June 24, 2017
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2017.06.23
Jeff Rense is an American anti-New World Order activist. He hosts a website at Rense.com and is the radio talk-show host of the Jeff Rense Program. His show broadcasts on internet radio. The website and show often discuss topics such as 9/11, World War II revisionism, Zionism, contemporary geopolitical developments, alternative medicines and some more eccentric aspects such as Ufology.
Listen Download Hour 1 - Dean Henderson - America Is In Grave Trouble
Listen Download Hour 2 - Herbert Dorsey - The Deep State, Part 2
Listen Download Hour 3 - John Barbour - The View From Las Vegas
56k CF
Rense's site
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June 23, 2017
False Flag Weekly News with Kevin Barrett and Prof. Tony Hall 2017.06.23
It’s a False Flag World Out There
Questioning Official Stories Is Not Hate Speech, It Is Free Speech.
Kevin's blog
NoLiesRadio Archive
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David Duke Show 2017.06.23
Dr. David Ernest Duke (born 1 July 1950) is a European American best known as an advocate for the rights of Europeans in the United States and around the world as well as criticisms of Jewish supremacism. Duke has been a prolific author, politician and media personality whose works have reached very large audiences. Consequently he has often been attacked and misrepresented in various ways.
Today: Dr. Duke & Mark Collett Expose the Zio-Commie-ultra-racist Jewish Supremacist Control of Language on behalf of their Sick Agenda!
David's site
Rense Archive
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The Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show 370 - 2017.06.23
Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (born ca. 1973) is the author of the widely imitated and hugely influential modern historical work, "The Synagogue of Satan", which has been translated into numerous languages and featured on bestseller lists worldwide. His second book is entitled "In The Name of Yahweh". "The Synagogue Of Satan," was an education in who controls the world and how they do it, "In The Name Of Yahweh," shows us why they are in control, and how their control can be broken.
Andrew Carrington Hitchcock.com
TBR Radio
128k Download
Our Interesting Times With Timothy Kelly 2017.06.23
Powers and Principalities Episode 6
Joe Atwill and Tim Kelly discuss a few currents events and how they relate to the big picture.
Timothy's Podcast
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2017.06.22
Jeff Rense is an American anti-New World Order activist. He hosts a website at Rense.com and is the radio talk-show host of the Jeff Rense Program. His show broadcasts on internet radio. The website and show often discuss topics such as 9/11, World War II revisionism, Zionism, contemporary geopolitical developments, alternative medicines and some more eccentric aspects such as Ufology.
Listen Download Hour 1 - Blake Sawyer - The Sinking American Ship Of State
Listen Download Hour 2 - John Massaro - A Fascinating Inside Look At Iran
Listen Download Hour 3 - James Fetzer - Big News…Sandy Hook & JFK Wounds
56k CF
Rense's site
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June 22, 2017
The Raw Deal With Jim Fetzer 2017.06.22

Today: Latest political BS
The Raw Deal Archives *Rense
The Real Deal Archives *Blog
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David Duke Show 2017.06.22
Dr. David Ernest Duke (born 1 July 1950) is a European American best known as an advocate for the rights of Europeans in the United States and around the world as well as criticisms of Jewish supremacism. Duke has been a prolific author, politician and media personality whose works have reached very large audiences. Consequently he has often been attacked and misrepresented in various ways.
Today: Dr. Duke and Eric Striker: Why the Zio-Media is Silent on Black Professor Who Says Emergency Techs Should let White A---Holes like Scalise die!
David's site
Rense Archive
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The Conspiracy Guy with Jim Fetzer 2017.06.21
James Henry Fetzer, a former Marine Corps officer, is McKnight University Professor Emeritus on the Duluth Campus of the University of Minnesota. A Princeton graduate–magna cum laude in philosophy–he resigned his commission as a Captain to earn a Ph.D. in the history and philosophy of science. During a 35-year career as a professor of philosophy, he offered courses principally in logic, critical thinking and scientific reasoning. His academic curriculum vitae as of 31 March 2009 can be found HERE
Today: The Conspiracy Guy #30, Ominous developments in the Middle East include Russia warning the US that it will treat all US aircraft in Syrian airspace as “targets” after US-led forces shot down a Syrian plane attacking ISIS. Iran has responded to an ISIS attack in Iran with missile strikes in Eastern Syria. The exchange between Megyn Kelly and Alex Jones may be most notable for Alex Jones’ abandonment of “Sandy Hook Truth” in favor of a fallback–that the kids were killed but it was politicized–when proof that the school had been closed by 2008 and there were no students there is both abundant and compelling. The attempted assassination of Congressman Scalise appears to have been driven by his dedication to protecting children from pedophiles and to rooting them out of government. The attempts to blame President Trump for creating an atmosphere of violence ignores the distinction between minor infractions (such as fist-fights at political rallies) and major instigation (such as Madonna’s report of dreaming about “blowing up the White House”, the production of “Julius Caesar” in Central Park portraying Donald Trump as Emperor and Kathy Griffin posing with The Donald’s severed head. A former Assistant Director of the FBI has explained that the appointment of Robert Mueller as Special Counselor violates proper procedure: they are to investigate specific crimes, none of which has been specified in this case.
The Raw Deal Archives *Rense
The Real Deal Archives *Blog
192k Download
The Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show 369 - 2017.06.22
Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (born ca. 1973) is the author of the widely imitated and hugely influential modern historical work, "The Synagogue of Satan", which has been translated into numerous languages and featured on bestseller lists worldwide. His second book is entitled "In The Name of Yahweh". "The Synagogue Of Satan," was an education in who controls the world and how they do it, "In The Name Of Yahweh," shows us why they are in control, and how their control can be broken.
Andrew Carrington Hitchcock.com
TBR Radio
128k Download
Circus Maximus with Nick Spero 2017.06.21
Nick is an independent researcher from the Chicagoland area. He started podcasting in 2008; tackling issues related to history revisionism, maritime/admiralty law, the Vatican, Israeli crimes, secret societies, esoteric knowledge & symbols, controlled opposition, health/nutrition. Over the years, Nick has expanded his understanding & knowledge of Kosher Nostra’s web of control and deceit. Nick connects the dots that many other radio hosts don’t.
Nathan Stolpman – Lifting the Veil on Alt Media Actors
Nick talks to Nathan Stolpman from Lift the Veil about his involvement with and analysis of many of the characters surrounding the PizzaGate conspiracy as it developed, how certain narratives are pushed and youtubers are recruited, the unfolding saga of George Webb and Dave Acton, how this is being done to shut down real dissent, and much more.
Volume Variations Adjusted
Renegade Archive
Renegade Broadcasting
Renegade Tribune
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Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2017.06.21
Jeff Rense is an American anti-New World Order activist. He hosts a website at Rense.com and is the radio talk-show host of the Jeff Rense Program. His show broadcasts on internet radio. The website and show often discuss topics such as 9/11, World War II revisionism, Zionism, contemporary geopolitical developments, alternative medicines and some more eccentric aspects such as Ufology.
Listen Download Hour 1 - Devvy Kidd - Seniors To Get Screwed – A Third Time?
Listen Download Hour 2 - Charles R. Smith - The USS Fitzegerald
Listen Download Hour 3 - Patricia Doyle, PhD - CDC BSL 4 Jets Bringing Black Ebola Victims Here
56k CF
Rense's site
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June 21, 2017
Blackbird9's Breakfast Club Podcast # 77 - 2017.06.21
Welcome to Blackbird9's Breakfast Club's Wednesday Podcast Every Doctor Who Is Last Doctor Who. Tonight we will discuss the history of the Doctor Who science fiction franchise.
In the First Hour Host Frederick C. Blackburn will cover the recent chaotic events brought on by the teachings of the Frankfurt School Marxists. Their mission: establish a Greater Israel ruled by globalism under the direction of Talmudic Noahide Law and at the same time force all other nations to surrender their independent sovereignty.
In the Second Hour, the host looks at the history of the Doctor Who science-fiction franchise from its BBC origins in 1963, its cancellation in 1989, the reboot of the series in 2005, and the current running season. In addition to analyzing the basic characters, themes, and symbols, the host will focus on the Fourth Generation Asymmetrical Warfare Psychological Operation components of this hi-jacked series and how this beloved British TV show has been used to further the jewish White Genocide agenda with its repeated reinforcement of multi-culturalism, race mixing, homosexuality, feminism, anti-Christianity, bestiality, . . . and that the NAZIS were EVIL! The host then looks at the highly decorated people behind the scenes of this (((award winning))) production such as Julie Gardner MBE , Steven Moffat OBE, and Russell T. Davis who every year give the world a Doctor Who Christmas Special with the recurring theme, "Every Christmas is Last Christmas."
Keeping you up to date - One Knowledge Sphere at a time
Blackbird9's TradingPosts
BlackBird9's Chat
BB9 on Spreaker
Guns and Butter with Bonnie Faulkner 2017.06.21

Understanding False Flag Operations in our Time
Audio of Richard Dolan taken from the 2016 Architects of the New Paradigm Conference
Bonnie's website
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The Real World of Money with Andrew Gause 2017.06.21
Andy Gause is one of the most respected monetary historians and contemporary experts on the American and international banking systems. Andy has a tremendous understanding of our monetary and economic systems and has attracted a wide following with over 1,000 TV and radio appearances. Andy publishes a newsletter and has authored two books.
Show Highlights: HERE
The Real World of Money Archive
Andy's site
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David Duke Show 2017.06.21
Dr. David Ernest Duke (born 1 July 1950) is a European American best known as an advocate for the rights of Europeans in the United States and around the world as well as criticisms of Jewish supremacism. Duke has been a prolific author, politician and media personality whose works have reached very large audiences. Consequently he has often been attacked and misrepresented in various ways.
Today: Dr. Duke with League of the South on Why We Are Glory Bound in the Fight for Our People!
David's site
Rense Archive
56k CF Download
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Our Interesting Times With Timothy Kelly 2017.06.21
John Adams on Myth, Culture and Politics
John Adams returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss his research regarding historical myths and culture creation. We discuss two books: Michael Kammen's Mystic Chords of Memory and Jules Henry's Culture Against Men. We talk about how the oligarchs create and exploit historical myths to perpetuate their rule and the roles propaganda, advertising, mass trauma and technology have played in creating mass culture.
John is a researcher and co-host of The Afternoon Commute, a podcast regularly featured on Hoax Busters Call.
Timothy's Podcast
The Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show 368 - 2017.06.21
Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (born ca. 1973) is the author of the widely imitated and hugely influential modern historical work, "The Synagogue of Satan", which has been translated into numerous languages and featured on bestseller lists worldwide. His second book is entitled "In The Name of Yahweh". "The Synagogue Of Satan," was an education in who controls the world and how they do it, "In The Name Of Yahweh," shows us why they are in control, and how their control can be broken.
Andrew Carrington Hitchcock.com
TBR Radio
128k Download
Truth Jihad radio with Kevin Barrett 2017.06.21
Byron Belitsos on 9/11 TIs and the metaphysical reality of evil; Kevin asks Jim Fetzer "Who's the 'notorious holocaust denier'"?
Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist, holds advanced degrees in English Literature, French Literature, and African Literature, and is the author of multiple books which deconstructs the "war on terror". Dr. Barrett has been a Muslim since 1993. Blacklisted from teaching in the University of Wisconsin system since 2006 for questioning the events of 9/11, Dr. Barrett now hosts radio shows and is a public speaker.
Kevin's blog
24k CF Download
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