July 16, 2015

It's all getting a bit silly! The Mami's Times Frontpage...

Reading the comments section today got me thinking: Is the current kerfuffle over some people's opinions about past events important enough to warrant the sustained attacks on certain net-personalities? Or is it all really just another example of people's frustrations over knowing *Nothing* about "What really happened"? And also realising that, no matter what comes to light now or in the future; we're Never going to know the whole truth about any historical event? That every scenario. Every theory.Every purported "Fact" that comes to light is always filtered through the agendas, personalities and (possibly flawed) perceptions of whomever pushes those facts out into the public light.

Then I thought - "Fuck It - Lifes too short!" and knocked this up...

Click to view at full resolution.

False Flag Weekly News with Kevin Barrett and Jim Fetzer 2015.07.16

It’s a False Flag World Out There

Kevin's blog
NoLiesRadio Archive

64k CF Download

David Duke Show 2015.07.16

Today was sports day on the David Duke Show, with Dr. Duke and Dr. Slattery looking at sports from basketball to sumo wrestling. They talked about the various racial differences and how they wind up conferring advantages to one ethnic group or another based on the different distribution of genetic tendencies among racial and ethnic groups.
They also went into the latest news that Talmudic Jewish extremist religious authorities in Israel will put Pope Francis on trial in abstentia because he will not declare that Jerusalem should be a Jewish city. They talked about the Jewish influence in Christianity not just being restricted to Christian Zionists, but extending to the Catholic Church and mainstream protestants through such vehicles as interfaith networks.

Davids' site
Rense Archive 

56k CF Download

Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2015.07.16

Blood sacrifice in the bible

All Nationalist Association
American Nationalist Network (BlogTalk)


It's a Mad Mad Mad Max Fury Road - Trailer

Too much arguing about SHBollocks going on around these here parts methinks! Arguing about shit nobody (around here or within this Fractious "Alternative" scene) is *ever* going to prove one way or another is just yet more wasted energy that *could* be put towards pointing out the REAL enemies of Mankind to anyone out there with the wit and wisdom to comprehend.
So...as a break from all that angst, Here's a great Memory-Jogger Mash-up created by Ezequiel López. Sad that Hollywood can't match the sheer brilliance of Kramer's Comedy Opus with it's current output anymore. I really am getting Old I guess!
...oh, and i no longer need the Corks! ;)

Planned Parenthood Uses Partial-Birth Abortions to Sell Baby Parts


Overthrow Radio Network: Paul Angel, and Dave Gahary discuss Southern history and “America’s Stonehenge” 7/13/2015 - History Today radio talk show

On this edition of History Today, your host Paul Angel, managing editor of The Barnes Review history magazine, will be discussing the mysterious megaliths of New England with a focus on the site known as “America’s Stonehenge,” located in Mystery Hill, New Hampshire.
Though few mainstream historians will admit that this site—and hundreds of others related to it strewn across New England—are the work of ancient visors to America, we will be presenting evidence that some ancient European culture or cultures created these amazingly sophisticated constructs as astronomical calendar sites. These sites are proof positive that what tenured academics know about history is limited due to their own preconceptions and unflinching biases.
Joining Paul in this discussion will be Dave Gahary, host of “Who’s The Bad Guy,” who will be discussing the ongoing effort to banish the Confederate flag and Southern history to the memory hole.
  Show-page          AmericanFreePress.net


Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - 7/13/2015

Brandon discusses Turkish and Jordanian plans to invade Syria, plans for a buffer zone in Syria, and the Kurdish question, the secret Israeli talks with Hamas, the upcoming Ukrainian default, and the Confederate flag issue.

Show-page                     BrandonTurbeville.com



What Are the Reasons for Smart Meters When Analog Meters Were Safe?

The backlash against retrofitting AMI Smart Meters (SMs) on utility companies’ fire- and RF/EMF-safe analog meters for electricity, gas and water customers is growing exponentially across the country. In states where customers are refusing SMs and wind up going to court, some interesting legal repercussions are happening.     ***Read full article here***

The Debate - Conclusion of Nuclear Negotiations (July 15th)


Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2015.07.15

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Devvy Kidd - America Is Dead

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Charles R. Smith - Geopolitical-Military Analysis

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Frosty Wooldridge - Illegal Aliens Killing Americans

56k CF
Renses' site

July 15, 2015

Truth Jihad radio with Kevin Barrett 2015.07.15

Andre Vltchek reports from Brazil - the first letter in "BRICS"

Globetrotting Truth Jihad Radio correspondent André Vltchek reports from Brazil – a pillar of the BRICS alliance that is challenging Western imperialism and its bankster-driven New World Order project for global corporate tyranny.

André says the West is hopeless. The craven capitulation of Greece, he asserts, is just one more example of this.

Latin America, however, is alive and well…and struggling to get out from under centuries of imperial plunder. In this interview André reflects on Brazil's efforts to empower its long-exploited population.

André writes:

"My priority is Latin America. This is where I see great battle for the future of humanity taking place. Here and in Asia. Definitely not in Europe! Latin American governments here are not perfect. But they are doing all they can, after decades and centuries of plunder, after Europe, the United States, in unison with local elites and multinational companies, were pillaging and raping everything 'south of the border.'"

Kevin's blog

24k CF Download

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David Duke Show 2015.07.15

Today's show focused on evolutionary biology. Dr. Duke gave the background on how geographic separation leads different groups, whether animals or people, to develop different traits in order to adapt to different environments. This is the origin of races (subspecies), and if the process continues long enough it can lead to different species.
Dr. Slattery joined the show and discussed lectures from a University of California anthropology course in which the professor spent the entire first class insisting that races in humans are purely social constructs, and then spent the rest of the course teaching science and natural history that completely contradicted that assertion. Doctors Duke and Slattery agreed that there is no way to make good public policy as long as there is no honesty and no freedom of discussion about these most basic facts.

Davids' site
Rense Archive 

56k CF Download

Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2015.07.15

More on Scientology

All Nationalist Association
American Nationalist Network (BlogTalk)


GADHAFI LIBYA TRUTH REVISITED: Murdered By Rothchilds Banking Mafia


The Debate - Conclusion of Nuclear Negotiations (July 14th)


Léon Degrelle - The rest of us we have dreamed of something marvellous

After Germany's defeat, Degrelle fled first to Denmark and eventually fled to Norway, where he commandeered a Heinkel He 111 aircraft,[7] allegedly provided by Albert Speer. He was severely wounded in a crash-landing on a beach in San Sebastian in Northern Spain. The government of Franco in Spain initially

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2015.07.14

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Eileen Durfee - Amazing Ozone And Plasma Machines

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Tim Rifat - What Happened To Hong Kong?

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Joel Skousen - World Affairs Brief

56k CF
Renses' site

July 14, 2015

The Return of Tyr with Drew 2015.07.14

Jewish Abuse

I will talk about sexual abuse committed by the jewish community, specifically the Orthodox/Haredi/Chasidic community. I will also give an update on the Epstien case, the disgusting practice of “kosher” slaughter in jewish owned animal processing centers, Trump the fraud, #BANTHESUN, and the ever elusive Shylock’s that Joe Biden warned us about.

The Return of Tyr.com
Renegade Archive
BlogTalk Archive
Renegade Broadcasting


The Graham Hart Show 2015.07.14

Guest: Tom Crawford
    Tom discusses his case with Graham
      (Music edited out to avoid DMCA notices)

      Peoples Internet Radio

      64k Download

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