August 22, 2012

Spingola Speaks 2012.08.22

Guest:  Bob in DC, talked about the early history of Russia, Stalin, Lincoln and other influential personalities. He talked about the people who comprise the cabal that is destroying the planet and its people

Geopolitics Halford Mackinder

The Heartland: Pivot of History by Ivan Iv Vasil'yevich (1530-1584)

Karl Haushofer

Siege by James Mason (PDF: search Tommasi)

The Homosexual Internationale

Destroy The Accuser by Frederick Seelig (PDF)

Mattachine Society

Psycho Politics (PDF) Address by Laventia Beria (Jewish head of the Soviet Secret Police)

The Biological Jew (PDF) by Eustace Mullins

The Secret Holocaust; Resist: Other Publications

GM and China

Deanna's site


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting show. Realist Bob dispenses with the verbal obfuscations and hysterical but unfocused 'anti-capitalism' dribblings of Lark From Texas

'We've over-analysed this'.