March 18, 2013

Are Americans Practicing Communism?


Anonymous said...

Are You a Practicing Communist? by George Gordon
(for those in need of a little more proof)

Anonymous said...

I couldn't decide anon, I started to post that one first. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

The video is good, rc. Only thing missing is the loud obnoxious raphopslop so many ewetoobers bathe/bake themselves with.

Here's a George Gordon audio of Are You a Practicing Communist?

For those who find themself to be a practicing communist...

Anonymous said...

yeah I never understand why radio shows/videos have to have music in them. Most of the music I have heard is either A) boring and annoying or B) I have heard it a zillion times. "love your bumper music man" So AJ-esque.Just give me the facts or fill the breaks with news and various clips of idiots saying shit that exposes them. DWOLFs opening to his show was awesome, that kind of stuff. Just my opionion of course.