And some good calls occurred in the last ~15minutes. Interesting to hear Marx was pushing not just the central bank concept (creation of money), but also central control of credit (its distribution); AND the gold standard as backing for currency. Oh, and the better known graduated income tax and restrictions through taxation on inheritance.
nothin but que card readin dago pre-records
? Not a repeat(ed show).
A little over the one minute mark Charlie says: " including today, 8 more shows left on Oracle "
Do the math and see if that's a repeat.
Answer: No it's not. This show was live.
So there you are, 6.20PM.
And some good calls occurred in the last ~15minutes. Interesting to hear Marx was pushing not just the central bank concept (creation of money), but also central control of credit (its distribution); AND the gold standard as backing for currency. Oh, and the better known graduated income tax and restrictions through taxation on inheritance.
Stand and deliver!
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