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Me-Ho Rivero Returns! |
No - not a radio show. This is an Op-Ed by Michael Rivero currently hosted over there at "whatreallyhappened.com". All views and opinions within the article are his own, & do not necessarily agree or reflect the policies of mami's or It's Admins.
Wow. So insightful. Bush and Obama are the ones we can blame. Great stuff.
Jewvero is just another piece of shit nihilistic atheist! A common trait in most kikes btw
Rabbi Rivero uses Bush, Jewed-over "Christians", and Jew wars in his treatise. Amazing!
Much like his use of a quote by JEW pope Leo X to attack Christianity.
I still can't figure out how Rabbi can constantly make the claim that we're suffering from "fascism" while admitting that the fascists solved the economic problem, when forced to.
What % of this fat Jew's agenda is not kosher? "Bad Israel"? That's hot.
"Let's not make the mistake of Germany and blame a religious minority" - Rabbi Rivero
it's like whatever
Buybullbangas are Bullbuckas
Yes me friend, me friend
We deh 'pon street again
yes me friend, me good friend
Dem SET ME free again
the bars could not hold me
force could not control me
they tried to keep me down
but Jah put I around
yes I've been accused, many times
and wrongly abused now
but through the powers of the Most-I
they've got to turn me loose
dont try to COLD ME UP on this bridge now
I' ve got to reach Mt. Zion
so if you a BULLBUCKA, let me tell you this
i'm a duppy conqueror, conqueror
yes me friend, me good frend
we deh'pon street again
yes me friend me good friend
dem say we free again
dont try to COLD ME UP on this bridge now
ive got to reach Mt. Zion
so if you a BULLBUCKA, let me tell you this
i'm a duppy conqueror, conqueror
yes me friend
dem say we free again
yes me friend
dem set deh street again
Yes me friend,
We de a street again
yes me friend, me good friend
Dem say we're free again
the bars could not hold me
force could not control me, now
they tried to keep me down
but Jah put I around
yes I've been accused, many a times
and wrongly abused now
but through the powers of the most-high
they've got to turn me loose
dont try to COLD ME UP on this bridge now
I' ve got to reach Mt. Zion, the highest region
so if you're a bull-bucker, let me tell you this
i'm a duppy conqueror, conqueror
yes me friend, me good friend
we de a street again
yes me friend me good friend
dem say we're free again
dont try to COLD ME UP on this bridge now
ive got to reach Mt. Zion - the highest region
so if you a bull-bucker, let me tell you this
i'm a duppy conqueror, conqueror
yes me friend
dem say we free again
yes me friend
dem set de a street again
"Let's not make the mistake of Germany and blame a religious minority" - Rabbi Rivero
That's a criminal code pretending to be a 'religion,' you man-titted Hawaiian-shirt-wearing jackass.
And what 'mistake' ? The mistake happened BEFORE they blamed the motherfuckers who deliberately caused hyperinflation and mass unemployment in Germany. The correction of the mistake by kicking as many adherents of this criminal and parasitic way of life out of their country resulted in full employment, elimination of inflation and complete rebirth of the German nation in just 2 and a half years. In fact, they had so much work that they had to hire foreigners to complete it.
"Last July, feeling that the Press of this country was willfully lying and conducting a political campaign against Germany, I resolved to go to Berlin and make free and independent investigation. I was determined to do pretty much as I pleased when I got there, and no one interfered with my movements.
I found Germany, comparatively speaking, a free country, much freer than some of its neighbours. My own views were not always acceptable to my many friends, among whom I can count Jews and Gentiles, Nazis and Communists, Democrats and Socialists. Soon I found that being a Nazi does not preclude one holding views that few Labour men in my own country would dare to express to their 'comrades' of the national Labour Party." (G.E.O. Knight. In Defence of Germany).
"Hitler had been an enthusiastic advocate of the racial rejuvenation of the German people ever since the Twenties, supporting his beliefs with an inadequate grasp of the Mendelian laws of genetics. (In fact, the processes of “negative eugenics” are extraordinarily slow : if all living epileptics were sterilized, for example, it would still take three centuries for the incidence of epilepsy in a population to be reduced by one quarter!) In 1929, however, Hitler had brutally summed up his views as follows : “If Germany were to have a birthrate of a million children a year, and to put away seven or eight hundred thousand of the weakest, then the end result might even be a net increment in strength.” On the pretext that—according to some authorities—20 percent of the German population had hereditary biological defects, the National Socialists had instituted a program of racial hygiene immediately after they came to power ; Minister of the Interior Wilhelm Frick was a fervent advocate. In July 1933 the Cabinet had passed the first related law ; it was henceforth obligatory for doctors to report on patients with hereditary diseases so that they could be sterilized. From sterilization and abortion it was an easy step to the “destruction of human beings unworthy of life,” the program initiated by Hitler in 1939. An elderly Darwinian (Alfred Ploetz) whom the Reich had made a professor after 1933 was to point out in 1935 that “the contraselective effects of war must be offset by an increase in the extermination quotas.” In other words, so much fine blood is lost in battle that equal quantities of impure blood must be let if the race is not to be polluted—a pseudoscientific justification which emerged openly and unmistakably in arguments adduced by Hitler in private in 1943.
Frick had drafted the necessary laws concerting the operations of the local health offices in 1934, parallel to which functioned the racial-politics agencies of the Party in each Party district. In that same year, the Bavarian provincial commissioner of health affairs urged that sterilization alone was not enough. Psychopaths, imbeciles, and other subnormals must be sorted out and exterminated. “This is a policy,” he added, “which has in part already begun in our concentration camps.” Over the next ten years tens of thousands of senior medical officials were to pass through special courses in racial hygiene, and perhaps significantly these were attended after 1938 by senior officers and staff of all the Wehrmacht services as well. Subtle appeals were made to their latent racial psychoses, the economic burden represented by these unworthy specimens was explained, and particularly repulsive samples were fed and housed at the institutions as walking laboratory exhibits. In June 1935 a Reich law allowed abortions for genetic reasons. In the same year Hitler openly told Dr. Conti’s predecessor that should war come he would “tackle the euthanasia problem,” since a wartime psychology would reduce the risk of opposition from the church."
"But it was not until the end of 1938 that Hitler was directly involved in any euthanasia decisions, and then it was in 'mercy killing,' rather than the infinitely more controversial blanket program to eliminate the insane. Bouhler’s Chancellery had repeatedly submitted to him appeals from patients in intolerable pain, or from their doctors, asking Hitler to exercise the Head of State’s prerogative of mercy and permit the doctor to terminate the patient’s life without fear of criminal proceedings. When Hitler received such an appeal from the parents of a malformed, blind, and imbecile boy born in Leipzig, he sent Dr. Brandt early in 1939 to examine the child, and on hearing the doctor’s horrifying description of the pathetic case, he authorized the doctors to put him to sleep ; at the same time he orally authorized Bouhler and Brandt to act accordingly in any similar cases in the future. A ministerial decree was eventually passed in August 1939 requiring all midwives and nurses to report to the local health office the details of such deformed newborn babies ; a panel of three assessors judged each case, and if all three agreed, the infant was procured from the parents either by deception or by compulsion and quietly put away with as little pain to the child and sorrowing parents as possible. From a theological expert(6) Hitler had in 1939 secured formal assurances that the church need not be expected to raise basic objections to euthanasia. Perhaps as many as five thousand children were eventually disposed of in this way."
Does Michael Rivero mention that the fact that the Bible was written by his fellow hook nosed tribe members?
10:12 PM
Old Testament was copied from old sumerian texts, jews have created nothing in their entire existence, all they know is how steal and trade other people's work.
rabbi Rivero doesn't buy into the Hollow Hoax crap anymore:
he purchased himself balls and a brand-new brain ;-)
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