Guest: David Livingstone, author or The Dying God, a History of Western Civilization and Terrorism and the Illuminati, a Three Thousand Year History
NOTE: Deanna and the callers roasted Livingstone over his dis/mis information included in his writings.
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More appropriately should be title "The David Livingston Roast".
Dr. Shovelingberg, steamrolled. The Holohoax??? The Talmud???
Let's talk about Nazis!
1:03 Shelly fm Texas sets up a straight jab from hell and unleashes on the poor man. Gawd damn Shelly! I used to dread her calls, but sheeeet. That was an awesome punch! I swear it took the wind out of him.
Great Job Deanna, You are treated him with more respect then he deserved...
Very Professional..
This guy is resurrecting old disinfo,Jim Marrs/Alex Jones/Alan Watt conspiracy stuff,to just name a few.Never mentioning the Jews !
I remember a few years back looking up all the symbols of Freemasonry and what they meant.Too bad these Con-spiracy godfathers never exposed the Jewish core of Illuminati, Freemasonry and Kabala.
I would like to hear someone Jew wise and knowledgeable on the occult like Fetch,Kyle,Sledge,or Rebel interview him.Any one of them would have broke him down very quickly.Deanna is too nice.The occult is not really her forte'.
Thank you, Deanna
Overall, Deanna is the best. Thanks to her and the folks posting the shows here.
Share Deanna. I have been telling folks for over a year, if you want to wake up quick and safe, Deanna Spingola is the best bet. The least someone can do as a favor is turn that TV off long enough to catch her show. If enough get hooked on Deanna we may get somewhere.
i just heard a man die ! is this a snuffcast ?
He was fatally wounded at 24 mins and then it just got worse !
Conspiratard/nazi stuff really stands out amongst a more savvy crowd.
Im nearly half way in and i already feel that this man is a phoney , to say the least .
He is well trained...he hangs all the way. He has a bit of experience doing this and he is showing he can take some heavy shots and keep spewing out the horseshit in a most serious manner. He is a low level pack animal that has probably been black mailed for decades. He takes pride in his work. I doubt he will return anytime soon to Deanna's Truth Arena. This was his second trip so maybe he is getting warmed up for something and needed to try to sharpen his game.
Sounds like this guys sources is youtube
Good lord, never heard so much nonsense in a while packed in one show. Already caught a few lies;
1. CIA Operation Condor was instigated by CIA agents all over South america.
2. Skorzeny was never involved in Op. Condor. However, he was a very efficient counter-intelligence man willing to work with any Anticommunist regimes and org., an expert on unconventional/guerrilla warfare. And he hated the USA for what they did to Germany to his dying days.
3. Paladin Group was strong Anti-Communist mercinary intelligence group that lend anti-left-terrorist expertise and personele to Nationalist goverments around the world.
4. Gehlen Organization was controlled by the US Army intelligence and inflitrated by communist moles, and their sympathizers within the CIA and the British MI6, particularly Harold "Kim" Philby. And was eventually destroyed by them. Also, Gehlen was NEVER an NSDAP member, and was involved in the july 1940 Hitler assassination attempt.
5. Aryan idiology developed from science with charles darwin's works, Gobineau's inequality of races, eugenics etc which christians were utteredly opposed to. None of that occult nonsense.
The other lies is not even worth talking about.
Last but not least, the last CI caller made everyone looked like fools! and substantiated loony David Livingston's assenine remarks about NS Idiology. Which were NOT founded on religion or occult... but on science and ethnic nationalism!
Finally, someone took this bullshitter to task :-)
David Livingstone is just another mongrel Muslim asshole taking a shit on whitey ......again.
FUCK YOu JewBlow you bullshitting asshole. I remember you saying to
JoeBlow - "Listen to David Livingstone he knows his stuff etc."
my bollox JewboyBlow David Livingstone hes as full of shit as you JEwBlow , Its nice you have fucked off , please stay gone in the nut house..(Israel) you Jewfuck..
Look @ his photo , tells you all you should need to know.
Deanna : Do you say linvingston or livingstone?
Livingstone: I am not sure!
What is his real name?
He was leaving the jews completely of the hook. Instead he was targeting and insulting nazis meaning all Germans and Aryans per se meaning white people or Iranian people or Christians and so forth!
He was also twisting the root of esoteric disbelieve which is the jewish kabbalah with alleged occult Naziism when we all know that the root of the occult it jewish ritual murder and the rejection of Christ,the Father and Logos.The Kabbalah ist also the foundation of freemasonry saying that lucifer/satan is g_d meaning the jewish g_d.
The whole so called occult nazi deception is from Talmudist's like rabbi marvin s. antelman and so on.So a complete distraction from their murderess behavior and ritual killing even today with their proxy the usa and the celebration and culture of death for instance on jewish annual purim and hanuhkah.
Let us dismantle the jewish lies,agitation and disinformation which are a smokescreen to let them get away from their murderess culture of death.
Thank you Deanna you are true rock!
Livingstone is promoted by Henry "it's the Illuminati wot dun it" Makow, who spews out all this Hitler was a British agent crap and supports the official Holohoax story.
Another turd in the punch bowel. Dump it and flush.
I had thought his first(?) book "Terrorism and the Illuminati" (2007) was pretty good - exposes the Wahhabi origins of Saudi Royals, 'western' origins of the Muslim Brotherhood etc etc.
Was that all wrong? Or you all just saying he's taken a dive since after suckering ppl in?
Thanks for allowing us two choices. Do you work in sales?
(Being nice): sounds like he is adopting the Cdr. William Guy Carr view expressed (posthumously) in "Satan, Prince of this World" (1966, published 1997). i.e. the Jewish Messiah/King-Despot will be pipped to the post when WGC's identified "true" controllers "AT THE TOP" take over ie the "High priests of the Luciferian Creed" / promoters of the WRM/World Revolutionary Movement.
I'm less than convinced. Was it "The Illuminati" who murdered 60million in Russia post 1917 Revolution? Read "Russia No. 1" (1919) UK Government White Paper.
Woman speaking at 1:01:52m on("Shelley in Texas") sounds like "Veronica Clark". hmmmm....
Nice Job Deanna!!!! This Livingston creature is just another con man, liar that just got schooled.
What a complete fraud.
Livingstone, said
"Jim Marrs's Book The Rise of the 4th Reich is basically correct "
What more needs to be said. Hes not in the Full of shit category forever.
Remember now:-
The real controllers of his world allow themselves to be exposed by Jim Marrs and his NAZI dun it book which is for sale in all large book shops
After reviewing these comments, I decided not to waste my time with the guy...after 1-week I decided to listen in as to brush up on more dis/misinfo/lying techniques.
Well worth it, very entertaining, the jackass was EASILY taken to the wood shed by Deanna & call-ins!
Aside: Never heard Deanna become so shakingly harsh with her guests BUT for this ONE time.(usually she gives all the rope they want to hang themselves - I've just started listening recently)
Guess if anyone is an out n out lying obfuscator...then they get a whoopn. o.0
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