March 03, 2013

Howard Stern- Alex Jones Interview 2013.02.26

A serious study on horse shit 


Anonymous said...

A serious study on horse shit
whores shit talk siriously

Anonymous said...

Jone$, a 'Christian' tells Stern he's been listening to him and Robyn for the last 20-years.

I took up his challenge and typed in "alex jones is a blood drinking gay lizard" no such results exist. He's lying to you. He is a jewish controlled.

As most here know Alex Jone$ will never admit the truth and calls his critics 'nazis'. Nazi's in his book are people who expose jewish power period. These are his employers so you don't bite the hand that feeds you. Plus his liberal ex Peta wife will nag him to death if he exposes her own. He is a very skillful liar. Not very 'christian'.

Alex Jone$, a 'Christian' admitted on this show that people should be able to do what they want in regards to gay marriage. I'm sure his 'god' feels otherwise. Total charlatan.

"Have you had sex with a black woman" Jone$ "no comment". I'm guessing that means yes.

Apparently he has done LSD too because he couldn't answer that question either. That sounds about right as he pals around with Joe Rogan.

To each their own but why is he such a lying hypocrite? He's always trying to be on the good side of the jew for money apparently.

Jone$ says people want to kill his children. I have never heard such 'threats'. Total bullshit and his tactic of making jew critics look like lunatics. Pathetic because he has zero proof, guaranteed. (Note, Delaney pulled this same tactic with no proof). It's all about demonizing their enemies and he has enough gullible listeners who will just believe but not verify. (real truth seekers)

Jone$ just admitted he's having jew Michael Savage on his show. He has always talked badly about him but now he is allying with the big jews, it's all coming down to the shekel for ole chubby.

It's apparent that Stern is TOTALLY promoting Jone$. He probably got orders from Mel Karmizin who is the CEO of Sirius.

At one point in this interview Stern talks about Jone$ jewish wife, something he denied and freaked out about for years but when Howard the jew it's ok. What a tool.

I couldn't even finish this as Jone$ voice is just horrible but what a joke. This is the leader of the 'truth movement'.

Anonymous said...

Suicidal shrimp and gat fish... Lmao

Anonymous said...

I only started watching this following one- promotes Weiner/Savage's new propaganda book "A Time For War", and AJ's building it up as being "CENSORED thanks to the all powerful... CHINESE..." LOL. 45 mins:

Michael Savage Live Full Interview with Alex Jones on February 26, 2013

Anonymous said...

Was this video posted to appease Truth Militia? LOL

Anonymous said...


Keith of Truth Militia should add this to his favorites.

Anonymous said...

Alex Jones once complained about Howard Stern promoting a "no-planer" and then told all his listeners to cancel their Sirius subscriptions lol

Humpty D said...

If AJ bad-mouths "no-planers" then he wants you to believe they were employed. Believe Alex if you must, but keep in mind that many miracles occurred if they were used.

Several of those planes, verified by serial numbers, were still in service for several years after the event. Also, the planes are incapable of doing what the jew contolled media and govt says that they did; for one, fly at over 500 mph at ground level. Ask a pilot or the boys that build them.

Anonymous said...

Great analysis rockclimber.

Noor al Haqiqa said...

I lasted about 45 seconds into this. Neither creature can possibly be worth even that much of my time.

Anonymous said...

Howard Stern makes me sick... His voice sounds like a gay snake... Disgusting... How can people listen to him everyday... He is a jewish prodigy to gay/pervert the america... Why won't Alex go after Howard like Peirs Morgan... Because Howard is Jewish... And he does not want to accused of being anti semetic... Disgusting

Anonymous said...

haha anon 9:49, gay fish, like the south jew park episode with kanye west, the one with the entire army of jew robots, thats jones weiner savage and jewns whole crew and stern

Anonymous said...

alex jewns , the newest member of the wak pak

Anonymous said...

alex jones posted the following link to article on his web site:
The Holocaust Just Got More Shocking

Anonymous said...

Jew Drudge linked to that same article. They really wanna shove this evil "Nazi" bullshit down the conservatives throats to help create a defense shield that'll make it 100x harder to recruit these generally anti-communists into the jew-wise fold.

Anonymous said...

Can people actual still watch these cunts?

Anonymous said...

That's right Webb and Duff are telling the truth but GATEKEEPER Jones stabbed Webb in the back 10 years ago before Webb found out that Jones took money from FBI #5 and had a CIA handler. It's all in our videos about Jones and Gunderson. We have many witnesses against Jones. Jones has had what 18 years now and NOT ONE congressional RECALL petition? Not ONE march on DC? Censored Dr. Coldwell - listen to the tape! Do more research and you'll see what we are talking about - makes NO SENSE!

Anonymous said...

I listened to the last 15mins: Stern calls Jones an entertainer several times and Jones never denies it. Jones brags that he had sex with a 15year old when he was 12. Jones talks about what a bad ass he is and he puts people in comas. they pick on Jones for crying and he says he was crying like the guy in the movie Deliverance. apparently he has taken it in the ass before. He dodges the question when asked if he goes to church. My thought is Jones loves money before a god. He has been infected by supremacist jew thinking where money is his god. Jones is an entertainer first. Jones says the most trusted news source is everything. Drudgereport (Drudge is also a jew) is one of his go to places. Drudge promotes Jones. Stern calls Jones out for being a fear monger (more or less). Jones is all about fear porn. An example is he has predicted false flags and an economic collapse for the last 10-years and no such thing has happened. Jones is a big fat liar. Stern asks him to name the 5 biggest phonies. Jones 5 biggest phonies, Queen elizabeth the II. he says they're german. GERMAN. The Pope is another one. He never names another one nor a jew. (such as rothschild, greenspan, bernanke, etc). He is asked how much he makes and he won't disclose the amount. He starts using scatology in the end as a way to appease the inventors of scatology. He literally is talking about shit in the end. Jones says he is a friend of baba booey. Makes sense because baba booey looks like Jason Bermas. He repeats that michael savage (jew) is coming on his show AGAIN.

Absolutely pathetic.


Anonymous said...


oh god that sounds painful.

Anonymous said...

Re: Michael Savage Live Full Interview with Alex Jones on February 26, 2013

This a a real controlled-opposition barnburner. Both zio-shills circle jerk over how they're being blacked-out, as Weiner directs scrutiny towards the eeeevil.... CHINESE!! :O

So anyways, get this article from '04:
National Radio Host Michael Savage Calls For Newspaper Editors to be Arrested For Sedition

Anonymous said...

I was waithing for Keith of TM to call in his favorite show!LOL

Noor al Haqiqa said...

I posted that NY Times article myself. But with a few warning notices along with another equally disturbing article. Here is how I introduced that piece:

Regarding the author Eric Lichtblau: “The most reliable lefty lickspittle at the New York Times ~ and that's saying a lot, Lick-spittle. A slimy groveling and devious person who will do anything to get ahead in their life and career including accepting an order from the boss to lick a big green greasy lump of spit in the hope of promotion or a pat on the head.”

These creatures are never going to go away! That article is completely shocking. But not shocking in the manner which the tellers intend us to be ~ guilt ridden and shamed but shocking that these people have the chutzpah to even TRY to pull these things over on the rest of the world considering the amount of historical unrevision has been taking place regarding the camps over the past years.

They must know they cannot keep it up. Oh yeah, and they now have hologram "survivors" so that they can interact with people about the holoco$t forever. Not a sick joke. Sighs.

Anonymous said...

^ Hate to get your blood pressure up further Noor, but get a load of this "story" in UK Daily ZioSpew last Sept:

'They seized three-year-old children and shot them': Darkest atrocities of the Nazis laid bare in the secretly recorded conversations of German prisoners of war

Anonymous said...

Also in Sept '12, Faurisson noted how Obummer conflated holyhoaxianity together with other major religions during his UN speech,

THE WHITE HOUSE (September 25, 2012)

President Obama’s Speech at
the United Nations General Assembly

The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. Yet to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see when the image of Jesus Christ is desecrated, churches are destroyed, or the Holocaust is denied.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

oh god that sounds painful.

March 3, 2013 at 11:49 PM"

LOL, it truly was but I want Jone$ followers to understand how insincere he is and to wake up to this guy. I stopped listening to him years ago as he is bad news. Yes he tells some truths but he diverts people away from the jewish supremacists, it's a crime by itself


Anonymous said...

"Yet to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see when the image of Jesus Christ is desecrated,"

Interesting quote if accurate. Technically when he says 'condemn the hate', it's actually an attack on the Christians who might get angry/hateful when Jesus is insulted...

eg. Larry David wasn't hating when he pissed on Christ or the Artist who put the crucifix in piss wasn't a 'hater'.... but those who react would be deemed the 'haters'.

FMD these people are slimy in what they say.

Anonymous said...

I just came for the comments to get the general idea what happened over there. I absolutely can't listen both of these immoral scumbags anymore and Stern black sidekick Robin's retarded giggling.

Of course only reason why this interview was done is because bloodthirsty "nazis" are harrassing him. Alex is such a jew tool that he got to have some jewish blood in himself. All his shows does is reaffirming politically correct ideology about "nazis", "minorities" and homosexuals.

If rednecks wouldn't have guns, there wouldn't be any need for Alex Jones overall. Jews would go on straight to second phase - militarized totalitarianism.

Anonymous said...

Great comment last anon, and don't forget to spread this around.

When I post on youtube to one of Jone$ video's I just say learn more about this scumbag, money grubber at ALEXJONEXPOSED INFO