April 25, 2013

Reconstructions Live with Mike Sledge 2013.04.25

Religious Trilateralism And The Control Grid

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Renegade Broadcasting
National Protectionism



Anonymous said...

Did kike sledge mention what he's going to do with his Jew kids yet? Madagascar, brazil, still hiding the fact he has jew kids..

Anonymous said...

Fuck brazil. But Id like to hear what he has to say about Madagascar. Then maybe Ill let him off the hook. But he still cant be a leader.

Anonymous said...

11:02 PM HIm or any of the other rentatards will never be leaders, they're all just a bunch of goat worshiping keyboard warriors.

Anonymous said...

Yeah you people who have nothing better to do than go on a forum for a show you clearly didn't listen too and talk trash on someone's kids are like uber leaders. Keep fighting the good fight.

Mystic Qabalah said...

Mike has never denied having jewish children and said it many times

Anonymous said...

Its better to worship a goat than a rabbi.

Anonymous said...

The only time there was protest in the NSDAP was when some mixed race couples had troubles with the laws put forth. The Party looked at it, and agreed with the protesters and set some concessions to appease them.
Multiculturalism is crap, and what it leads to is garbage... but if you criticize two people for legitimately falling for each other, it's inhumane, especially when you do not know the details of said event.
Likewise it is inhumane to insult someone's children.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dear TCS,
If Santa Claus isn't real why is Jesus real?

Anonymous said...

Sledge knows all about Jews, he sleeps with one and has Jew kids.

Sledge is the most ignorant fool, he surfs the net, finds a few links, reads a quotes and sayd "see, see, this makes my point"

Sledge has no credibility on anything he say on this Show, he dos not understand what he is talking about.

The Pope does not wear a yamaka Sldge is a blither idiot. How can Sledge attack some for taking Jew ancestry, what about his kids?

Sledge is a stupid Slav who beds a Kike, how typical.

He cannot even pronounce have the names, and says the founding Jesusists were Jews, BUT THEY were not.
Sledge doesn't even know what the Crusades were
Sledge is a half ass disinfo Agent.

Anonymous said...

Clearly, this crypto Jew is secretly trying to put a Jew hat on the Pope here: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-lZxSEpDa1mU/Ty_I3dUwzbI/AAAAAAAAAKQ/ziPTaHis-Dg/s1600/clothing+pope.jpg
What a Satanist!

"We Jesuits take pleasure in admitting those of Jewish ancestry." - J. Nadal Morey
An excellent resource documenting all the so called Jesuits who are really Jews turned Catholic, hence “crypto-Jews”, can be found at JewishJesuits.com.
In his article Synagogue of Satan, John S. Torell states:
“In 1491 San Ignacio De Loyola was born in the Basque province of
Guipuzcoa, Spain. His parents were Marranos and at the time of his birth the
family was very wealthy. As a young man he became a member of the Jewish
Illuminati Order in Spain. As a cover for his crypto Jewish activities, he
became very active as a Roman Catholic.”
Marranos are Spanish Jews who outwardly converted to a different religion, often times
Roman Catholic, in order to evade persecution and expulsion for their treacherous
actions, while secretly maintaining the religion of Judaism as well as practicing the
Cabbala (Jewish Mystisism).
Furthermore, Loyola’s secretary, Polanco, was also of Jewish descent and was the only
person present at Loyola’s deathbed. James Lainez who succeeded Loyola as the second
Jesuit General was also of Jewish descent.(#) Add a (W) after the (E) in Jesuits and what
do you get? Jewsuits. A more fitting name.
It’s quite funny how the promoters in the “Jesuits run it all” theories conveniently fail to
mention these important facts and attempt to project the Jesuits as purely Roman
Catholic. And these skumbags also have the audacity to call us “anti-Semites” while
promoting blatantly anti-Catholic conspiracy theories with no facts in hand at all. The
Jesuits themselves are crypto-Jews and so are the promoters in the Black Pope theories.
The Jews disguise themselves as the religion of their enemies, continue with their
treachery under this false guise, and then get everybody to blame their disguise for the
world’s problems.
^Research by ZCF, a true asset lost to our movement due to Christinsanity

Are you mad, spammer? Maybe you're some Tel Aviv dweeb butt hurt over people trying to sway the movement away from Christianity as you had originally planned it in your apocalyptic Pat Robertson plot?

Anonymous said...

"The Golden Rule" is an excellent distillation of what is truly moral. Teaching it and practicing it works especially well within a genuine Volk community, and to try to apply it as much as is reasonable to relations with other communities, peoples and nations is wise.

However, it must be said, this "Golden Rule" did not suddenly make its appearance in the world with the advent of Christianity. Similarly, so many of the other things that genuinely touch Europeans about Christianity (Christmas traditions, for example) are deeply moving because they are European in origin-- Germanic, Hellenistic, Pagan, etc.

It is possible for European people to appreciate what is best about their "Christian" traditions, while casting aside what is harmful and insulting. And what is harmful and insulting (irrationality, undeserved self-hatred, misogyny, sexual neuroses, etc.) is Abrahamic.

Anonymous said...

"The Pope does not wear a yamaka Sldge is a blither idiot"

If only we could be blessed with as much intelligence as you, christard spammer.

Anonymous said...

who or what the fuck is zcf? you know zcf? nope. you know anyone who knows zcf? nope. i would say zcf is a made up persona.

what about his "work", is there a bibliography. nope. he could just be making it all up for all you know.

i never read any of his "work", probably stuff i already knew, with some misinformation thrown in.

no credit to sources, it's all phoney

Anonymous said...

This is a list of hundreds of Jewish Jesuits. Hundreds.
How's that for a source, schlomo?

Anonymous said...

The New Christian (Jew) “infiltration” of the Jesuits was sure to lead to a backlash, and in 1593 the society decreed that no one with any known Jewish ancestry was allowed to join, the “One Drop Rule.” The 1593 decree was only slightly liberalized in 1608, with the new rule limiting the restriction on Jewish ancestry to the fifth generation.

Limpieza de sangre, or purity of blood, was backed by the universities and influential figures in the church, and it helped ensure that former Jews and those of Jewish descent were not able to advance in church or state offices,

Of course Sledge dislikes them. If we brought back their policies, then Sledge's kids wouldn't get any higher than street cleaners in the new society. Now, they'll probably be the next president of WN lol.

Oh and the Pope's Yarmuke? What a fuckin clown this retard is.
Oh look, the Ancient Greeks wore Mozettas too. They must be Jew.

LOL what kind of rentafags listen to this.

Anonymous said...

1:37 AM i don't care about that or the jesuits. explain your zcf hero to me

Anonymous said...

Oooo Here's a list of hundreds of Jews in Hitler's army.

I guess the Nazi's were a jew organization too.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Actually, they are Legion. They will very quickly team up with any force that opposes the Logos. Whether Satanists, Homos, Gaytheists, Klassenites, Rent-a-pagans, Wiccans, Gnostics, Marxists, Kabbalists etc. They don't really give a fuck about anything.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

They have been powerless since the Jew ban. It was so obvious that it was a Jew operation the few good gentiles and angry citizens managed to ban them from the order.
This is no merit of Christ but to the survival instinct of the European people against obvious Jewish infiltration.

No less, their philosemetic tendicies have shown through history:
Kaiser Wilhelm II confided to Otto von Bismarck, by contrast, that “Jews and Jesuits always stick together.”

Overall, despite their original failed infiltration they have largely been a non entity and boxing bag for Zionist shills to attack and attempt to blame their crimes on.
Despite this, the fact that the early Jesuits being openly Jewish is undeniable.
Furthermore, it is more likely that this is just an act, and the Jews kept using this as a front organization for years, or use them as a "pet" organization to blame their crimes on.
I see no evidence of them doing much of anything fruitful and they did well in towing the Vatican line of keeping the people ignorant, meek and weak.

Anonymous said...

^that was to April 26, 2013 at 1:39 AM

And a full hat is way different then an obvious yamulke

Are you made Jew, that people are trying to move the movement away from the Christian irrational retardedness as you intended?

Fred Huckabee, Jesus' True American Patriot said...


Anonymous said...

April 26, 2013 at 2:03 AM

Stand in silence in the presence of the Sovereign LORD, for the awesome day of the LORD's judgment has come. The LORD has prepared his people for a great slaughter and has chosen their executioners. "On that day of judgment," says the LORD, "I will punish the leaders and princes of Judah and all those following pagan customs. Yes, I will punish those who participate in pagan worship ceremonies, and those who steal and kill to fill their masters' homes with loot. "On that day," says the LORD, "a cry of alarm will come from the Fish Gate and echo throughout the newer Mishneh section of the city. And a great crashing sound will come from the surrounding hills. Wail in sorrow, all you who live in the market area, for all who buy and sell there will die. "I will search with lanterns in Jerusalem's darkest corners to find and punish those who sit contented in their sins, indifferent to the LORD, thinking he will do nothing at all to them. They are the very ones whose property will be plundered by the enemy, whose homes will be ransacked. They will never have a chance to live in the new homes they have built. They will never drink wine from the vineyards they have planted. "That terrible day of the LORD is near. Swiftly it comes – a day when strong men will cry bitterly. It is a day when the LORD's anger will be poured out. It is a day of terrible distress and anguish, a day of ruin and desolation, a day of darkness and gloom, of clouds, blackness, trumpet calls, and battle cries. Down go the walled cities and strongest battlements! "Because you have sinned against the LORD, I will make you as helpless as a blind man searching for a path. Your blood will be poured out into the dust, and your bodies will lie there rotting on the ground." Your silver and gold will be of no use to you on that day of the LORD's anger. For the whole land will be devoured by the fire of his jealousy. He will make a terrifying end of all the people on earth. (Zephaniah 1:7:18 NLT)

Anonymous said...

what the fuck are you talking about? this site is a low traffic dump. you clowns are the fringe of it. look up megalomania, delusional and paranoid as well, that's you.

Anonymous said...

The most megalomanianical, delusional and paranoid people in the world are American Christians, and they are on the verge of destroying the world for Israel.

Anonymous said...

says the dude who's going to take over the world with a handful of internet trash

Anonymous said...

2:47 AM yea you inbred pagan phallus worshiping satanist are no fucking different!

Anonymous said...

If you want to turn the world into a retarded theocracy, you're worse then the Jews.
What's the point of saving the white people if they're all going to be retarded Christians who hate science, truth and life itself?
And you think you can save them with Christianity? Whats to stop them from interpreting the bible literally as was planned and turn them against the Jews? They're only going to relapse later and support them later because if you keep them stupid and fundimentalist that's what will happen.

Anonymous said...

The adherents of all the religions of the retarded Jew god are the enemy.
Your retarded idea of Christian anti semetism makes no sense and will never be shared by any majority of Christians.
It is impossible.
Only with the elimination of the diatribe of the demiurge will humanity be free.

Anonymous said...

1:34 AM ZCF is a Guido mexican that lives in canada, pretending to be a white patriot, seriously just look at his pictures,
BTW did kike sledge mention if he plans to ship his jew kids to madagascar when their little pagan hearts finally get of their asses and take over? 120 signatures for their petition, oohh just a couple million more first before they take over.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

April 26, 2013 at 3:08 AM

There's no Mexicans in Canada.
You are a poster boy of how Jesus boys are a detriment to us moving forward. Fuck you.

Anonymous said...

Mike's Synagogue: All Things Jewish
Special Note: Mike owns many out of print jewish books.

Anonymous said...

Christard spammer had a feast on this post.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, what an annoying piece of jewish trash. If he isn't getting paid to make the adversary of the jews look stupid then he must be on welfare because he spends all of his time spamming mamis. What a life.

Anonymous said...

We are in deep shit if we cannot accept historical facts.Sledge presents facts yet Christian retards will not accept them. Generations of Jewish programming has been so deeply embedded into these Sky God worshipers that there seems to be no hope for them.

Having said that why can't we put those differences aside for now and focus on the current enemy ? We are being crushed as a people financially,morally,intellectually.Our liberties are being stripped away.The pagans are not doing this,but many so called Christians are supporting it.We must unite on the basis of addressing who is behind this,then debate religion ,if we are in a position to even speak about it.

Anonymous said...

Rabbi Jesus Ministries, where are you, dude?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


if you think the fictional christ is real then you are not very smart and will never stop the Jew


Anonymous said...

Mike Sledge's show was EXCELLENT.

Mike needs to study memetics in order to get an expanded view of how the memeplex propagates. No long term conspiracy theory is needed to explain the rise and takeover of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic memeplex.

Catholicism is a derivative memeplex of Judaism, the same for all of the 41,000 Christian denominations.

Say I'm Joseph Smith and I wish to get fame and political power and the hottest chicks but I live in a backwoods cabin. I take the Bible, I reinterpret the memes, I respin the Bible, I call it the Book of Mormon. I am now the leader of a new religion, I have tapped all of the power and authority of the Bible and made it my own. I now get the best pussy. lol



the Bible is the greatest tool of a psychopath ever invented

see the movie "The Book of Eli"

Anonymous said...

Here we go - two million comments.

Anonymous said...

So Sledge-titorenko has jumped too into atheist/satanism bandwagon?

I used to have respect for this guy, now it's totally gone.

Renegade seems to be Toracle cover for jewish brainwashing operation to create religious schism between white people.

"We shall release nihilists and atheists..."

jew kike masonic general Albert Pike

Anonymous said...

That was a fake quote made by a Catholic bishop. The author who originally published it printed a retraction.

Anonymous said...

Seeing these comments about praising jew Demon Luficer and pouring filth onto christian church is really frightening experience. Masks are comming off, ladies and gentlemen.

Renegade and mami's is not atheist or neutral channels at all, they're specifically ANTI-CHRISTIAN, satanic propaganda outlets.

Anonymous said...

April 26, 2013 at 5:05 PM

Maybe protocols are fake too, where they promised to destroy all religions and establish their satanic kingdom of Zion?

Anonymous said...

Protocol 4, paragraph 3:


Anonymous said...

"As long as there remains among the Gentiles any moral conception of the social order, and until all faith, patriotism, and dignity are uprooted, our reign over the world shall not come...

"We have still a long way to go before we can overthrow our main opponent: the Catholic Church...

"We must always bear in mind that the Catholic Church is the only institution which has stood, and which will, as long as it remains in existence, stand in our way. The Catholic Church, with her methodical work and her edifying and moral teachings, will always keep her children in such a state of mind as to make them too self-respecting to yield to our domination, and to bow before our future king of Israel...

"That is why we have been striving to discover the best way of shaking the Catholic Church to her very foundations...

Anonymous said...

"We have blackened the Catholic Church with the most ignominious calumnies, we have stained her history and disgraced even her noblest activities. We have imputed to her the wrongs of her enemies, and have thus brought these latter to stand more closely by our side... We have turned her Clergy into objects of hatred and ridicule, we have subjected them to the contempt of the crowd... We have caused the practice of the Catholic Religion to be considered out of date and a mere waste of time...

"One of the many triumphs of our Freemasonry is that those Gentiles who become members of our Lodges, should never suspect that we are using them to build their own jails, upon whose terraces we shall erect the throne of our Universal King of Israel..."

Nuff said

Anonymous said...

Obviously they'd need to get rid of the old model if they want to "erect the throne of our Universal King of Israel"
No one is here talking about "erect the throne of our Universal King of Israel"
Fucking retard.

Anonymous said...

The protocols are fake. They're jewish propaganda to legitimize the catholic church vs. the synagogues battle that keeps the jewish conspiracy in the abrahamic box. It conveniently distracted so called antisemitic christians and gave them something to play with while the jews went out and ran the industrial world. So called antisemitic christians (rabbi worshipers) then proceeded to cower in fear until now, all the while never realizing that they were propping up the conspiracy by following a jewish religion.

Not to mention you look really silly when you quote the protocols to "prove" something when you can just lay out the facts that stand by themselves.

Anonymous said...

...jewish brainwashing operation to create religious schism between white people.

Are you referring to Christianity?

Anonymous said...

5:39 PM, excellent post. I've been thinking the exact same things myself. You're absolutely correct.

Anonymous said...

It's pretty obvious that the Protocols were written by some Catholic or Orthodox Christian priest or intellectual.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A huge LOL @ ALL the weirdo trolls that post comments on this LITTLE blog!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Anonymous said...

"...when you can just lay out the facts that stand by themselves."

I rolled out some facts and they stood by themselves.
Next, I rolled out the Protocols and those facts matched what was in the Protocols. Now I have the "facts" and "Protocols" standing side by side, standing up by themselves and they look like twins.

Anonymous said...

The Protocols are a plan. The facts match the jew plan. Do jews have a problem with this fact?

Anonymous said...

Its not a plan. Jews started the Catholic church. There was nothing to subvert. But you were gullible enough to believe their ruse to legitimize christianity.

Hail the great rabbi in the sky! He'll us soon! Don't worry!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

6:43 PM i think you just lol at yourself. doh

Anonymous said...

4:05 AM FUck you asshole, There are mexicunts and guidos in canada, just look at ZCF aka GuidoCrimeFactory! Just another fake pro-white activist who regurgitates the JEWLIANI line by spitting out jew terms like "racist" or "white supremacist".

Anonymous said...

ZCF left the movement, and Charlie turned against alot of us all because of you retarded "kill a nigger" retarded Christians
You people ruin everything, you don't deserve to be in this movement

Anonymous said...

quote: "Seeing these comments about praising jew Demon Luficer and pouring filth onto christian church is really frightening experience. Masks are comming off, ladies and gentlemen.

Renegade and mami's is not atheist or neutral channels at all, they're specifically ANTI-CHRISTIAN, satanic propaganda outlets."

Nice try Christard. Did you know your Bible says that Jesus is Lucifer? The so called "morning star" is the planet Venus and according to the retarded Jew Bible it is also Lucifer.

Lucifer = Jesus sayeth the Bible


New American Standard Bible (©1995)
"I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star."

Anonymous said...

7:39 PM Your heroes are gone. Take a hint and gtfo.

Anonymous said...

Jesus = the jewish lucifer

Anonymous said...

Christardianity Lesson 101

The Bible is astrotheology, myth based on INCORRECT observations of the twinkling confusing lights overhead. Back in the bad old days of pre-science idiots such as yourselves thought the stars, planets, sun in the sky were gods or relatives of Aunt Sally.

Just before the sun rises the planet Venus shines brighter than any other star. This is for two reasons, at daybreak the sun is starting to wash the night sky and the stars fade from view but Venus being close to the sun and earth gets really bright. If you camp out and watch this it is really dramatic.

So they call Venus the morning star which is coming up JUST before the sun rise the light bearer, sort like a procession of the mob who have men with torches leading. But Venus is not a star, it is a planet but brighter than a star because of its close proximity.

So your Jesus is the light bearer for the big god THE SUN, Jesus is the son of the SUN GOD. People worshipped the sun as a god, so bright shiny Venus always preceeded the big guy and thus had special meaning to the ancients.

Now that we understand the solar system we no longer worship planets as gods, we no longer consider the sun a god, it is a star like the other stars.

This is why if you take literal the Bible you are a damn fool and easily manipulated by the Jews and their whores.

Anonymous said...

In 1590 Giordano Bruno was burnt at the stake for saying the sun was a star. (I guess we are not special, our sun god is just another star, one of trillions)

In 1859 Charles Darwin publishes the "Origin of Species" and the world is shocked by the concept that animals changed with time. (this is the beginning of the end of the Bible account of how we got here)

In 1923 Edwin Hubble discovered that some stars were other galaxies. (I guess God forgot to tell the Bible writers about the other galaxies)

In 1929 Hubble measured the red shift of galaxies, they were all receding from us, this led to the Big Bang Theory. (So much for Genesis, the static view of the Universe is totally wrong)

In 1953 Watson and Crick publish the structure of DNA as a double helix. (Adam and Eve are on their way out)

In the 1960's and 1970's genomes are being sequenced, Darwin is vindicated. (With the new science of Genetics it is found that no humanoid specie can exist as two individuals, Adam and Eve is scientifically impossible as a sizable breeding population is necessary for specie survival)

In 2013 Mami's Shit publishes a link to Mike Sledge's radio program and people argue about the religion of the Jews. Millions of people are still infected with Bible memes.

Anonymous said...

Bro, you don't understand. The Jews want to make people stop believing in the Jew book so they can set up a world government run by the anti christ in Israel, and then all the people that don't believe in the Jew book will all follow that person for some reason.

Anonymous said...

You people are pretty bizarre. You know you're only talking to yourselves and a few people who ridicule you, don't you?

Anonymous said...

Sledge can string a sentence or two together. He should get Dr E. Michael Jones on and ask if he concurs that Catholicism is not a 'bulwark' against Judaism but a front.

Anonymous said...

quote: "Bro, you don't understand. The Jews want to make people stop believing in the Jew book so they can set up a world government run by the anti christ in Israel, and then all the people that don't believe in the Jew book will all follow that person for some reason."

Well brother it doesn't matter what they are planning on doing, what matters is that YOU GET CONTROL OF YOUR OWN MIND.

I hear this excuse all of the time, I am called a Jew, I am called a Satanist, a fool, a antichrist if I am rational. Atheists are ridiculed, well theist prove your god if you want me to believe. But you can't so be honest and let me be.

Believing in the Bible because the Jews are planning some end times Jew World Order is no excuse to believe in something false. You Christians are really strange, you use rationalizations to justify staying in your belief. I also hear "what if you're wrong"? This reveals how you sold out to fear because their might be a hell so you don't want to take a chance.

What a laugh. If there was a just god he would send you to hell for making that choice, choosing Christianity based on probability is wrong.

RabbiJesusMinistries said...

No dear child the protocols say they will destroy our Lord Rabbi Jesus! Therefore christianity is the one true religion! Lord bless those brave jewish boys who started this for us. What would we do without them? Rot in pagan hell, that's what!

Anonymous said...

If these fucks wanna build shrines to jew god Luficer, you can count me out.

Anonymous said...

April 27, 2013 at 12:52 AM

Jesus=Mithra=Krishna=Horus=Dionysus=Sun God=Attis... etc

Why do you shit on your own religion?

Anonymous said...

Jesus Christ is the perfect philosophy. Why do you think is has lasted 2000 years? Why do the jews try so hard to destroy it or subvert it? You let jews define Jesus Christ, you have already lost.

Anonymous said...

E. Michael Jones is a Catholic crank who thinks that the "solution" to the Jewish problem to get Jews to convert to Christianity.

E. Michael Jones isn't credible.

Anonymous said...

You let jews define Jesus Christ, you have already lost.

I'm pretty sure they already defined Jesus in the New Testament gospels, which were written by Jews.

Anonymous said...

that will be the day when you retards define credible. not credible in your bizzaro universe is anyone smarter than you are.

I Am Your God Now Bring Me Your Virgins said...

Anonymous said...
Why do you think is has lasted 2000 years?
April 27, 2013 at 2:28 AM

You realise christianity is a juvenile compared to religions that preceded it right? You realise that earlier religions lasted 1000s of years longer than christianity right? You realise that christianity is dying right now after only 2000yrs right compared to others that lasted WAAAAAAAAAY longer? You realise that as "some" people actually grow up and see christianity for the childish mind fuck it is they are returning to REAL belief systems based in REAL things like the nature of the universe that is all around them and they are intrinsically a part of right? Silly boy...

XXXXXXX said...

What Humanity needs foremost is the will of the people to destroy and expunge tyrannical jewish supremacist power totally. To get there will require a mindset that WILL NOT waver in doing whatsoever necessary to get to that jew-free world.

All organized religions do nothing to help awaken this will-power TO KILL AND FIGHT EVERYTHING THAT STANDS IN THE WAY OF TOTAL ANNIHILATION OF JEWISH POWER.

Let's use that infamous Rothschild saying this way: I care not what you want to believe or worship (Yahweh, God, Allah, Satan, Sun, Pagan gods, Buddha, Nature, etc) so long as you have the SANITY, WILL and COURAGE to KILL AND DESTROY PSYCHOPATH JEWS and ALL COLLABORATORS of JEWISH SUPREMACIST POWER.

Come on board with those who understand the only action that JEWS UNDERSTAND AND FEAR:
1) http://www.subvertednation.net/
2) http://www.jbcampbellextremismonline.com/5/category/all/1.html
3) http://theforbiddentruth.net/index.php

Anonymous said...

Why do you think is has lasted 2000 years?
Well murdering anyone who questioned it is a good start.

RabbiJesusMinistries said...

Fear the wrath of our Lord Rabbi! Sayeth lies he doth not!

Anonymous said...

Drinking is bad, m'kay?

Anonymous said...

5:44 AM

Why don't you pull the trigger first, tough guy.

Anonymous said...

4:40 AM,

So you think the solution to the Jewish problem is to get Jews to start worshiping Jeebus? Cause that's what E. Michael Jones thinks and says.


“I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! But I have a baptism to undergo, and what constraint I am under until it is completed!
- Luke 12:49-50

Anonymous said...

Pwaise allmighty Luciffer, ouw Gwand Awyan Sawwior!

- Lugh 12:12:24

Lugh said...

Fuckin' Eh.

Anonymous said...

In the book of Revelation, Jesus says that HE is Lucifer, the morning star.


“I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.”
- Revelation 22:16

Anonymous said...

"Mystic Qabalah said...
Mike has never denied having jewish children and said it many times"

SO..... the obvious question , given Sledge's hypocrisy and racial and cultural traeson-- what, if any, is his credibility to speak on the Jew Question and Jew Racemixing, given his kids are Kikes? Under Jewish Law, Custom and Tradition, any child born of a Jewish mother is a Jew, regardless of whether that child "attends Temple", etc, etc. Also, and equally important---Does Sledge still climb into bed each night with a member of the Tribe? He has NOT answered this very important question either....

Sledge in fact says a lot of stupid inaccurate things and the Renegade lads talk as if they are Pagans, but show by their stupid comments they know little of Paganism and could not define it on Lugh's Show.