Again about Martin Luther King, Jr: Plagiarist, Traitor, Communist, Criminal, Philanderer, Womanizer and overall sleaze. A beast as a saint? Essentially destroying a sacred cow.
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Who cares? Who does it benefit to defame MLK? What a boring and overplayed subject.
Whatever you say the fact remains that he made some great speeches, was a brave man who stood by his beliefs and was killed for them.
Kind of makes the accusations of plagiarism look like small potatoes compared to his accomplishments.
Obviously you didn't listen to this 3 part broadcast - if so you could easily answer the dumb question you asked.
Accomplishments? Obviously your of the foodstamp variety and got upset when your sacred cow was so wonderfully slaughtered. :(
Great show Dave, much appreciated. Show on YT:
haha, MLK had nothing to do with food stamps- I suppose forcing blacks into the back of the bus and up service elevators was groovy to you- I love King, flawed though he was-he was a great man
I will also say that pissing off blacks is counter productive...if you want to get rid of the jew in power.Sadly, the jews love it when you race bait their various slaves-hahah
Renegade Broadcasting, "The best source for factual information on the planet"???
Come on Dave, ease up on the EGO. usazec8961
Anarchore is a roseanne barr loving jew troll that frequents many of these sites casting seeds of doubt. Dont take his "Zionism is bad" jew-apologizing bullshit seriously.
During the last several decades, have the Norwegians, Icelanders, Danes, Swedes, Finns, Slovaks, Hungarians, Austrians, Swiss and even those evil Germans been noted for running amok all over the world, causing misery and death for the less fortunate peoples of the planet?
However, the destructive behaviors and attitudes that we so often see in those countries on the part of African immigrants is the same that we see in the black populations of France, England and America (countries that have much more to answer for).
It would seem that "Anti-Racists" have a lot of explaining to do. If these people are against hatred, cruelty, exploitation and unfairness, that is truly admirable and understandable. However, more often than not, these people seem to ignore reality and urge others to do likewise-- regardless of how much damage it does.
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