February 04, 2013

The Realist Report with John Friend 2013.02.04

On this edition of The Realist Report, we’ll be joined by William Finck of Christogenea.org to discuss the origins, migrations, and history of the European peoples and Western civilization generally.  Where do modern Europeans have their origins?  What is our true history?  These and related questions will be discussed.John Friend's Blog
Truth Militia Radio



Anonymous said...

nuff said

Mike said...

Talk about distortion of history! He takes History and makes it work or fit for his own ends, and then claims that not even Historians agree. But no worries Fink, with no profesional title to his name, comes to the rescue!! lol
To be fair, some things he says are true historical facts, but when he throws the line that its all the ‘joos’ fault for distorting history, and the reason why jews hate germans goes back to the Torah times…. I nearly died laughing!

He also says that Ancient greek had ‘christian’ foundations? There are hundreds of ancient literature works that the Christian bibles borrows from. One could find similar passages in Zoroastrianism, Aryan Vedas etc!

And from what i’ve listen so far; the shady background of the guest and that caller…. I mean, is that the kind of people CI attracts? And you guys want to attract that?

Overall, I have a pretty sour taste in my mouth after listening to this gigantic distortion of history. Hopefully, Dana or Seig will address or respond to this in their own way.

YahwehKike said...

Religious nutbaggery is not healthy for anyone. Especially an offshoot of Judaism preached by the murdering Rabbi Finckelsheenie. A word of advice, don't ask Rabbi Bill for a blanket, he will return with a night stick and 2 of his friends to beat you to death while you are handcuffed. Praise Yahweh !

Anonymous said...

Haha, what a fucking joke.

Anonymous said...

" Adam " means 'soft of brain ?'

Here's some pure filth :

@ 1.11....


Anonymous said...

Troll Fest, GO GO GO

Nik said...

The name Canaan in Hebrew is Nenk pronounced kena'an כנע (Kena) meaning "to be brought down by a heavy load". Canaan and his descendents are continually being "brought down". Canaan was cursed by Noah and his descendents were subdued and conquered by Israel as Yahweh had promised in Deuteronomy 9:3.

The word Nenk (kena'an) can also mean a "merchant" as in Hosea 12:7 (verse 8 in the Hebrew Bible) AS a merchant is one who carries heavy loads... for the Jews!

Anonymous said...

John friend and CI Finck talk about not backstabbing people! yet CI Delaney deletes one of the best web sites, pushes ZCF aside and links it to that Jew wanna be Fink, who calls anyone who doesn't agree with him, 'joo', even the caller Jeff! These CI people are mentally defective.

Anonymous said...

Why we can't go along with CI? Because it distorts Aryan history! I rather go along with 'Positive Christiany' than CI nonsense.

btw, you talk about 'christian values'... Yeah, look at 'exemplary' CI people. Rubbish! We know that 'christian values' are Aryan values! These values are in our people. Enough! Time to dump CI and take another positve route. Even Christian mysticism is better!

Anonymous said...

CI's are wannabe kikes. Except delaney, he's actually a kike, or atleast hangs out with kikes, writes articles defending kikes, and goes on bus tours run by kikes. What a fucking nutbag kike shill.

Anonymous said...

YHVH kike sucking! Yay kike delaney!

The Realist Report said...

The comments left here prove that Mami's Shit has been totally taken over by trolls and clowns that are here to talk shit and cause problems. NO ONE has even come close to refuting anything Bill said in this program. At least Lugh was man enough to call in and confront Bill face to face. Thanks for being a stand up guy tonight Lugh, unlike all the clowns here on this thread.

The problem with this "movement" is that we have a bunch of fucking clowns and trolls dominating the conversation. GROW THE FUCK UP FOLKS. ZCF deserved everything that has happened to him recently. The guy is a fucking arrogant prick.

Unknown said...

I wouldn't go as far as to say "no one came close". If you would like to bring back any points he made on here I'd be happy to look into them.
I'm only 27 and I'm not an expert but most of his arguments were conjecture.

The Realist Report said...

The major claim here is that the White European peoples migrated to Europe from the Middle East and Central Asia. Ancient Classical writers, biblical records, archeology, and other sources attest to this. Can you legitimately dispute this?




The Phoenicians settled the Mediterranean, Iberia, the coast and river valleys of France, the British Isles, Scandinavia, etc. And the Scythians migrated from what is now the area roughly between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea and southward to Germany and Central Europe. I think I have that just about right anyways. Is there any other legitimate explanation for the settlement of Europe?

Anonymous said...

John I am a troll

Whatever, moron the point is he beat and murderd a man handcuffed to a bed while a prison guard.. Enough said

I could give a fuck what his Jew fairy tale believing ass says, the fucking Christians had 2000 years o solve the Jewish problem and failed big time...

I hope next time your with him , you don't bend over for anything

Anonymous said...

I posted this on your Site but will post here and on TM to give people something to think about.


Excellent show with Bill. His historical research is fascinating and he's certainly a brilliant man.
I do however wish callers could have stuck to the topic of history and migration.

That said I will make it perfectly clear I am in 100% opposition to ALL religion.

I am in agreement with Bill's excellent and supported detective research on European migration for the time period discussed tonight.

I find it odd however Bill does not address WHY there was so much migration occurring at that time.

WHAT exactly caused the large gap in history he referred to.

WHAT caused the ice age in northern region not allowing people to survive there when he admits people lived in this region 25,000 years earlier (which I agree with)

WHAT exactly caused the change in the ice age to allow people to now migrate north.

Bill's historical work focuses on lineage and migration. My long term research focuses on why.

I also agree with Bill that the people living in this region today are not necessarily direct descendants of people there 25,000 years earlier. It appears they are not.


Pas said...

John Friend wrote:

"ZCF deserved everything that has happened to him recently. The guy is a fucking arrogant prick."

Holy shit!I really thought you were alright John but now you appear to be a backstabbing faggot.

You say in the chat that ZCF was ''talking shit'' and that Delaney told him to quit and that ZCF didn't.

Is Delaney ZCF's father?Is he his boss?Can't Delaney just counter the agruements ZCF made?Probably not so what does he do, being a ''fiend'' he takes down his work.

You say in the chat that you told Delaney that if ZCF apologizes for ''talking shit'' he could get his site back.What you're doing here is blackmailing someone to go along with your dogmatic beliefs or to stfu about it.ZCF doesn't play that game, he's about the truth and if you think you and your religious buddies are displaying honor with these actions you're dead wrong.

You can call everybody not agreeing with you or your cult buddies trolls, that's your choice but to me it's clear you side with the religious nuts against reason and I hope that you'll change your mind in the future.

Thanks for all the good work you've done and I'm looking forward to see your brain functioning again some day so you can apologize to ZCF for being wrong.

No anon troll here just me;Pascal from Amersfoort, The Netherlands giving my view.

Anonymous said...

I agree with what John and Lugh said in general , her about trolls.

"At least Lugh was man enough to call in and confront Bill face to face. Thanks for being a stand up guy tonight Lugh, unlike all the clowns here on this thread." - INDEED

Fair Play Lugh, you had the BALLS to call in , The rest of the Trolls LOL @ you spineless morons.
(its true and you know it + its true you are also living in Mommies basement and have wrist problems)

MaryC said...

I don't know why these CI don't just make Aliyah and have done with it.

Anonymous said...

John your dogmatic ad hominems really make a stronger case for the existence of talking donkeys. Why dont you go read your fucking torah john. Or how about a talmud too so you can interpret it correctly? No amount of psedo-historical conjecture can cover up the fact that you religious nutbags are absolutely insane wannabe jews that havent done enough research to realize that your jewsus is a copy of 20 other deities from the ancient past. I guess your expert on european history forgot about even the mithraic cult? Or just ignored it while you tried to forge some credibility for satan I mean Yahweh among us here rational thinkers. Kind of like how you expect us to ignore you and kike delaneys kikish beliefs and actions. Oh yeah, Im ANON, so the fuck what? Thats ALWAYS your excuse to avoid responsibility for the downright JEWISH ideology that you and kike are forcefully trying to push using underhanded jew tactics, such as censorship and ad hominems towards anyone with a brain in their noggins. I bet you would defend jew hufshit and "quest" aka evran kaplan too like delaney. Either cuz youre a kike lover or just stupid and think whatever kike delaney says is "Yahwehs word".

Anonymous said...

ZCF apologize ? LOL

That'll be the day !

The MonkeySeeMonkeydo and Checkitb4youwreckit posters at TIU, both of those identities were ZCF.

Here he is on the warpath against both Christians and Muslims:


Pas and Lindsey also posted on this old thread from 2011

Anonymous said...

How is it good for whites, it turns them into lunatics personally .. and even if it doesn't people are going to think they're lunatics and by proxy whomever they accociate with!

Anonymous said...




HE DESERVES A MEDAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah --- we're "lunatics" because we're sick and tired of you shit skins taking free shit from us.

Yeah...we're "lunatics" because you shit skins cause so much crime.

Yeah......we're "lunatics" because you fucks are getting scared and realize your jewish pimps can't and won't protect you when the shit goes down.

And it is coming you fucking shit skins.

You libby white faggot shit skin hand holders will be eliminated first.


Just watch and see.


Anonymous said...

The only "white" people who have a problem with CI are LIBBY FAGGOT SHIT SKIN HAND HOLDERS.

You're accomplices to the JEWISH PIMP.

Something's fucking wrong with you.

NOBODY but other faggots can stand you.

You're low income losers.

Guess what faggot shit skin lovers? NORMAL people are not against CI.

NORMAL well educated successful WHITE people.

so fuck off.

before we fuck you off

Anonymous said...

Christianity and Islam are both jewish cults for goyim that make people mentally defective as evidenced by their actions. ZCF should never stop attacking these cults of murder, penis clipping, pederasty and penis worship.

Anonymous said...

Id like a CI nutjob to explain how becoming jews and alienating themselves from anyone with a rational thought in their head is "in fact" good for whites. Why all of a sudden do we need a jew god to unite? Thats seems like something only a kike would come up with. In fact the Roman empire collapsed because they all became preoccupied with this jew chicken scratch you call "the holy book".

Anonymous said...

dear lunatic wannaheeb shiteposters above

Thanks for proving my point

Love anon

Anonymous said...

Youre probably the furthest one from educated in this whole comment section. I nor any of us love the "shitskins", nor do we need a jew god to have a white identity.

Anonymous said...

CI promotes murderous rage and imbeciles that's why the real real Jews used it to kill 40% of Ireland via Cromwell and tale over England and to tale out William Peirce and the militia movement

Anonymous said...

Do you think it's just a coincidence that they have a convicted murderer leading one of the biggest C.I. sites on the net and specifically leading Delaney by the nose ? If Finck is such a 'brilliant man' as John Friend gushes and drools, wouldn't it be more smart of him to have somebody with a clean record push his 'brilliant' message of white superiority and for him to stay in the background ?

Of course.

But he just happens to be, just out of pure coincidence, EXACTLY who they need to discredit the entire movements he's associated with.

Anonymous said...

CI also promotes talking to donkeys and smearing bodily fluids on the altar of jew god Yahweh. Its sad that you cant make it out in your delusional brain that whites dont need to cherry pick from a jew book to have a racial identity.

Anonymous said...

@"NORMAL well educated successful WHITE people.

so fuck off.

before we fuck you off"


That's good, the more shitfits you have, the more frustrated you get and self-destruct, the happier I am. Nothing gives me a better, more satisfying laugh and genuine than an impersonation of a pathetic loud-barking pitbull frothing at the mouth against tanks and nuclear missiles. LOL

You're living in La-La land. Fuck who off ? Who are you going to fuck off ?

You can't even get Jews to repeal the dumb-ass Patriot-act that can lock your ass up forever without a lawyer in an off-shore torture prison, you jizz-wad. LOL

Anonymous said...

Great point.

*kike delaney

Anonymous said...

"The problem with this "movement" is that we have a bunch of fucking clowns and trolls dominating the conversation. GROW THE FUCK UP FOLKS. ZCF deserved everything that has happened to him recently. The guy is a fucking arrogant prick. "

Wow, you just lost all of my respect with that statement.Christian Identity is an embarrassment to those who fight against the jews because basically you claim to be the jews.

Please explain to us why ZCF deserved to have his site taken down which stops the flow of some of the most valuable information out there. Why because somebody insulted your jew god? LMFAO Few can hold a candle to ZCFs research and now that has been stifled by a dickhead with an ego issue because he got his wittle feelins hurt and faith challenged. WAAHHHHHH

Anonymous said...

“Mules are always boasting that their ancestors were horses.”
German Proverb

"Lord Bacon told Sir Edward Coke when he was boasting, The less you speak of your greatness, the more shall I think of it.”
William Shakespeare

“We confide in our strength, without boasting of it; we respect that of others, without fearing it.”
Thomas Jefferson

Anonymous said...

John kvetches and ad hom's about "trolls"when he gets called out and doesnt have a good enough reason to keep peddling jew ideologies and sucking kike delaneys mossad pecker.

"lets all be friends and worship hitler to the point its nauseating guys. Just ignore me and kike's subversion of your growing movement with our jew book forcefeeding and censorship of anything the adl cant easily make fools out of you for."

Ben G. said...

I like Christian Identity because it brings out the best in people!

Anonymous said...

White people need to support things that are good for whites."

Oh yeah? Than they would read Ben Klasen, not this CI "we the jews" nonsense.

Anonymous said...


-Charles Giuliani


Keith Truth Militia Radio said...

CI worships such a kind loving God...LMAO...Another made up religion used to divide white people. No different than any other religion. Bill Finck is no different than Joel Olsteen and the rest of the con men out there.

concerned citizen said...

Thank you Keith for that!

I refute my statement about this site suspending posting your shows until fuhrer notice :)

Please kick all this CI crap to the curb....

Anonymous said...

Last week john said they had "big things in the works for the coming weeks". Apparently this bullshit is what he and kike delaney had in mind.

Anonymous said...

Exactly, everyone read "natures eternal religion" instead of this jew CI insanity.

Anonymous said...

ZCF was redirected to Finklestein's site at the perfect moment wouldn't you say?

Anonymous said...

anon 12:40

I downloaded that. thank you for reminding me to read that book :)

Lindsey said...

I am going to make this succinct so that I do not take-up too much time with something that simply is what it is:


Wake-up, people, and get-your-fucking-shit-together.


hebrewswastika said...

Keith i hate to say i told you so. But it would be nice if you would unban me from truth militia now that everyone realizes delaney is a piece of shit. My only issue with you guys was the apparent control he seemed to have over what was allowed to be discussed on YOUR site.

Lindsey said...

That should read "PREGNANT WOMEN" but my key-board can not keep-up with my typing. I WILL be getting a new one soon!


Anonymous said...

Jews argue with eachother A LOT more than we seem to be doing. In actuality we're purging the bullshit from our movement so we can exterminate these vermin much more efficiently. Fuck the kikes if theyre reading this. We have wood chippers with their names on them.

Anonymous said...

Jews argue with each other A LOT more than we seem to be doing. In actuality we're purging the bullshit from our movement so we cant be dragged down by imbeciles and shills.

Trapper said...

John Friend said...

"The comments left here prove that Mami's Shit has been totally taken over by trolls and clowns that are here to talk shit and cause problems. NO ONE has even come close to refuting anything Bill said in this program. At least Lugh was man enough to call in and confront Bill face to face. Thanks for being a stand up guy tonight Lugh, unlike all the clowns here on this thread."

Dear John Friend, you have hitched your wagon to CI. You have peaked, CI is just more Bible believing insanity.

CI's major claim is the European whites are the chosen ones

suuuurrreeeeeeeeeeeeeee they are

John Friend epitapth: a nice young man who peaked when he joined CI

Vampire Killer said...

Inversion. Inviting the enemy in your home and giving them a platform sounds like a controlled opposition jew movement.

Never invite a vampire into your home

Lindsey said...

Brother, I would agree with you if it were not for the destruction that all of this CI bullshit is causing, and has ALWAYS caused everywhere it went. We have to get our priorities back, and the CI cult has ALREADY been exposed for the jew-creation that it was--"British israelism" that was concocted by the jews to subvert the aristocracy.

It is really as simple as that, and you have a couple of "charmers" who are now "leaders" of CI who are influencing some of the good guys in the REAL truth-movement to take-up-the-banner of CI and destroy themselves/their credibility by focusing more on this INTENTIONAL DISTRACTION than on our common-enemy who is destroying our world for the creation of "The jewish Utopia."

I have begged John and Mike to move past this CI stuff, and at least NOT make it a primary focus, so I have said what I have and needed to say to them directly. While we fight and bicker and bitch and moan and HATE EACH OTHER, as the demons walking-on-two-legs MUST HAVE US DO--divide-and-conquer--they are doing everything that they can to reach their goal.

Guys, you know that I am right.


Keith Truth Militia Radio said...

Hebrew swastika I will unban you...But please keep it civil in the chat room. I need your IP addy to unban you. So if you can log into our chat room, I will get your IP and un ban you..

Keith Truth Militia Radio said...

Truth Militia Radio and Truthmilitia.com in no way support CI. As far as Im concerned CI is just another made up religion used to distract us all and cause bickering between us.

Truth Militia is a separate entity from everyone else. I am taking this back to our roots and why I started this in the first place. To get out some info, voice our opinions on racial and Jewish issues, and provide entertainment.

If someone can come up with a plan to organize and then find funding for the organization, then I will be all for it. Until the organization is FUNDED nothing will ever happen. This Jewish Octopus has budgets of 100's of millions of shekals a year. This is reality.

Get rid of the religious kooks and those of you who claim a religion, keep it to yourself. Religion is a private matter between a person and their "God".

I am all for a loose alliance with certain people, but the childish bickering over some bullshit religion is a joke and will continue to hold back this cause.

Anonymous said...

Well for starters here's a presentation from professional leading linguists and anthropologists that debunk it, but I'll hit a few of the points: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jHsy4xeuoQ

There are many theories concerning Indo-European origins. You posted some pretty stacked pages there and I just don't have the time to go through it all.
If you want to point out some specific preferably non biblical points I can address them.

Unknown said...

Oops, wasn't at home there and forgot to sign in. That prev comment was me.

Anonymous said...

wow talkin shite about ZCF like that? You ain't been in the game long enough and your research is awful thin compared to his.

Anonymous said...

Keith Truth Militia said:

"I am all for a loose alliance with certain people, but the childish bickering over some bullshit religion is a joke and will continue to hold back this cause."

I agree 100%, funny thing CI thinks it will save the cause.

Anonymous said...

Now John Friend will cry like his baby-faced, egomaniac friend, Kike Delaney and Rabbi Eli Jamesburgstein.

This is so embarrassing for our cause.

Anonymous said...

Looks like ZCFs site is now linked back correctly on Delaneys site.

Anonymous said...

Interesting dig at ZCF toward the end of the interview. We know who's pulling the strings John "who is not our" Friend

Anonymous said...

He obviously saw how much credibility he was losing and decided to cut his losses. I certainly wont forget. Its also probably why he did an irrational hit piece on guiliani on ratfacedjews, unlike Rich who handled guilianis comments in a more civil manner. B/c guiliani did have some good points about not making ourselves look like idiots, even tho he made a mistake white washing white nationalism. I think theres a middle ground we're going to have to ride to have any sort of major success, due to the retardedness of 90% of the lemmings.

MaryC said...

you have to wonder: would a legit person call a site ratfacedjews? The only people who will love it are the ADL

Anonymous said...

There is definetely a middle ground or path we're going to have to take, it lies between being too soft on the stupid colored races that take handouts from the Jew and blurting out nigger and spic which honestly does make us look stupid to most of the whites that we need to recruit against the jew.

Anonymous said...

Yeah everything about delaney screams kike shill.

Stefan said...

How strange that at once all this fighting started!CI people are infiltrating MAMIS SHIT and TM with the goal that they will recruit as many people posible from here to their JEWISH SECT!

This people are up to no good!
They are the ones that will BRING THE JEWS BACK afther we win!
They will introduce YAHWE to us again!

This is all planed people,dont be naive!
They all at once started to bash good people just causse they do NOT BELIVE IN TALKING DONKEYS ARSE!

JOHN,i am not a troll,bat a man that thinks reasonable and i wish you good luck there causse i have seen many good people loose their mind with joyning one of thoese many JEWISH SECTS,CULTS!
Good luck!

hebrewswastika said...

Its much appreciated. Keep up the good work, you guys are handling this CI kike bullshit quite well in my opinion. It seems to me like they tried to infiltrate your site because you guys have a more approchable message than a lot of these other clowns.

Anonymous said...

"Its much appreciated. Keep up the good work, you guys are handling this CI kike bullshit quite well in my opinion. It seems to me like they tried to infiltrate your site because you guys have a more approchable message than a lot of these other clowns."

Interesting point. Mr. Friend tried to etch that in peoples minds first but I see his tactic. Not good Mr. Friend, very devisive but then you do want to be a jooooooooooo

Anonymous said...

All delaney and the CI kikes needed was enough rope to hang themselves. Now we just have to keep them dangling for the rest of the townsfolk to see.

Anonymous said...

"ZCF was redirected to Finklestein's site at the perfect moment wouldn't you say?"

Excellent point and you are onto something here. So Delaney is using ZCFs site to give Finck's joke of a site traffic? Dirty, just dirty.

The Realist Report said...

Look guys, I will make one more comment and leave it at this. I made that proposal last week to end all this childish shit-talking, gossip, etc., we seemed to be going in the right direction, then all hell broke loose. And who initiated that? Well folks, ZCF did. That is the truth.

ZCF came into a chat and started talking shit about "Yawaeh being the God of the Jew World Order" and just generally being a jerk about religion, after being repeatedly asked by Mike Delaney and others to KNOCK IT OFF. Even if you don't agree with CI, or Christianity in general, there is simply no need to get all upset and bent out of shape like virtually everyone on this thread is, and bash CI and Bill Finck for no reason. Real Christianity, according to Finck, is simply loving and caring for your racial brethren, sacrificing for your community, being honest, and being a decent, honorable human being. What is wrong with that? Why is that so divisive? Even if you don't believe in the Bible, isn't that the type of person we should all strive to be?

I told ZCF that he does great work. I love reading his website and research articles. But he is the one who started this guys, plain and simple. I hope Delaney lets him have his site back and he can continue on with what he does. But why we all continue to bash Bill Finck, and CI generally, when they are basically on our side philosophically and have similar goals as us, is simply beyond me. This show wasn't even about Christianity or CI at all - it was about the history and migrations of the European peoples. And all everyone here and most that called in want to do is talk shit to Finck about some other irrelevant point not even related to the topic at hand.

Pas, I have nothing to do with this dispute between ZCF and Delaney. My view was that ZCF should apologize before he gets his site back. This isn't about CI or Delaney pushing their beliefs on ZCF; it's about being respectful and not talking shit about allies. I'm done with this guys. I'm trying to run a productive, professional show, and I know I'm being distracted with all this bickering on the internet. Peace out.

AlphaTroll said...




BillClitty said...

John Friend says:
"Real Christianity, according to Finck, is simply loving and caring for your racial brethren, sacrificing for your community, being honest, and being a decent, honorable human being. What is wrong with that? Why is that so divisive? Even if you don't believe in the Bible, isn't that the type of person we should all strive to be?"

One problem is the "messenger", Finck
Another is, yes, caring, sacrificing, honesty and honor are great, BUT, if one slaps the CI badge on their chest, then they are pigeon holed as a CI, and I believe CI is bible based stuff.
Anyway, I already strive for those traits, but I certainly would not ever call myself a CI.

Jews love to pigeon hole us so that can use one of their ready make arguments or talking points against you.

Anyway, hang in there John. Things will sort themselves out. Thanks for what you are doing and trying to do.

Sparky said...

Finck can be pigeon-holed by the jews as a racist white murdering supremacist. So how could anyone associate with CI "out in the open" and have some jew or jew controlled TV watching drone, holy shit, you follow the same path as that fucking guy?

Anonymous said...

So ZCF is the bad guy for having an opinion? Ah so it was that free speech that did it. Interesting!

Anonymous said...

One question. How do any of you know it wasn't a sockpuppet masquerading as ZCF in the chat?

Anonymous said...

At this point if you havent realized that Christianity is a copy of 20 other ancient religions then you sir are a weak minded goyim in need of a hero to worship. I and many others will not allow a jew on a stick to lead our movement, no matter how kike shitfits delaney goes on. The argument that you need to hurl your allegience to some jew ghost in order to be "a nice guy" is sad to say the least. All thats required is discretion which comes from a good education. The Romans didnt need Yahweh to reach their level of greatness, in fact they imploded when they accepted this jew mind control. If youve actually read the whole "holy book" youd realize its a complete guide to self destruction and enslavement. That being said, blackmailing and imposing your beliefs on ZCF is just plain jewish, even if i dont agree with the guy 100%.

Anonymous said...

Pagans Unite! Down with the jew ghosts!

Anonymous said...

ZCF site is back online!I hope he didnt pologize!!

Innocent Smith said...

I am really sick of the so called "truth movement" being run by a bunch of little Nazis.

John Friend is probably an OK guy. But it is quite apparent that he has a little reading and growing up to do.

If I remember correctly he told Jim Condit that he just started reading up on WWII last year. Good grief!

zapoper said...

" a bunch of little Nazis? "

Here we go. We're good for another 80 comments. LMAO

Anonymous said...

Every neonazi thats gained any sort of popularity has been a jew or a jew whore.

Enough with the swastikas and mein kampfs already. They dont do shit except pigeon hole resistance to the jew. Fuck kike delaney.

Pas said...

John Friend wrote:

''Pas, I have nothing to do with this dispute between ZCF and Delaney.''

Ok but you are taking sides and so am I.That's cool but you're certainly not neutral otherwise you would have called out Finck on his attack on ZCF, claiming that ZCF is of ''mixed race ancestry...''.This is BS and you know that and the least you could have done is ask to proof that ridiculous claim.

On top of that you attacked ZCF ad hom without any real argument against him.Does ''being a jerk about religion'' and some other petty shit is reason enough to sabotage someone's work?

And you suggest ZCF should beg and grovel to Yahweh worshippers to forgive him and give his website back??Come on, John..

Anyway, good luck because I know you do a lot of great work but here you're just way off imo and I hope that you'll change your position in the future.

Anonymous said...

That name "Rat Faced Jews" really turns me off. And another website named "Total Fascism" also is a turn off. In my opinion, these names only would harm the truth movement.

The best radio program name, in my opinion, is Dana Antiochus' "Resistance is Gentile"

Anonymous said...

Nazi's? LMAO

This CI shite will more than likely be behind the next Waco, Ruby Ridge, OKC or even The Covenant, The Sword, and the Arm of the Lord (CSA). Funny how The founder of the CSA was James Ellison. Sounds similar to Eli James, no? LOL

I met Delaney in 2008 with his side kick JAM. Hung out in the mobile home. Was witnessing Delaney producing a promotional video which claims that he has a relationship with the Lakota Tribe and is building a new community. It was a stream of donations while people were actually willing to relocate and live amongst the Lakota Tribe. Of course it never happened. During that time, I asked Delaney about the well known Alex Jones call in 2008. Delaney told me that him and Alex spoke on the phone later that evening and that they laughed, joked around and that everything is fine between them. Last week on Yeager's show, he volunteers the info that he has a direct line of communication with Alex Jones and they spoke for an hour.

Delaney took most of the credit for producing Missing Links while Khanverse (who received no credit) was the brains behind that. Delaney was still promoting "I am the Witness" at that time even though the info about Hufschmid came out. Bollyn (Wife Mossad?) claims he was beat up by DHS minutes from where I live. Later, Ognir gets in a physical confrontation with DBS. 2009 Delaney goes on a 911 Bus Tour which you can see on the department of defense website.

Recently we have Delaney admitting he was trolling in a chat room to "test" the moderators to see if they would ban the "troll" which was him to begin with. Dictating how TM functions. Eli James interviewed, see above. ZCF/Delaney confrontation in a timely fashion so that ZCF can be redirected to Finklestein's website in time for the Finklestein interview. Am I missing anything?

Anonymous said...

I don't buy the argument for which these non-CI book references are then hijacked but the references are themselves quite interesting anyway -


The Enduring Empire of the Brit-ish (1928)
Rev. P.H. Pritchett / New Covenant Publishing Co. Ltd

-- For the author's argument of the Brits being from the Lost Ten Tribes (omg) see Chapter IV page 25, 3rd para. onwards.

Don't blame the messenger.

Anonymous said...

His jew convict pal "quest" aka evran kaplan.

Anonymous said...

ZCF is not back on line. If you type www.zioncrimefactory.com, you get redirected to: christogenea.org.

I miss ZCF!

Anonymous said...

Every one of condits answers was replied with "Uhh err ummm i dont agree."

Its obvious this blind hitler worship is promoted by these kike shills to pigeon hole our movement. Even if hitler wasnt controlled like every other world leader, living in the past is just juvenile and retardedly counter productive. Anyone who doesnt agree with that and thinks one day white americans will be walking down the streets with swastikas is fucking dumb as a rock.

Anonymous said...

John had nothing useful to add to the discussion except his jewsus-like worship of hitler. If hitler really wasnt controlled he wouldve taken notes from the other 100+ exiles in history and not helped the jews create israel or have tens of thousands of kikes in his ranks. And thats just the beginning of the inconsistencies that are ignored by kike delaneys crowd.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


I think he is part Annunaki

BeCareful said...






Rabbi Supremastein said...

Anu Mishugaim!!!
Ve Self Chosen Ones are laughing too much with you fellows, bickering like old mamens!
In fact, I just very much now splattered mine schmuck zaft on ze screen of dis computer thingy seeing how so many of you goyim fell in to our religious mamzer trap!!
I vill tell zees story at SINagogue and have all the yidls kvetching.
Toda, and Shalom Shalom!
Rabbi Supremastein

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA! Rabbi is funny

wanda said...

Best comment i've heard so far i pulled out of chat a couple days ago...i don't even know who to attribute it to but it should go down in history:


Anonymous said...

Iconoclast Radio Interviews Prothink and Quest aka Evren Hun Welshons (Mother's last name Kaplan) - 10 / 13 / 2010


Anonymous said...

Strange enough, Gordon Duff, Eli James, William Finck all have New York City Jewish accents, and speaking mannerism.

Anonymous said...

All this white trash is concerned about a squat monster who can no longer rape another white woman. With these white pussymen no wonder white women have resorted to fucking niggers.

Anonymous said...


I totally agree with you. CI has been and will be a destructive force in the movement.
I hope people will wake up! Lindsey, you are absolutely right. You are one of the few clear thinking persons in this movement!

Anonymous said...

Lindsey is the few clear thinking persons in this movement. His messages always resonate with my thinking.