April 28, 2013

Renegade Roundtable 2013.04.27

The Renegade heathens convene to discuss  our past week of radio, consider recent events, and game plan for the future. Wrong-minded will be forsaken and calls will be taken.

Kyle, Lugh and Dana.

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Anonymous said...

Fellow pagans, the LARP went great! Us greeks in our matching capes and underwear vs the vikings in their matching horned helmets and underwear.

A box of Velveeta cheese was our blood sacrifice. We feasted like the heathens we are on grilled cheese sandwiches.

Everyone had a gay time. Well off to the pagan bar.

Anonymous said...

Renegay = The home for retarded satanist and rejects of society.

Anonymous said...

cry harder

Anonymous said...

Did they sacrifice lube to moloch yet on tonites episodes?

Anonymous said...

Do these Rentagays realize how stupid they sound?
Lugh tea-bags Kyle
Mike spoons Dave
and they have just one big Renegade Fag-Fest

Anonymous said...

This show brings life to the old adage, "A Little Knowledge Is Dangerous." Your the people working for the enemy and don't even realize it. If you can't help, please get the hell out of our way. Why not join your mentor, Charlie Boy.

Anonymous said...

You can't even use the contraction "You're" properly and you want to tell people what to do?

Anonymous said...

My God, or should I say "my Pagan Idol," THIS is our army? These children should never be permitted to play with microphones.

Anonymous said...

Your God is a magic space Jew, you shouldn't call other people children.

Anonymous said...

"Mystic Qabalah said...
Mike has never denied having jewish children and said it many times"

SO..... the obvious question , given Sledge's hypocrisy and racial and cultural traeson-- what, if any, is his credibility to speak on the Jew Question and Jew Racemixing, given his kids are Kikes? Under Jewish Law, Custom and Tradition, any child born of a Jewish mother is a Jew, regardless of whether that child "attends Temple", etc, etc. Also, and equally important---Does Sledge still climb into bed each night with a member of the Tribe? He has NOT answered this very important question either....

Sledge in fact says a lot of stupid inaccurate things and the Renegade lads talk as if they are Pagans, but show by their stupid comments they know little of Paganism and could not define it on Lugh's Show.

Anonymous said...

LOL,i dont give a fuck abouth pagans nor the jew god worshipers,but i must say that there is nothing as stupid as christians defending the jew book,jew god and the jew rabbi meshiah!
Christians are the most stupid on the planet earth with their surcomsized semitic brothers ,jews and muslims!
Fuck pagans,fuck buybull and all idiots that worship some fairy tale myth!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

tard fest on steroids

Hail Tards

Anonymous said...

Rat Faced Kike Jew God that lives in Outer Fucking Space. And His Rabbi Son Yeshua Moshiach ! Lololololololol. Do you NOT get it ? Christarded Jew Worshiper ! You WORSHIP a Kike that lives in Outer Space !

Anonymous said...

Let the carnage begin! All all wrong-minded (dissidents) will be sacked!

RabbiJesusMinistries said...


Onward trolls of Zion! Tear down these heretics with butt jokes and stuff!

Remember, you're fighting for the greatest space rabbi this world has ever seen!

Anonymous said...

So playing your little pagan games is more important then fighting teh kike? Are you ready to kill the vermin?


Anonymous said...

We're ready to slaughter some kikenvermin but I doubt the jew-worshiping christards are ready. If they couldnt bring themselves to eradicate their messiah's DNA in the past why should we believe that they would help do it now. Their solution to the jewish problem is converting them to christianity, which they created in the first place. HA! What a bunch of sorry morons. Then they brag about how they exiled the jews repetitively. A lot of good that's done retards. You were too pussified by the jew bible to do what had to be done centuries ago.

Anonymous said...

Cherwell described Jo as a 'Nat-ite', a reference to his friendship with banker Nat Rothschild: Jo was famously pictured with Rothschild and George Osborne in a 1993 Bullingdon Club photograph

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2315906/Jo-Johnson-got-thrown-Oxford-leaking-riot-Boriss-paper.html

Anonymous said...

April 28, 2013 at 10:38 AM

Are YOU READY to get jews off from power?

Anonymous said...

WTF is this kind of podcast?

Anonymous said...

Wanna be pagans slamming Christianity. Too fucking stupid to realize that personal beliefs that have to do with spirituality should be kept personal.
The fight should be against the jew and the jewish crime cult. These idiots want so smear the paganism all over the place and shit on christians at the same time.
Grow up you dumb asses.
Lugh needs to stop towing the jew narrative on false flags. Lugh sounds like Rectal with a slower brain and different subjects.

Anonymous said...

Renegade BOYS are worthless pieces of shit.

Anonymous said...

John sholtes

We are AGAINST you and if you begin to attack christians and vandalize the churches, you gonna get what's coming for you.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I thought these alternative media usually are podcasts about strategies against the "powers that be" and exposing injustices and exposing evil.

From the comment descriptions by others, it would seem this is a Pagan Oriented type of program.

Shouldn't these type of podcasts be posted on new age oriented sites instead of here? What is the point of this being here?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

12:34 PM

Because they started as typical jew-flavoured truther radio.

Anonymous said...

Where is this anti jew pagan doctrine? Where is this codified pagan morality? It's easy to pick pagans out of a crowd, they wear their degeneracy like a badge of honor.

Anonymous said...

Renegade will grow up or die off. Attacking Christianity idiotic and immature. Same goes for attacking ALL jew tools.
If you want to be a pagan, go for it, but why attack jewish tools such as christianity (if it is one)? Why not attack other jew tools; such as politicians, the BAR (legal system), medical cabal that kills over 800,000 per year?
Grow up and focus on the main problem, not their tools.

Anonymous said...

1:35 PM Thats right They GOT NONE, where does paganism say anything about the jew or usury.

Anonymous said...

Christianity is the root from where all jewish control begins. Its a slave religion that the jews have used to destroy the thinking ability in the white man. We would have been exploring other solar systems and wouldnt have to worry about overarching jewish cabals if the jews hadnt convinced the christians to retard themselves and burn every shred of science we had 1500 years ago at the library of Alexandria. How can we not attack it? More than half our race is mind controlled by a fictional communist rabbi. Now theres more non whites following christinsanity than whitea. Why would we want to associate ourselves with a multiracial religion? Let it stay with the slaves where it belongs.

Anonymous said...

April 28, 2013 at 2:00 PM

Pagan majority lost over christian tiny minority 2000 years ago. Get over it, your so called pagan religion (what is it exactly?) is powerless and lack any spiritual core.

Anonymous said...

So pagan love is practically violence? You learn something every day.

Anonymous said...

Renegade, how much pastor Hagee pays you to recruit new members to his congregation?

Anonymous said...

2:00 PM

When you repeat your made up version of history it just makes you look ignorant. There is no agreement on the this library of alexandria story other than it eroded over time, or if it even had any real relevance. Where do you get your history? Zeitgeist?

Christians not only preserved classical knowledge, they preserved classical mythology as well. Have you ever heard of Dante Alighieri? He included classical mythological characters in his vision of heaven and hell, The Divine Comedy.

This type of literature used to be required reading before jews took over. It's not Christians destroying and twisting ancient knowledge, it's jews, you're just a product of that.

You think illiterate norsemen were going to explore the galaxy? With what? A slingshot?

RabbiJesusMinistries said...

Heathens! Give up your false gods for the true jewish god!

Jeremiah 16:19 O Lord, my strength and my fortress, My refuge in the day of affliction, The Gentiles shall come to You From the ends of the earth and say, “Surely our fathers have inherited lies, Worthlessness and unprofitable things.
”20 Will a man make gods for himself, Which are not gods?
21 “Therefore behold, I will this once cause them to know, I will cause them to know My hand and My might; And they shall know that My name is the Lord.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


You forget (or purposely omit) the fact that most mathematics, science, philosphy, architecture, and law were created by pagans. You retard christian jew worshipers decided that a communist rabbi was more important than advancement. Instead of the dark ages we would have achieved a long time ago what we're only rediscovering now. You're a product of the jewish version of history and its quite hilarious when you say that you're not, please continue, we all know you love to run your mouth christard spammer.

Lugh said...

April 28, 2013 at 2:41 PM
They weren't illiterate and they had their own language and script.
It wasn't until Christian spies used Jew tactics against them that Rome was able to take over.
The world barely progressed in Christian times. They killed you for thinking outside the box.

It's funny how you people chimp out just like the people who think it's OK to talk about the conspiracy only you can't talk about the Jews...

JewsforJesus.org said...

Destroy this filth at once! Enemies of Jehovah must burn!

What do we pay you christian spammers for?

Tell these pagan monsters that they like it in the butt!! ..or else no shekels for you!

Lugh said...

” Marxism’s irrational castelike behavior and estrangement from its own folk has a parallel only in the early history of Christianity, which also established itself as a state within the Roman state, outside the general community of interests, and thereby became the cause of the extraordinary collapse of a world empire which no longer could muster the resistance of the whole state to counter the impact of the technologically and organizationally far inferior Teuton bands” – Adolph Hitler in his “Road to Resurgance” pamplet, which was given to German Industrialists in 1927

JewsforJesus.org said...

Tell these deniers of the great rabbi in the sky that Hitler likes it in the butt!

Anonymous said...

Chimp out, that's a laugh, you have a whole radio network dedicated to chimping out on Christianity. Nobody gives a fuck about your beliefs. People are upset about the divisive nature of your propaganda. You spread lies and misinformation and absolutely refuse to give voice to any counterpoint. Everything you accuse Christians of is exactly what you practice. All of your detractors don't even appear to be Christian, people just know ignorance when they see it.

Anonymous said...

3:27 PM

Isn't that a secret pamphlet? Hitler must have kept in the same file as his secret speeches advocating genocide of jews. Don't worry, there's a sucker born every minute, you're just one of many.

Lugh said...

It's accurate. It was sent out to industrialists and not the general public.
I doubt you can find any evidence to dismiss it.

Anonymous said...

Of course ALL KNOWING Master Lugh is crawling out under the rock when someone dares to question their pseudopagan twist of history.

With references to wikipedia and jew sources of internet of course.

Cultural marxist writings suit for christian bashing very well, isn't it?

Lugh said...

Rodney Martin even admitted it's accuracy.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 4:09, You're the same christard that claimed pagans were homosexuals using wikipedia as your source, aren't you?

Anonymous said...

Sure, Hitler, a product of Catholic education and discipline is going to renounce Christianity for degenerate paganism or his greatest enemy atheistic bolshevism, sure.

Anonymous said...

I distinctly remember, Rodney Martin dismissing any claims of Hitler being anichristian. Rodney Martin knows more about national socialist history than you ever will. You're just a two bit hustler and liar. What's the source of this "secret pamphlet"?

Anonymous said...

Kyle says that Europeans should have multiple wives because not all white men are equal. Listen up Kyle. European structured family units are among our greatest strengths. Children, white children, deserve strong parents committed to they're "house" a legacy of honour, hard work and strength. Its the breakdown of the family unit in the western world that let the jewish perverted miscegenated society we now have emerge.

Anonymous said...

I dont know any pagan libraries, but i know hundreds of christian monasteries, churches with records that are older then 2000 years AD. Not even mentioning library of Vatican, probably most important library in the world besides British Museum.

Pagans lack even common theological narrative based on holy texts.

Anonymous said...

Kike NBC television is mocking Christ again.

Pagantards cheer:


Lugh said...

He said the quote was accurate in the comments over on Andre's page.
I don't produce false information.

Anonymous said...

"By defending myself against the jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord."
Mr A Hitler

Anonymous said...

Lugh said...
"I don't produce false information."

You might not "produce" it but you sure as hell condone it; such as jew mainstreaming on such things as Sandy Hook and the moon scam.

What do you do for a living Lugh? You making a good living?

Anonymous said...

April 28, 2013 at 4:34 PM
That's because they were burnt down.
Greeks and Romans were Pagans as well retard. But society barely moved forward past Greek and Roman Pagan technologies until the printing press made people literate and they started to free themselves from the Jesus Jews.

Anonymous said...

4:53 PM

One of the first thing they printed was bibles retard, unfortunately they left the old testament. People grew up reading the bible. You're ignorance knows no bounds.

Anonymous said...

4:47 PM

What's the source of the super secret pamphlet? Must not be good.

Anonymous said...

@"I distinctly remember, Rodney Martin dismissing any claims of Hitler being anichristian. Rodney Martin knows more about national socialist history than you ever will. You're just a two bit hustler and liar. What's the source of this "secret pamphlet"?"

Hitler wasn't openly anti-Christian, that was not politically advisable in a majority Christian country, he was secretly anti-Christian and planned on phasing out Christianity in small steps over the long term. He even considered Islam as superior to Christianity in private. It wasn't like breaking it to a bunch of children that Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny don't exist, there were hundreds of years of Jewish psychological programming to reverse and all the silly traditions attached to it and that would take a long time. He was practical about it. Rodney Martin distorts history to fit his own purpose as a silly Jesus fairy-tale believer. He's two steps shy of being a CI nut-job and has yet to write a single book on Third Reich history to be peer-reviewed by others. David Irving has written over 50 books and is the penultimate expert on authentication of Third Reich source materials on the planet. He has authenticated Hitler's Table Talks and that's the end of it. The 'last testament' used by that moron Carolyn Yeager as if it was authentic is the one that's fake.

Anonymous said...

Renegade: proof that 60 years of limitless prosperity produce nothing but monsters.

Anonymous said...

@"I distinctly remember, Rodney Martin dismissing any claims of Hitler being anichristian. Rodney Martin knows more about national socialist history than you ever will. You're just a two bit hustler and liar. What's the source of this "secret pamphlet"?"

David Irving replies:

"Hitler's Table Talk is the product of his lunch- and supper-time conversations in his private circle from 1941 to 1944. The transcripts are genuine. (Ignore the 1945 "transcripts" published by Trevor-Roper in the 1950s as Hitler's Last Testament -- they are fake).

The table talk notes were originally taken by Heinrich Heim, the adjutant of Martin Bormann, who attended these meals at an adjacent table and took notes. (Later Henry Picker took over the job). Afterwards Heim immediately typed up these records, which Bormann signed as accurate.

François Genoud purchased the files of transcripts from Bormann's widow just after the war, along with the handwritten letters which she and the Reichsleiter had exchanged.

For forty thousand pounds -- paid half to Genoud and half to Hitler's sister Paula -- George Weidenfeld, an Austrian Jewish publisher who had emigrated to London, bought the rights and issued an English translation in about 1949.

For forty years or more no German original was published, as Genoud told me that he feared losing the copyright control that he exercised on them. I have seen the original pages, and they are signed by Bormann.

They were expertly, and literately, translated by Norman Cameron and R.H. Stevens, though with a few (a very few) odd interpolations of short sentences which don't exist in the original -- the translator evidently felt justified in such insertions, to make the context plain.

Translation is a difficult chore: I have translated four books, including Nikki Lauda's memoirs -- one can either produce a clinical, wooden, illiterate version, like Richard "Skunky" Evans' courtroom translations of Third Reich documents, or one can produce a readable, publishable text which properly conveys the sense and language of the original.

Try translating for publication the Joseph Goebbels diaries -- written often in a Berlinese vernacular -- without running into trouble with the courts! Louis Lochner succeeded in my view magnificently.

Weidenfeld's translator also took liberties with translating words like Schrecken, (see facsimile above), which he translated as "rumour" in the sense of "scare-story". In my own view such translations are acceptable, but they caused a lot of difficulty at the Lipstadt Trial where I found myself accused of manipulating texts and distorting translations (because although I relied on the Weidenfeld translation, I had had access to the original document, and should have known that the actual word was Schrecken).

The Table Talks' content is more important in my view than Hitler's Mein Kampf, and possibly even more than his Zweites Buch (1928). It is unadulterated Hitler. He expatiates on virtually every subject under the sun, while his generals and private staff sit patiently and listen, or pretend to listen, to the monologues.

Along with Sir Nevile Henderson's gripping 1940 book Failure of a Mission, this was one of the first books that I read, as a twelve year old: Table Talk makes for excellent bedtime reading, as each "meal" occupies only two or three pages of print. My original copy, purloined from my twin brother Nicholas, was seized along with the rest of my research library in May 2002.

I have since managed to find a replacement, and I am glad to say that -- notwithstanding the perverse judgment of Mr. Justice Gray -- Hitler's Table Talk has recently come back into print, unchanged: Schrecken and all."


Anonymous said...

David Irving may know a lot but that does not mean that he never makes mistakes or is unable to put out delibrerate misinformation.

Anonymous said...

So Christians destroyed all literature, knowledge and technology and wandered around in sackcloth for 1500 years until Gutenberg, a Christian, who must been a secret pagan, accidentally discovered the printing press, started printing bibles, instantaneously turning people who read them into super genius pagans. Thanks for the "history" lesson.

Lugh said...

No scholar pro or anti NS has ever been able to dismiss the TTs and none ever will as they are accurate.
The translations are not the best, though. For example the arguements attributed to Hitler about Christianity are more complex originally and he attacks specific points rather then generalizations, which is more damning anyway.

Here is the pamplet in question:

And here is an SS pamphlet which crushes the Christian NSDAP myth again: http://www.calvin.edu/academic/cas/gpa/rassenpo.htm

Lugh said...

No it was other books were printed and people gained rationality and common sense again instead of thinking the world was 6000 years old and stopped believing everything their preacher told them.

Anonymous said...

5:16 PM

Well you just made a bunch of stuff up and then you cite David Irving who tells you the version you get all of your antichristian quotes from is fake. Rodney has the authentic Table Talk.

Phase out Christianity for Islam, now I've heard it all.

Anonymous said...

5:28 PM

They had no basis of knowledge to print other books from, they destroyed all knowledge according to you.

You lie constantly and consistently, that's all you do.

Anonymous said...

5:27 PM

For the first one the only reference to a source was the people who supposedly printed it said they didn't know what they were talking about. I'm sure it's true of the second as well. Anyone can print shit and attribute it to anyone as long as it agrees with your opinion apparently. But when someone gives a public speech, they're really lying.

Anonymous said...

Trolls are like dingleberries, round shitballs hanging by a thread, until they are disposed of down the drain ;b

Anonymous said...

Renegade wankers must be delusional if they think they can dismiss 2000 years of cultural heritage.

Typical egocentric "no child left behind" generation.

Anonymous said...

It's a stupid quote anyway, only a dunce would say such a thing. It wasn't Christians sacking Rome, it was pagan norsemen. You know the real, illiterate, looters, pillagers and burners of knowledge. Christians eventually defeated them, unity and discipline defeat ignorant thuggery every time, so the jews main battle plan is divisiveness, you fit right in.

Anonymous said...

6:22 PM

Not true, hun hordes came from came from Mongolia and China through southern Europe.

Anonymous said...

mommy they said jesus isnt real :(

Anonymous said...

The same christian spammer has been here clogging up every post with his jewsus whining ever since John Friend and Rodney Martin started that christarded nazi party. He's not hard to pick out. At all.

Anonymous said...

5:28 PM your a fucking idiot lube, you take the words of the bible too literal like all the dumb baptist, if you know anything about hebrew, the references to "days" in Genesis is mistranslated, rather it should say aeons. But you idiots who are gullible don't even bother to study the language or history. Of course is stupid to believe the world is 6000 years old, but blame the inaccurate translations for that and the pious people who don't even bother to do a word study.

Anonymous said...

5:16 PM You know Irving is anti-gun and also has believed Hitler was funded by Jew Bankers and work with them as well. Irving is not the end all be all.

Anonymous said...


You would know a lot about hebrew, wouldn't you christard spammer? Considering you're a kike, in soul, and probably in flesh.

Anonymous said...

6:48 PM

Aren't you the same retard that starts a paranoid rant in every thread, it's not that hard to pick out.

Anonymous said...

yeah right your buddy satanic dave from texas told himself that bible is all symbology.

Actually it is mixed pot, some of it is symbolic and some are historic facts. But renegade doesn't care about facts, or even "fightin the new world order" whatever it means. All they care is stirring up drama.

Anonymous said...


Lube, you're drinking again?

Anonymous said...

April 28, 2013 at 6:59 PM

Yeah, i think too that Irving is a sellout. He said himself on latest BBC interview that he believes that holocaust really happened.

Anonymous said...

This John Sholtes is a infiltration ZOGBot of the highest order.

We were savages before being indoctrinated by the jew. Fuck you kike. The same fucktard that was pushing the kike satan concept.

You can all see how the kike termites crawl out of the woodwork when you dare to veer from the semitic beliefs imposed on us at the edge of a sword.

Fuck you Scholtes. You and the horse you rode in on.

Anonymous said...

7:08 PM HE IS, he's doing a 180, Hitlers War was good, be he himself tends to have anti-NS feelings, maybe its because he lived through the war period.

Anonymous said...

Satan is a kike concept kike Sholtes. Nice try.

Anonymous said...

7:03 PM So knowing Hebrew automatically makes someone meritless, maybe you should questions the things you oppose before you reject them, but like the rest of these pagan wannabe viking wankers, who for the most aren't even of Germanic ancestry like lube, you idiots just want to take the bible literally like all the foolish baptist and evangelicals, and in that case your no different from them. Theres no doubt theres allot mistranslation in the bible from the original Hebrew and Greek versions, you would have to be mentally retarded to not think so. Just like the word Gentile, that word NEVER meant a "non-jew". You know there are similarities with Welsh and Hebrew aswell.

Anonymous said...

Lugh says: "....the arguements attributed to Hitler about Christianity are more complex originally and he attacks specific points rather then generalizations, which is more damning anyway."

THAT make no sense Lugh. I would say the opposite does. You still drinking?

Oh yeah, nice touch earlier in how you injected that "occult/Hitler" jew angle. Sandy Hook. Moon. Wake up Lugh. Put down the bottle and wake the fuck up.

JewsforJesus.org said...

Yes! Now you got the hang of it boys! Just add in some more pagan butt jokes. And don't forget - the white man is nothing without the jew bible. Make sure you make that clear.

Lugh said...

Irving aside, no one can dismiss the table talks.

April 28, 2013 at 7:20 PM
CI Tard alert. The people mostly believed the Bible as literal in the Dark Ages, except for a few monks.. but they were the only ones allowed to read and write and kept the lie going.

Also, those times were no moral paradise either. Child marriages and prostitution were rampant.

April 28, 2013 at 7:29 PM
Private talks trump public speeches to the masses. Most of the pro christian statements he made were shortly before the Vatican concordat anyway.

Read this

Pagtard Spammer said...

Christians? More like CHODESTAINS!
Right guys?
I showed you!

Anonymous said...

7:41 PM Dude the Table talks are heavily mistranslated, you can't simply trust what is written there. The Trevor Roper version is one for example.

Lugh said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lugh said...

Yes but they still had the same general sense, especially considering the sheer volume of anti Christian content... it's hard to discern that it's entirety is simply poor translation. The originals present a more complex argument.. some better, some worse. Some were more direct to a certain particular tenet and some level of severity would be heightened or lowered... but it's ludicrous to think that the translator would be able to misinterpret the bulk of it. They were mostly long rants, and it's impossible for someone to obfuscate their meaning at such a level to invert their meaning.
Read them yourself and tell me otherwise:

Anonymous said...

Got an idea for ya Lugh. Instead of dragging down Mike and Kyle, why not pass the helm over to those to and sniff out Charles Julie AHHknee for a dynamic duo against Christianity?

Anonymous said...

You're a liar and a sack of shit, I think I'll take Rodney Martin's word over yours. How many times do you have to be told, you're reading the jew version. Hitler didn't like the politics of some churches but this is a long way from being antichristian. You're just assuming Hitler was as scummy and ignorant as you are. Give up lying for a living you're no good at it.

Anonymous said...

I would piss every christiard straight in mouth. If pagans will win, we should kill every single motherucker christian out there, because they sure as hell would not give up their jew faith.

Anonymous said...

"I would piss every christiard straight in mouth. If pagans will win, we should kill every single motherucker christian out there, because they sure as hell would not give up their jew faith."

Is this the "hate" that forces the jews to make their puppet goyim politicians make laws for prevention of? Or, is "hate" really just truth about the jews?

Anonymous said...

Too fucking stupid to realize that personal beliefs that have to do with spirituality should be kept personal.

What if your "personal beliefs that have to do with spirituality" involve worshiping a mythological Jewish preacher and practicing a religion derived from midrashic interpretations of the Jewish Tanakh?

Are you saying that a personal belief like this is irrelevant to the Jewish problem?

Anonymous said...

Wow, is there really a stupid Christard apologist piece of internet trash in this thread claiming that all the English translations of a word in Genesis are incorrect?


You X-tards are getting more desperate by the post.

Anonymous said...

10:09 PM Dream on fucktards, most you pagans are just a bunch of scrawny internet nerds, yea killing christians is exactly what the jew wants you to do, kill more white brethren, way to go assholes, your contributing more towards the genocide of our people. So have fun trying to kill southern christians, and kkk members whom for the most part are armed to the teeth. The bolsheviks would love idiots like you.

Anonymous said...

10:42 PM

Absolutely. It is not yours or anyone else's stinking business what my beliefs are.

Anonymous said...

you idiots just want to take the bible literally like all the foolish baptist and evangelicals, and in that case your no different from them.

Well, I suppose you could interpret the Jewish TANAKH allegorically, like Philo of Alexandria did. In fact, it was Philo who invented this practice of allegorizing the TANAKH in the first place. He was the first.

But most modern Christian apologists use allegorization for a different purpose. They use it to to salvage the bible's "inerrancy". Since most of the stuff in the bible is obviously wrong if read literally, modern Christian apologists selectively interpret parts of the bible allegorically/metaphorically in order to remove those parts from the realm of factual scrutiny. It's a basic Christian apologetic tactic.

But of course, this all begs the question. Why would you be interested in the Jewish TANAKH in the first place, whether you read any part of it as literal or allegorical? If you're not even Jewish, then why would you care one way or the other? And, since you claim to be anti-Jewish and are posting on an ostensible anti-Jewish website, the question becomes all the more pertinent.

Anonymous said...

10:49 PM,

Yes, it is our business. If you're claiming to hate Jews, yet you practice an ancient Jewish religion and worship a mythical Jewish preacher, then you are a fraud and need to be exposed and marginalized.

Anonymous said...

I have no hate and am not christian, jew or belong to any organized faith or religion at all. What pigeon hole do I belong in?

If I say a truth about a jew, I get called all sorts of things, not the lease of which is "hate".

If I state a truth about Hitler, I called called a Hitler lover or that I "worship" him.

Living in a world controlled by an inbred racist criminal cult that call themselves "jews" is a bitch.

Anonymous said...

April 28, 2013 at 10:52 PM

What kind of guns you got, you pagan motherfucker? Because if you step on my private property, you have to meet my little friend AR-15!

RabbiJesusMinistries said...

The jewish tanakh (old + new testament) is the word of god!


Attack the heathens!

Anonymous said...

Bring it you scrawny pagan assholes, i'll have fun target practicing on your wannabe viking asses.

Anonymous said...

11:09 PM Jews aren't inbred, they're the most mongrelized race on Earth, Look at how many Genetic diseases they get.

Anonymous said...

10:50 PM Its not a question about allegorization or interpretation, but rather going to the source of the writing, which is in Hebrew and in Greek, now unless someone understands these languages and words accurately, they won't be able to accurately convey the proper message. Believing the KJV is a 100 percent accurate translation of the bible is lunacy, their are words that shouldn't be in there or words that aren't accurately represented. Just do a search on scripture phrases, and see how different they are from one another. Also most jews don't even read the Tanakh, or even the Torah for that matter, The Talmud is their foremost book, even anti-zionist rabbis adhere to its message, and unlike the torah, it contains many more volumes.

Anonymous said...

Frankly i dont listen any of these broacasts, even Mike's after he stepped in christian bashing bandwagon. I come only to see what stupid comments they post, because it is blatanly obvious most of pagan comments come eighter from Lugh, Kyle, "Siegfried" and Dave. You dont have any fan base, you are just laughing-stock of nationalist community, with your insane christianophobia. Keep the madness going, at least you are entertaining in some perverse way.

Anonymous said...

11:49 PM

You can't tell these retards anything, the only group that is even close to beliefs at the time of Christ is the Karaites and they and they weren't started until the 8th century. The pharisees were talmudic and the sadducees were degenerate, Christ opposed them both. The sadducees were gone after the romans destroyed jerusalem, leaving the pharisees. They only reference the old testament to fool unwitting Christians and these retards.

JewsforJesus.org said...

Yes! We love it when you gang up on the only radio network without a judeo-christian bias! It makes us look so strong and them so weak!

Squash the pagan outbreak!

Anonymous said...

Losing interest with these broadcasts. Im not a Christian but promoting polygamy is no better than promoting filthy jewish sex perversion. Quality keeps going down on these shows. How are you fighting the jew promoting anti family polygamy?

Anonymous said...

The Talmud didn't even exist during the 1st century, you freaking idiot. You don't even know the basic historical outline of Judaism and Jewish history, so how can you hoe to discuss Christian origins intelligently?

And I see that you promote the Jewish TANAKH as some kind of "holy book", like a typical Christard. The fact is that the TANAKH is a Jewish supremacist book which commands the Jews to take over the world and enslave or exterminate gentiles. See, this is why Christians are useless in the fight against the Jew. Christians fully endorse and promote the Jewish TANAKH, because it is forms the greater part of the Christian bible(about 3/4 of it to be exact).



JewsForJesus.org, how's it going, man? Don't worry about these evil goyim. When I come back I'm going to burn their asses up in the biggest barbecue you've ever seen.

Until then, shalom.

Anonymous said...

12:28 AM

The talmud is the codification of the oral law, it existed long before Christ, only retards don't know this. Are you a retard? Or are you just promoting misinformation?

Anonymous said...

I don't know why you Christards would have a problem with polygamy, since polygamy is taught in the Christian bible in many places.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Christard, but the Talmud didn't exist in the 1st century CE.

I don't think you even know what the Talmud is, much less when it was written.

Anonymous said...

now you found a new shiny word, tanakh tanakh. Do you even know what it means, you spamtard idiot?

Anonymous said...

Hey, Christard spammer, just admit that you think the Jewish TANAKAH(i.e. the Christian "Old Testament") is a holy book.

Just admit it so that everyone knows what your agenda is.

Anonymous said...

Christard spammer, I'm willing to bet money that you didn't know that the Jewish TANAKH is the same thing as the Old Testament until I told you.

This is why it's so difficult to have a conversation about Christian origins with Christians. They don't know the first thing about their religion or the religion it's derived from, i.e. Judaism.

Anonymous said...

It seems like you people want to get away from the fact that the talmud is just the codification of the oral law, which existed before Christ. Do you deny this? Anyone can do a quick internet search and find out this is the truth.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I was on board with them on many things but promoting polygamy has made me step back a bit and reconsider other things they promote. Ill still listen as there is still some good info but I really lost a lot of respect on that issue alone. I look to shows that expose jewish criminality and anti family attacks and now I get this polygamy thing thrown at me, no thanks. Polygamy goes hand in hand with the whole multicultural cultural Marxist hippie crap and encourages women and men to be whores. You are playing right into the hand of the jew supporting polygamy.

Anonymous said...

12:49 AM
You don't even know that the talmud is the codification of the oral law, that Christ opposed. I bet money you don't have any money.

Anonymous said...

Dingleberry! No one cares about religion its poison

Anonymous said...

But the Holy Bible promotes polygamy, so it must be good.

You anti-christ heathen.

Anonymous said...

Christard, admit that you consider the Jewish TANAKH to be a holy book.

In fact, you have to consider the Jewish TANAKH a holy book, because it's 3/4 of your Christian bible! If you reject the Jewish TANAKH, then you're rejecting your own bible!


Anonymous said...

I caught you lying didn't I? It's not hard all you do is lie.

Anonymous said...

1:32 AM Hey Fucktard, most jews don't even regard OT as necessary, and only adhere to the first 5 books, go see for yourself, and see have many jews have even read the book of daniel. The Talmud is their most favored book, and most regard that book in higher authority to the torah.

Anonymous said...

11:50 PM Don't bother, their network has gotten worthless, all day and night ranting about christians and how we must worship satan and all this bullshit. Most people don't even take their shit seriously, just look at how many people have even bothered to sign their stupid petition! lol
At least the ANN plans on getting physically active while the saps at rentagay are keyboard warriors who are just mere entertainers. You Lube the mystic internet wikipedia scholar, then Dana Analcockus the guy who thinks arabs are white people, then you got Siegfried the wannabe norse viking part sicilian nigger, and the Satanic porn star Dave. Yea just when you thought renegade fucked up by getting rectal rebel on their network and now.....

Anonymous said...

Is the New Testament jewish?

Jews say there is hardly a book more jewish.


Anonymous said...

How are we ever going to stop the jews' plans when we are so God damned divided? Cant you people see what you are all doing?

Anonymous said...

Yeah suddenly Rectal looks like a normal guy.

Lugh said...

Lol im such a nerd XD

Anonymous said...

Lol, my CAPTCHA just said: "sacrifice Lugh"

Anonymous said...

If christians stopped believing in a jewish religion then we wouldnt be so divided. Face it, we've made it out of the jewish program and you christians are still in it. You come into the comment sections of OUR radio shows spewing childish filth. Look at the top of every post. Its christians making butt jokes and calling all non christians evil fags. Yeah, that really makes us want to team up with you retards. You're nothing but psychotic jew worshipers. Do you think jews got to their level of power by worshiping a non-jew and following a religion centered around another race? No they wouldnt be so naive and dunce-like. Before any progress is made you need to wake up and smell the kike. But we know you won't, because waiting for a jewish messiah to return is more important to you fools than bringing the white race back to autonomy.

Anonymous said...

Jews got their level of power by manipulating money and the media, everything else is a distraction. Go to a gay pride parade, you'll find plenty of antichristians and pagans.

Anonymous said...

most jews don't even regard OT as necessary, and only adhere to the first 5 books, go see for yourself,

The "first five books", the Torah, is where most of the commands for Jews to take over the world and enslave gentiles are contained.

Anonymous said...

Christy spammer, I'm going to ask you again. Do you consider the Jewish TANAKH("Old Testament") to be a holy book?

Go ahead and answer the question.

Of course, everybody already knows the answer. The Jewish TANAKH("Old Testament") makes up more than 3/4 of the Christian bible, so as a Christian you obviously do consider it a holy book.

This is why you Christards are so dangerous. Your holy book is mostly comprised of Jewish racial supremacist writings.

Anonymous said...

I notice that the Christy spammer is obsessed with homosexuality.

This is a common theme among white Christians who are closeted homosexuals. The pattern is well known.

Anonymous said...

How are we ever going to stop the jews' plans when we are so God damned divided? Cant you people see what you are all doing?

Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division.
- Luke 12:51


Anonymous said...

Is the New Testament Jewish?

The New Testament: A Pro-Jewish Book

By Rabbi John Fischer, Ph.D., Th.D.


In the New Testament, the unknown author of Matthew, in chapters 5-7, has Jesus ― god incarnate ― showcasing his “wisdom” in the famous “Sermon on the Mount.” How original was Jesus' so-called wisdom? Was this something “new” that Jesus was bringing to the people? Or was Jesus just reciting long established Jewish teachings? The "Original Passage" from the Hebrew bible or Talmud is listed first in bold, followed by Matthew's plagiarism in italic text.

Anonymous said...


Shove that one up your ass christard spammer

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone be interested in jewish commentary on the words of Jesus? It's pretty obvious jews don't follow the words of Christ.
You let jews define Christianity and your whole reality. Are you surprised that no one is interested in your nonsense?

Anonymous said...

Jews defined Christianity when they created it.

Anonymous said...

Jews rejected Christ and Christianity, you're not fooling anyone.

Anonymous said...

They pretended to, knowing that goyim would be drawn to the snare if jews appeared to oppose it. Jesus was a jew that upheld the laws of abraham, you're not fooling anyone.

Matthew 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. 18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

Anonymous said...

So, you're falling back on the old 2000 year plan to overthrow civilization. This is retarded. The growth of jewish influence coincides directly with decline of Christianity not the ascent of Christianity.
Every thing you say is a lie and easily refuted.
Jesus did fulfill the law of the prophets, making him the messiah, this is why Christians do not follow mosaic law, besides the ten commandments, the word of God himself, etched in stone.

Anonymous said...

Actually the jews only became rich in Rome when Christianity was accepted. Before that they were getting slaughtered by pagan Romans. And yes, it would take 2,000 years for a small minority to put in place an unchallengable global dictatorship. Face it, you got duped by a jewish religion.

Anonymous said...

Actual photo of baby jesus:

Anonymous said...

Not true, jews had wonderful time in declining pagan Rome, that all changed when christianity isolated them from society.

By the way, what is Renegade position to homosexuality and pederasty? Since you are pro-polygamy, i cant see why not to be pro sodomy as well.

Anonymous said...

I believe that you people are captured by the satanic spirit, if you continue in this blasfemous dark route.

Anonymous said...

The antichristian/pagan movement is filled with homosexuals and social degenerates, it's your movement. Funny how you think it's not jew run.

This element absolutely destroyed the occupy movement, nobody wants to be involved in a movement full of social degenerates.

Anonymous said...

3:15 PM

Everybody who is yapping about religion instead of doing something productive is degenerate.

Mami should disable all comments, because it has turned into real shit fest. Maybe thats what they want, who knows.

Anonymous said...

All of the religious dialogue on this website is initiated by antichristians. If people want to criticize the pope or the zionist Christians, nobody would mind, but they don't, they criticize all of Christianity and all Christians.
Where are the podcasts criticizing all of islam and all muslims? That would not be tolerated.
This website is a joke and this whole "movement" is a joke. The jews main means of power are money and the media, nobody ever discusses these topics. It's pretty obvious the first thing that needs to be done is a boycott of media but nobody even suggests this on an organizational level.

Anonymous said...

Seems there is nowhere to go as far as religion and spirituality. The flaws of Christianity quite obvious and have already been discussed in its entirety on these sort of shows. But then you have pagan religions promoting human sacrifice , bisexuality, orgies, and polygamy. No thanks. I cant wait to leave this toilet earth.

Anonymous said...

Sure, christian spammer. All the religious dialogue is initiated by non-christians. That's why like clock work the first comments on every show are about rentafags, butt jokes, and how evil non-christians are.

You people are a joke. You and the mythical rabbi that sent you.

RabbiJesusMinistries said...

Any scum that doesn't believe in jewish theology is a degenerate. Without the words of Yeshua Moshiach in your heart, it's impossible for you to qualify as a responsible human being.

Anonymous said...

Ony butt jokes come people like you and your good buddy Anal Rebel, i can't really imagine why you had to split with him, you have more in common with Alex then few differences. Fuck you, fuck your satanic protectionism and always use a condom. Too bad your dads didn't listen that advice.

Anonymous said...

I find it funny that the christians get beat in every argument with verses from their own bible. They don't even dare to try to use it as evidence on their end because either they never read it or know that they would destroy themselves. So they rely on this type of belligerant cognitive dissonance. They couldn't care less about anything factual. It's very strange.

Anonymous said...

Good post, 8:31 PM.

You have to remember that people get into religion for emotional reasons or because they were raised in that religion as a child.

Therefore it's difficult to use reason and logic to get people out of religion, because reason and logic isn't what got them into religion in the first place.

Anonymous said...

9:40 PM The biggest problem with you retards is, some jew told you, you were intelligent, and you believed them. There is absolutely no basis for your intelligence other than your ability to surf the internet for information the jews laid out for you.

Anonymous said...

Praise Jesus Christ. Or enjoy being a retard.

Anonymous said...

Not true, jews had wonderful time in declining pagan Rome,

Really? Is that why the pagan Roman government fought three(3) wars against the Jews?

Maybe you should learn some basic Roman and Jewish history before you spout off like that.

Anonymous said...

11:43 PM, you're the most ignorant dolt on this entire website. You don't know anything about the subjects that you continually write about.

And like a good Christard, you consider the Jewish TANAKH to be a "holy book", because it comprises over 3/4 of your Christard bible.

Anonymous said...

We gonna get you christians, dont worry. You cant hide under any rock, we will end you all with your fucking religion.

Anonymous said...

2:03 AM no you're the most ignorant dolt on this entire website. only whackos read the old testament

Anonymous said...

more people sign their comment section then their gay petitions.
inverse, should call themselves inversgay
Were Antsuksu

Anonymous said...

Note: Rich from truthmilitia will not sign regegade petitions out of "principle position"
ATB - Regegade lyrics
Take care 'cause I'm coming in
I see my shadow and I don't know when
I'm alive with you
And it feels so true

We don't need shelter
On this sky
Bring back the storms
That made us high

I'm alive with you!

Baby I'm a regegade like you
Baby I'm hurting too
Been around the world
Now I'm running back to you

Sweetheart, this world
It makes no sense
No pot of gold, no innocence
I'm alive with you

We don't need shelter
On this sky
Bring back the storms
That made us high