Since the creation of the US Federal Reserve
over a century ago, every major financial market collapse has been
deliberately triggered for political motives by the central bank. The
situation is no different today, as clearly the US Fed is acting with
its interest rate weapon to crash what is the greatest speculative
financial bubble in human history, a bubble it created. Global crash
events always begin on the periphery, such as with the 1931 Austrian
Creditanstalt or the Lehman Bros. failure in September 2008. The
June 15 decision by the Fed to impose the largest single rate hike in
almost 30 years as financial markets are already in a meltdown, now
guarantees a global depression and worse.
The extent of the “cheap credit” bubble that the
Fed, the ECB and Bank of Japan have engineered with buying up of bonds
and maintaining unprecedented near-zero or even negative interest rates
for now 14 years, is beyond imagination. Financial media cover it over
with daily nonsense reporting , while the world economy is being
readied, not for so-called “stagflation” or recession. What is coming
now in the coming months, barring a dramatic policy reversal, is the worst economic depression in history to date. Thank you, globalization and Davos.
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