Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in Amman, Jordan. He is the author of the
Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom. The Fetch also has a second site called"
Inside The Eye Live.com"
Intelligent media for the politically aware.
Middle east update and Guest: Greg in New Jersey.
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Oracle Archive
illuminatusobservor.blogspot inside the eye live
This was maybe one of the 2 or 3 best Fetch shows ever and I've listened to every single one since "Inside the Eye" started.
Fetch you have found your Bob Chapman in Greg from New Jersey and David from Texas should be your Paul Joseph Watson. A conversation with these two guys, who are not only jew-wise but knowledgable enough in many other areas to be your intellectual sparring partners, ALWAYS goes somewhere, even when it's about trivial stuff.
They both should be on your show as much as possible, at least once a week if their schedules permit.
Hadn't listened to the whole of "Brothers in Arms" since the late 90s. I remember when it first came out on CD back in the 80's it was one of the best sounding CD's in my collection. Whose favorite album is that ? Zapoper's or Mami's ?
Mark Knopfler of Dire Straits is half a Hungarian Jew, by the way.
Seconding Fetch get Dave from Texas on
Would be a greatt show
I got all your links but they each take about 5 minutes to download just for a listen and don't stream right away. Radio files should stream right away for maximum exposure.
Also I can't find any of the Down & Out Radio shows with Mike Sledge anymore. Did Drew Ma dump them all from his network or what ?
All the old Down & Out Radio Sledge links are dead.
If you have a new link for those shows let me know.
You can find all of Lugh' shows here: http://lughsden.blogspot.ca/2012/10/lughs-den-radio-show-now-live-on.html
I fixed number 7 which I had posted here. The problem is with finding "Down and out with Mike Sledge". Drew ma removed them and I didn't find new links on the net and had not done any backups of those shows.
What do you mean 'removed' ?
He didn't erase them I hope ?
What's his problem anyway ? Did Drew & Sledge have another fight ?
When the buttload of money comes in for Greg from NJ in 2013, he should put Vernoica Clark on his payroll so she doesn't have to work those two minimum wage jobs she does. lol
Right after the first Godfather movie's huge success, Francis Ford Coppola gave John Milius 20 grand for a full year just so he could surf in the mornings & write the script for "Apocalypse Now" all day without any distractions. He finished the friggin script but the flick didn't get made for another 6 years.
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