Patrick Timpone has been in radio since 1967 where he waited out the war playing Frank Sinatra records on Armed Forces Radio on Johnston Island, 50 miles south west of Hawaii. In 1978, he fell madly for a beautiful lady who had the most amazing clear blue eyes he’d seen. And she’d eaten a vegetarian diet since birth, which inspired Patrick’s quest into health. Since then he has been interviewing countless experts and constantly experimenting with his own diet and superfoods.
Police Murder Truther, Jeff Murray, in Cold Blood
May 10, 2021
Guilty until proven innocent.
Jeff Murray is our George Floyd.
Floyd dies in police custody
and the world stops.
Police framed and killed Jeff Murray
Sunday and it goes totally unnoticed.
by Henry Makow
Jeff Murray was a familiar name in my inbox. He sent me links which I would tweet.
Sunday in Greenville SC, "A
bicyclist was shot and killed Sunday morning, and officers shot and
killed a man believed to be the suspect, Greenville Police Department
Police Chief J.H. Thompson said Sunday."