"Dear Barack Obama,
The Second Amendment clearly states, "The right of the people to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!"
I hereby pledge to fight against your subversive scheme and uphold and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
*** By signing my pledge against Barack Obama's UN Gun Ban, ***
I'd like to also be entered to win the beautiful Nighthawk T3 Stainless (valued at $3,400!)"
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Click Me!! Me! Me! Me!... |
FYI the gooberment is calling guns FIREarms nowadays...tricky bastards they are.
I would gladly "click" at government with that thing.
Gungrabber Lautenberg croaks! What took so long? SCUMBAG JEW!
That's a beautiful piece
niiiice piece man.
This is what is known as a "honeytrap." You go ahead and click that link and sign that pledge, and let the enemy know who you are.
You people are fucking idiots, and the asshole who posted this and encourages people to give their information to the feds is just as guilty as the asshole who setup this honeytrap.
11:32 AM
Thats right, thats why i dont sign anything, i've heard they have special ovens for all the petitions that congress recieves.
In that website is an american soldier in ww2 uniform fighting and dying for his jewish masters. Also full name and zipcode is requiered.
Don't bother with this patriotard bullshit, just hide away your pieces in case they gonna search your house.
There is no such thing as free candy.
the only fucking idiots here are the paranoid fucktards and Jewish dis-info shills that don't want you to do *anything* worthwhile online except bitch & whine. Keep you suspicious & afraid of each other,and any opportunity to register your dislike of your governments policies. Don't you fuckers get it? If no one actually signs these petitions or attends the rallies across the country.Then there's no obvious sign of the population being against anything they try to shove down our throats.
Your silence is interpreted as compliance by them. Listen to the weiner-suckers saying don't do anything & hide in your basements. or get out there and do something.Anything to make a difference.
The Jews will be wiped out again and the trigger will be their insane desire to get the goyim guns.
The american goyim, mostly christian slaves, completely dumbed down and retarded by watching decades of jewtube will not give up their guns, they have a primitive desire to have these firesticks.
the goyim will rally around "shall not be infinged" and hold dearly their toy AR15's while their all powerful master employs super expensive high tech weapons against them including judas goats with bullhorns like alex jones and adam kokesh
the jew owned and controlled gov't has bombers with nukes but is worried about their slaves having pop guns, but because jews never know when to stop with their insane drive for supremacy they will try to take the guns and it will result in the 2nd american revolution
then we will learn that the cops are not all powerful, that fat donut eating parasitic badged jew pig dogs die quickly with a .223 round to their fat faces
it will be a site to behold the look on the retard cop face when the public rises against them, that all along they were resented except for the imbeciles that jerked off and worshipped cop shows on the jewtube
how will this start? as DHS is employed and used their will be pockets of resistance that are ruthlessly crushed old testament jehovah judgment style, civilized gun owners will see how the cops are evil scum working for the man, that no cop is their friend, they will figure this out but only after they witness the blood in the streets just like in Istanbul recently
cops are the iron fist of the rich, that is all they ever have been
June 4, 2013 at 1:10 PM
"Second american revolution" is libertardian fantasy, promoted by AJ and likes. There has never been successful revolution without support of upper class. Even original american revolution was more of rebellion of landed gentry against King.
All founding fathers belonged to the upper class, they spoke in oxford english and Britain was their second homeland.
Video of Instabul riots or how the cops attack the public that pay their wages:
The government has no money because it produces no wealth so it must tax. It hires armed thugs to protect its racket, first it pretends that it represents the people then it become authoritarian when its policies have ruined the money value and jobs.
Gov't mismanage economies into revolution, instead of stepping down from incompetence they buy high tech weapons to hold onto power. In the video you see the latest state of the art water cannon mounted in a dark colored armored vehicle. Inside cowardly uniformed pigs attack the very people they say they represent.
They bought the expensive vehicle with your money, they bought a weapon to use against you. When they use it the myth of representation evaporates and the iron fist revealed.
There is absolutely nothing that can be done to change the current course unless the debt is absolved, bankers arrested, sound money instituted.
Eventually, as the world collapses into permanent debt caused depression the situation will get so bad that the jew whore cops will not be able to hold back the rioters and then they will be able to drag the politicians into the street and beat them to death.
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