrow Radio Network, host Chris Petherick will be joined by author Robin Speronis, who for the past few years has been fighting local authorities in Cape Coral, Fla. for her right to live off the grid.
The show will focus on Ms. Speronis’s fight as well as providing helpful tips on how regular people can learn to live independently of the nanny state.            Show-page          AmericanFreePress.net         The Barnes Review


Blacklisted Radio - 2015.07.12

Blacklisted News Radio is hosted by Doug Owen.


In this episode of Blacklisted News Radio,We still await Mr Owen's Official Blurb regards this weeks episode. Dive in and take a chance,or await the enevitable Post Update later.



No Agenda Episode 738 - "Busted Router" - 2015.07.12

TODAY; PR; EuroLand; GLITCH!; CYBER!; Ministry of Truth; Agenda 21; Six Week Cycle; Moral Self Licensing; Vaccine$; War on Crazy; Dinosaurs; VIDEO-CLIPS-DOCS, and all your usual listening while the World turns to a Despotic Dung-Pile favourites.

The Adam Returns Sunday Show


July 12, 2015

The Solar Storm with Kyle Hunt 2015.07.12

Angelo Gage

Kyle speaks with Angelo John Gage, chairman of the National Youth Front. They will discuss: the war on Whites, the attack on Southern heritage, the brewing civil war, NYF’s campaign against Saida Grundy, the media’s response to pro-White activism, and plans for future campaigns.

Renegade Archive
BlogTalk Archive
Renegade Broadcasting


Poll: Majority of Americans Support States Opting Out of Federal Programs

A recent Rasmussen poll indicates a growing number of Americans agree with James Madison and support state refusal to cooperate with the federal government.
The first key finding was that a majority of likely voters in the U.S. believe states should have the right to opt out of federal programs.

***Read full article here***

History of Waffen SS by LEON DEGRELLE

Adolf Hitler Mega-post
The Holocaust Mega-post
Leon Degrelle (born June 15th 1906, died March 31 1994) was a Walloon Belgian politician, who founded Rexism and later joined the Waffen SS which were front-line troops in the fight against the Soviet Union AND Communism.
This is a self-spoken biography (with an introduction by his daughter). He was one of many, who wished and believed that they could make a better Europe and struggled mightily to that end.
This eye opening historical video is a daring break from the all the typical "anti-German" videos and publications as it tries to show the real untold truth about the Axis dealings with foreigners, volunteers, minorities, helpers and other diverse international relations. He does quite well at telling the untold, unpopular AND startling truths of the real perspectives AND relations of Germans AND non-Germans during WWII. Unlike Hollywood AND the general media that just LOVES to project an inaccurate historical "pseudo truth" !!

Anti-Racist is a code word for Anti-White
