On tonight's show I will be joined by former Renegade host, and National Action Member Paul Hickman. We will discuss his recent trip to Lithuania where he participated in the Freedom March, and the White Man March in Newcastle.
One student asked what Monsanto was doing to counter the “bad
science” around their work. Dr. Moar, perhaps forgetting that this was a
public event, then revealed that Monsanto indeed had “an entire
department” (waving his arm for emphasis) dedicated to “debunking”
science which disagreed with theirs. As far as I know this is the first
time that a Monsanto functionary has publically admitted that they have
such an entity which brings their immense political and financial weight
to bear on scientists who dare to publish against them. The Discredit
Bureau will not be found on their official website.
Spin doctors
have been weaving webs under the guise of science for nearly a century
that we know of in the U.S. But recent examples show that deception-for-profit has been perfected since then.
Let's not forget that Monsanto deployed tactics against social media activism
as far back as 2010. It was then discovered that they have ties to
Blackwater. Blackwater, which boasts of having Monsanto as a client was
paid the big bucks to infiltrate high into the ranks of social media
activism that was critical of Monsanto. Furthermore, internet-based
tactics that appear to naturally support Monsanto and GMOs could really just be a paid-for PR spin. ***Read full article here***
Assuring a Retirement Through Collecting Assets and Real Money
-Can we continue to depend on the Social Security System? The public would be outraged if they knew where their contributions to the SS coffer were being spent
-How can an American be assured of a decent retirement without having to work until they’re 80?
-Andrew explains the different kinds of bonds
-Someone bought a penny for 2.5 million; Andrew talks about collecting assets
-Where’s all the gold stored? There hasn’t been an audit since 1973
-Doing your own taxes as opposed to hiring someone
-Andy gives insights into the 3/26/2012 meeting between Obama and Russian PM Medvedev where Obama says he will have “more flexibility” It was an unscripted instance of what really is discussed. It’s funny how with our current agitation between the two nations that there is no mention of this.
-If everyone in the middle class is piled into 401k programs, won’t the majority of their gains be ineffective because everyone else had the same gain as each generation cycles through retirement? If so, wouldn’t one be better off securing their future means of Food, Clothing, Transportation, and Shelter with earnings now at cheaper prices vs. waiting to compete with everyone else ?
-Isn’t the best tool for the Fed to battle Inflation a function of influencing the market to the downside periodically? The markets are where the majority of the hot money has been flowing.
-On an NPR interview last week, Julie Rovner of Kaiser Health News, said quote
“it’s important to know that the federal government can’t come after you for not paying the penalty for not having insurance, but they can come after you for all of the money that you owe if you got too much in terms of tax credits.”
What is she referring to about the government not being able to come after you if you don’t pay the penalty? My wife and I did not get and do not have health insurance.
-Is there a law in the books that states that people cannot hold gold over a certain amount of ounces in our personal home. Are gold coins excluded?
-Does Andy think that graded coins in the PCGS Old Green Holders are a better choice in general because they are more likely to be re-graded at a higher level?
Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Ababdi says the army backed by volunteer
forces has totally liberated the city of Tikrit from the ISIL takfiri
terrorists. The Iraqi forces managed to push out the ISIL from Tikrit
after weeks of operations. The Iraqi troops’ advance was slowed by
numerous booby traps and other explosive devices planted by the
terrorists. The Iraqi army says its troops and the popular forces
inflicted heavy casualties on the ISIL. The terrorist group captured
Tikrit in June. Iran has congratulated the Iraqi people and government
on the liberation of Tikrit. Tehran also reaffirmed its policy to
continue unconditional support for Iraq in its war on terrorism.
After Iraqi security forces and Shiite militias backed by Iran were
unable to liberate the Iraqi city of Tikrit from Western-backed ISIS
forces in a swift manner, the US military establishment is now gloating
in a rather obvious and even childish fashion that the Iraqi military
has been forced to return like a battered wife to the arms of the abuser
yet again.
Obviously, the biggest possibility of inflaming sectarian tensions comes
from the United States and Israel as recent history has clearly shown. ***Read full article here***
*More information found HERE and HERE. *ISIS
Today was a foundational show about the role of organized Jewish
criminals in prostitution and white slavery. Dr. Duke discussed the
development of the nuclear family in Europe and East Asian in
evolutionary terms and how this then became the basis for morality in
these societies. He then went on to describe the harm that is done both
at the individual level and the societal level by prostitution and white
Jewish role in human trafficking over the centuries is well documented,
and he went over some of the evidence. Then he brought on Dr. Slattery,
who provided some of the background for the Jewish trafficking of women
from Eastern Europe.
is a show that exposes an aspect of Jewish supremacism that is not
well-known or understood by most people. Please circulate it widely.
In this interview, recorded for HPUB, we
discuss the book, and the larger issues of censorship, freedom, false
flag terror, and the need for Truth and Reconciliation Commissions in
the US and Europe to deal with the fallout from 9/11 and the other
Gladio and Gladio B crimes of state.