January 11, 2013

Marine Absolutely Owns CNN Anchor



Anonymous said...

I long for the day when we will see people start to "turn the table" on these media whores.

Reporter says, "what do you think about Aurora?"

Person then begins to question the reporter. Point out all the descrepancies; abnormalties; irregularties etc., etc.

How did Tower 7 fall at free fall speed at 5:00 in the afternoon when no plane struck that tower? Huh....whore reporter? How did that happen?

How in the hell did a 20 year old kid shoot his mom dead, pack his car with weapons, drive to a school he has no affiliation with, get through the locked doors then shoot 20 people and reports of 2 other people fleeing the scene are never discussed.

How did that happen you whore reporter???

If I ever get in an elevator with one of these cretans.......

1776blues said...

Bravo to Josh for taking a stand, the right stand!

Lindsey said...

The most important sentence taken from this:

"Un-constitutional laws are not laws."

Joshua Boston

Reporter's response:

"nervous laughter"
