June 19, 2015

Saudis set to build 16 nuclear reactors with Russian help


Obama Calls For Gun Control In Wake Of Charleston Church Shooting

As anyone with two brain cells moving in the same direction would have been able to predict, President Barack Obama and his mouthpiece media outlets have already begun calling for more gun control in the wake of the Charleston, SC church shooting.
Before the corpses of the victims were fully cold, the local Charleston oligarchs, mainstream media, and now the President immediately took to blaming the atrocity on the availability of guns.
Even before the international disgrace known as Barack Obama was able to practice the speech provided for him by well-paid writers, corrupt Charleston Mayor Joe Riley launched into a tirade against gun ownership.         ***Read full article here***

Greece is on Fire - New World Next Week 6/19/2015


Early Michael Collins Piper Interview (1987)


Truth Jihad radio with Kevin Barrett 2015.06.19

Libertarian Lindgren vs. progressive Reuschlein: Debating the presidential race

With Rand Paul pushing to release the 28 pages and bust Jeb Bush for 9/11, it's a good time to break down the 2016 presidential horse race.

First half hour: Libertarian activist Rolf Lindgren predicts Martin O'Malley will win the Democratic nomination…and optimistically argues that Rand Paul has as good a shot as anyone at the Republican nomination. Rolf thinks Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush are going down in flames. (Figuratively, I mean - the NWO obviously has no reason to crash THEIR planes.)

Second half hour: Progressive activist and peace economist Bob Reuschlein begs to differ. He thinks Hillary has the best shot to be the next president…but would like to see Rand Paul win - and then dismantle the US empire, close all of our 800+ military bases around the world, slash military spending to the bone, and revive the moribund economy.

Kevin's blog

24k CF Download

David Duke Show 2015.06.19

Dr. David Duke and Dr. Patrick Slattery Talk About the Real Cause of the Vast Increase in mass murders, torture and rape in America and across the world. He shows how the Zio media promotes every kind of violence, blood, degeneracy, degradation and sickness. How the Torture Porn promoted by Eli Roth and the mainstream Hollywood studios demeans life and is leading America and the world to a defiled and degraded humanity

Davids' site
Rense Archive 

56k CF Download

Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2015.06.19

The conclusion of the American Revolution discussion

All Nationalist Association
American Nationalist Network (BlogTalk)


John Kerry ''Compiling'' More Lies Against Syria

Despite the fact that both John Kerry and the US State Department have been repeatedly disproven over their claims that the Syrian government is using chemical weapons against civilians and terrorists in Syria, John Kerry appeared via video from Boston to announce that he has proof that the Syrian government has done just that. He also indicated that the US government is “compiling” that evidence to be presented at a later date.
Kerry’s intention of “compiling evidence” should thus be read as an intention to build up a case of falsehoods and a tissue of lies against the Syrian government for the purpose of driving up enough support to allow for the invasion of Syria by NATO forces. Kerry has never produced a shred of evidence to back anything he has claimed regarding Syria and he will likely never do so in the future. Kerry and his entire pathetic State Department is nothing more than a grouping of psychopaths, sycophants, and habitual liars.
***Read full article here*** 

No Agenda Episode 731 - "Culture Vulture" - 2015.06.18

TODAY; Furgeson / Baltimore; Caliphate!; EuroLand; Boeing vs Airbus; NA Tech News; Not much else this week, and all your usual listening whilst watching Yet another Monarch-Program-Victim act out his scripted role in South Carolina favourites. Feeling Like a Race war Yet??

The Thursday Puppet Show.


Spingola and Friends 6/18/2015

Deanna gives more information in this Part 2 regarding Michael Collins Piper and his remarkable, revealing book about the JFK assassination, Final Judgment: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy, first published in January 1994, and the ongoing cover-up.       Show-page                    www.spingola.com
Adolf Hitler Mega-post
The Holocaust Mega-post
The New Babylon - PDF
Who Controls America?


Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2015.06.18

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Dr. Henry L. Niman, PhD - MERS Breaking Loose

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Dr. Bill Deagle MD - Multiple Updates

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Patricia Doyle, PhD - Emerging Diseases & Your Health

56k CF
Renses' site

June 18, 2015

False Flag Weekly News with Kevin Barrett and Jim Fetzer 2015.06.18

It’s a False Flag World Out There

Kevin's blog
NoLiesRadio Archive

64k CF Download

David Duke Show 2015.06.18

The Charleston church shooting etc.

Davids' site
Rense Archive 

56k CF Download

The Speech Every 2015 College Grad Needs to Hear


Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2015.06.18

The American Revolution (continued)

All Nationalist Association
American Nationalist Network (BlogTalk)



Adolf Hitler Mega-post
The Holocaust Mega-post
The New Babylon - PDF
Who Controls America?

Radio Wehrwolf - Jewish Media Monopoly 6/17/2015

A close examination of the Jewish corporate monopoly of the media, and how it came to be.

Uncensored, hard hitting commentary and historical perspective on the current events affecting the U.S. and Western civilization. Dion@radiowehrwolf.com

Radio Wehrwolf Archive

Radio Wehrwolf Web-Site


Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2015.06.17

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Devvy Kidd - America In Shambles

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Charles R. Smith - Geopolitical-Military Analysis

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Ted Twietmeyer - Science

56k CF
Renses' site

June 17, 2015

Greece likely to exit euro & EU without deal with creditors – central bank


5 Books That Will Decrease Your Dependency On Big Pharma

Just because many of us don’t support the practices of big pharmaceutical companies, doesn’t mean that we don’t get sick. At one point or another, everyone turns to medicine to alleviate symptoms of an illness. With these five amazing books, you will be able to create your own herbal medicine cabinet and decrease your dependency on big pharma.

*Read full article and see list here*